T round buying

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by Elvis, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    There have been many times where I would not get T for so long and finally just buy it and have it ruined by an RDMer or whatevs. Then im sad not only bc I was RDMd but bc I cant buy T again that map and sometimes its the entire map you have to go through without being T. So I have some suggestions.

    The first round of T that you buy would be its normal price.
    The second round of T that you buy would be more expensive (double of the original so I think at around 1200..?)
    The third would also be double of the second.
    So on so forth.

    This would give players a chance to be T again after being RDMd and it would also give players a chance to spend all the points that they have just sitting around. If you have enough points, you could be T 5 rounds in a row just buying it.

    Another way we could fix this, is give the power to give the "T token" (or whatever the hell its called) to ALL staff. Having this an Admin only thing would be kinda shitty since there is a more likely chance that a mod is on. If im RDMd, I could ask the staff member on if they could give me a T token and it would allow me to be T again the next round. Now you might ask "Oh boi Elvis thats smart! NOT! What happens when the staff member gives it to them and then they know that they are T???" Well, just like buying it, you have the power to holster it. Meaning there would always be a chance that they wouldnt be the T.
  2. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    There's a command that can force roles upon players. Giving this to admins and allowing them to use it with discretion would solve this for the most part.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. RainyKitsune

    RainyKitsune Bark! VIP

    Thing is, I'd only agree to this if the algorithm for determining traitor and detectives were reworked. Currently, I believe that buying a special round means that you have that player on top of the normal amount of players. Imagine if 2 or 3 players with a ton of points decided to go on a spending spree? That means for a couple rounds or so, there would be that many more traitors.

    Now, that is a very exaggerated scenario, but I think just a bit of hyperbole to a more legitimate concern. Of course, not everyone will always have enough points to consistently buy traitor rounds non-stop.

    Another issue is this: I think being able to buy traitor more than once just leaves you more open to getting RDM'd. Because players who catch onto it, while not exactly following the rules, would probably pre-emptively kill you for it if they were new to the servers and kept seeing someone buying traitor.

    Again, another exaggerated scenario, but still something that could happen.

    And lastly, if the algorithm was reworked in a way, you'd suddenly have your purchased T rounds cut into the t rounds of players who want to use their upgrade points on things like death station heal, or otherwise.

    It seems a lot of ways to fix this could potentially have issues other than someone not getting traitor more than they like.

    As much of a good idea it sounds like on paper, I have to (Reluctantly) -1 this. I do want it to work, but I don't think this is the solution.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    -1 and +1

    The admins if they are on can force T rounds to those who lost a T round they bought due to RDM. Sometimes even if you dont buy it but get T but RDM'd immediately they will be nice.

    It can be frustrating when you spend points to be T and just get RDM'd, however being allowed to buy infinite T rounds would be dumb, people that win the lotto or that a point rich like @Mr. Rogers (<---- too many points. DONT ACT LIKE YOU DONT GOTTEM.) they would never not be a T and because they are always T they would be RDM'd more.

    However I +1 to multiple T buys a map if its possible this way.

    You can buy 2 T rounds per map, I dont know the current price of T but say its 300 points, only 2-3 rounds after your first purchase can you buy another at 600 points, so still your double theory only less round of same t's and no infinite T's.

    Say it was put in the way you want it, Rogers with his infinite points would only cost him like 6000 points, now when you have 1mil 6000 is not even going to make a dent.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. RainyKitsune

    RainyKitsune Bark! VIP

    Adding onto this concept, maybe the idea of allowing someone to buy as many t rounds as they like, but equip it with a 2-3 round cooldown? If you have multiple players who do this, then it's possible that it'd be offset a slight bit, allowing them to not only be less of an instant inno magnet for RDM, but also make it to where rounds aren't horrendously stacked. That'd make it way easier to deal with. Not perfect, but easier and more realistic.
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    -1 I think the current buying system is perfect for cool down time between buying.
  7. Zombina

    Zombina VIP

    I don't care for your first solution, but the second solution intrigues me. I assume the thing that qualifies a person for a "refund" is if an RDMed T files a report that's found valid.
  8. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    -1, people would simply buy traitor every round and that has several issues with it, including people rdming those folks. As far as giving admins the power to set rules HUGE -1 given that it would be purely discretion based and no one would be happy.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Dunkel

    Dunkel Member

    What about making code that checks if a RDM Report ruled in your favor? If you spent points for T that round and you won the RDM Report the server awards your spent points back.
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