Invalid Report against Lines

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Xproplayer, Oct 10, 2016.

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  1. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    613pm server time
    Reason For Report:
    activated t trap and he shot me and then briefly mentioned he saw me shooting someone when i wasnt, and then ended up telling the mod on duty that i activated the t trap and he was "99%" sure it was me. I believe he is loopholing given that he has done this VERY recently in the past. See:
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Mod on duty has logs and report screenshot @Lightning
  2. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

  3. Lines

    Lines VIP

    ! did in fact kill you cause of the t trap, i was unaware that was not kosable and did not state i saw you shooting, i said you might of been, and all i knew was that you in fact activated it, i now know that was wrong and served a slay, i also apologised to you for the mishap, but you ignored me. I was in on way loopholing, and did not mean to confuse. As i said I talked to lightning and found the way i worded my response was awkward and now i'm being even MORE carfeful to be PAINFULLY concise in any reports, in fact i'm being so threatened with bans for reort loopholing, I'm just not gonna report rdm at all now, cause it's not worth this trouble. If you want me to apologise to you again xpro i will, I'm sorry about your t round. I did NOT loophole, and lightning explained to me clearly my report was confusing and misleading, but there was no ill intention behind it. Not sure what else to say other then agian, sorry for rdming you, and I have already served my slay. Thanks, have a nice evening.
  4. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    What really nailed the hammer in the coffin for me was that after I had died, you started saying something along the lines of "Haha xpro did you like that, did i ruin your T round? As if you were proud of your actions in that moment, I know what its like to be banned for serious offenses and i can say that is not how I behaved after being unbanned, you have no regard for other players and your gameplay was borderline harassing. not to mention you keep flooding me with messages after the incident when I hadn't said a single word to you.
  5. Lines

    Lines VIP

    I was trying to apologize for the rdm, And I was under the impression when i said that i had got you on your t round that i was able to KOS based on t trap suspicion, and i then apologized bud, sorry if i flooded a bit, thought you didn't see the apology and wanted to get it across.
  6. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    I will tag @Lightning so he may present any evidence and his side of the story before I come to a decision with this report.
  7. Lightning

    Lightning Bringing the Thunder VIP

    We were playing on Rivercliff when Xpro had filed this report on you:

    When I had died to view the report, I heard you two fighting over the incident, with you saying that you saw him shooting at other players. I proceeded to ask you who Xpro was shooting at, in which you claim not to remember. I then asked what gun he was firing with, and then you claim that you didn’t kill him for shooting at any players, but rather purely on the T Trap. You went on to say that he was trying to kill people with the Electric T Trap, despite your claims earlier that he was shooting at players. Seeing how activating a T Trap is not KOSable, I placed a slay on you for RDM, as the detective killed him because of the KOS that you called. With that being said, I will leave @Aco Taco to finish this report.
  8. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    This is the first time I've seen the report ingame, I wasn't shooting at any players as shotlogs will show.
  9. Lines

    Lines VIP

    My report said you tried to kill someone, it was implied, and missed, that the t trap was all I saw, lightning asked me who i was shooting without me mentioning shooting, so i tired to answer assuming he had already checked the logs, I'm a little annoyed that because i tried to answer a question i didn't know the answer to with I don't remember, immediately gets misconstrued as loopholing. I didn't bring up shooting, lightning did, my report did not, i did my best to answer over the mic assuming he was asking me who he shot at because he already knew he had fired a weapon. Again, this is so confusing, I'm never reporting again, and will only answer reports with "slay me, I'm not risking a ban". Thanks for whoever is investigating's time.
  10. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    With the T trap I killed a player successfully and there was no one else near.
  11. Lightning

    Lightning Bringing the Thunder VIP

    You brought up that he was shooting through voice during your discussion with Xpro via voice chat. I don't have a recording or remember your exact words, but I remember you bringing up him shooting which prompted me to ask the questions that I did.
  12. Lines

    Lines VIP

    I did not, I said "Tried to kill someone, I remember because I realized my report was confusing after sending it, and I was trying to word things carefully, if me and him were talking about shooting it was cause he brought it up, though i don't even remember talking to him about shooting, You definitely prompted me with a question about who he was shooting, and I didn't know because (I'm assuming now) it didn't happen. I even asked for a slay, which i served, after I was told what i had done was RDM. I think that Xpro is taking this more personally than seriously because i did gloat a bit after getting him on his t round, which is nice if you're gonna be salty, and terrible if you are going to, I don't know, Threaten someone already on thin ice with a ban. I will be unavailable (as far as I know) to reply until 4-4:30 P.M. PST. Could be back sooner, not likely though
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  13. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    Since no evidence has been brought forward of the conversation between Lines and Xpro, I cannot prove Lines claimed Xpro was shooting. Lines, please read our rules and extended rules since you seem to be uninformed about them so this won't happen again. This report will be marked invalid due to the lack of evidence of loopholing provided.

    Report: Invalid
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