Invalid Report against Ichikunjii

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Sir Party Cop, Oct 5, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

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    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    Okay first off Ive been playing here forever, You come on and ban me 5 map after someone say i killed them, First off Get the full story right Carlbutt the guy who reported me, I Rdmed him for killing me on my T round for no reason. So you come on 5 maps later because hes mad that he got killed for RDMing? do you want to know why the server went after him while no mods were on? they went after him because he rdm'd so dont go around and abuse your power without understanding the full story. Ive been playing here for quiet sometime and I'd like to think I'm known for other things not RDMing. Ichikunjii that abuse of power he started filming after he was done his little spree, and was mad that everyone was getting even.. Think about your bans. Ive played over 80 hours no problem on your servers. why would i start one. I was mad at the fact He was rdming. Get your facts right. Yes Im mad...​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I'll go ahead and tag @Ichikunjii to provide his reasoning and his admin @Aco Taco to decide the verdict of this report. Both will respond in due time so until then, thank you for being patient!
  3. Also you know what when I get rdm'd I don't go around making Youtube videos.. Maybe I should roll a broadcast, all the time maybe then this would have went differently because as i said you saw half the story. Very uncool. Highly disappointing, I thought the admins looked into things better in fact I've seen admins from Serious TTT look into things better Instead you just roll you the ban wagon no questions asked. And If you watched the Video I actually Killed him once for the RDMing me... He was killed by others the rest of the time so I don't understand your beef And my grammar and punctuation is off in my first statement because yes I am mad. Because no one ever got banned for rdming me.. Yet again I dont cry when people kill me I grab a coffee and come back and kill them usually on my T round.
  4. Honestly that just really bugs me. Usually I'm not the turned up. But @Ichikunjii and this admins reasoning where horrible, For killing someone from what I've seen you get a slay lol... I've seen people do worse and they receive a slay or two. I get revenge for his rdm and I get a ban. Pretty uncool @Ichikunjii
  5. Carlbbut

    Carlbbut New Member

    I noticed my name was mentioned in this so I thought it would be appropriate to respond seeing as how my name is being dragged through the dirt. Sir Party Cop it's just a game, but I don't like bullies and I don't like assholes.
    I Carlbbut" the noob" shot and killed Sir Party Cop "the man who's played this game for so long" with my deagle because he threw a grenade into a crowd of people. Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it. I'm done with this.
  6. Carlbbut If you ask anyone on those servers... I'm not a bully. I've been playing 80 plus hours on these servers without an issue until you. It is just a game you say. Then maybe you should start treating it like a game instead of playing Garrys mod for 5 hours and reporting someone, Maybe you should be less sensitive, Never have I met someone who goes out of there way to report someone for 1 RDM in which you. I watched Agent A and Cock kill you also more then i did, But you don't report them? Also i threw my nade after everyone left and it hit no one. Youve owned the game for 5 hours and your reporting people I see you are very sensitive. If you think Im a bully and an asshole You've barley played garrys mod, I've made plenty of my friends on my friendlist from playing Serious TTT Im sure if I was a bully i would have been perma banned from serious TTT servers a long time ago.. I also enjoy how you made youtube account just to report me.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  7. Ichikunjii

    Ichikunjii Vous avez changé VIP Iron

    Hello! Let's get right into the report shall we?

    You were banned for a report made against you found here. Before banning you I jumped onto West 2 to verify that all cases of RDM made by you did in fact take place.
    This is what I found.




    As you can see there are FOUR cases of RDM here. Looking back now, I should have issued a Mass RDM x4 instead.

    In the first screenshot, you killed Carlbbut nearly 1 second into the round. Unless you are a traitor there is no valid reason for you to be killing another player during this time frame.

    In the second screenshot, you proceeded to damage Carlbbut, and in crossfire, also damaged Fly. Again, in this situation, there was no reason for you to kill Carlbbut as they were a detective and unless your life was in danger (which the damage logs prove otherwise), there was no reason to damage/kill them. In addition, dealing crossfire damage to Fly to kill a detective who had not damaged you would warrant your third case of RDM.

    In the final screenshot, you damaged him within the first 10 seconds of the round with your crowbar. Again, there was no reason for you to do so as they had not performed any traitorous acts prior to the damage.

    Four cases of RDM because they fell under the MOTD.


    In each screenshot you damaged or killed Carlbbut and also damaged Fly because of it.

    To wrap up my side, I would like to point out some key points to take away.

    If you have any evidence of Carlbbut RDMing themselves, please, file a report against them so that it may be dealt with accordingly.

    Revenge RDMing because "there were no mods on" is not a valid reason to kill another player, in fact it is heavily frowned upon.

    Finally, I will wait until this report has been completed by admin @Aco Taco before correcting the ban.

    Thank you for your time.
  8. I enjoy how I've killed him once and get a ban where as most players would receive a slay. Beautiful... In 80 plus hours on your servers I've seen way worse not banned ... Also I didn't see anyone get banned or reported for killing him in his video someone else killed him twice. No repercussions. And Negative I don't want to fill out a form for RDM its just a game when I get killed In serious TTT I usually don't cry about it In fact i make jokes about it. This is in fact the only time I've bothered with something on Serious TTT forums other then that i just play as per usual. As i said, I've seen players do worse things while an Admin is on and they received a slay or 2, nothing more. As where i received a ban. That's my complaint. And to be fair i cant remember the last time I received a slay. Instead you hit me up with a immediate ban. And revenge kills are frowned upon you say? I see it happen all the time and at most they are slayed. Also Fly was damaged yes and in which I apologized to him which he accepted and guess what. He didn't report me for it or complain, because he didn't care... I'm trying really hard not to sound rude over something very childish. Your reaction to this either way I feel was harsher then expected or needed due to the fact with my own eyes i have seen worse and many grudge matches take place on your severs and they are dealt with a slay or 2, maybe a kick. But a 24 hour ban is unreasonable. This is why I'm upset and decided to make an account and defend myself. A kick or double slay is justified. a ban is a bit abusive, I also watched you ban people tonight for things that where only kickable or slay worthy. Maybe i should start recording Garrys mod action..
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
  9. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    Hello and thank you for taking the time to report my moderator.

    After reviewing all the evidence and thoroughly reading both sides of the story, I will be deeming this report invalid. Ichi did nothing out of line. While getting on a server to punish you for a single offense of rdm, he came across three other instances of you rdming and punished you accordingly for it. Just because rdm isn't reported doesn't mean it will be excused. If a staff member comes across unreported rdm it is their duty to investigate it and act upon the information, which is exactly what he did. Protocol was followed and not broken so I see no need to punish Ichikunjii for the misconduct you claim occurred. Your ban will be corrected and will actually be extended to be the length of a mass rdm x 4 ban as that is the proper ban that should have been issued.

    Thank you again for your time. If you wish to discusss further this report, message me on the forums and I will be glad to dissertate with you there.

    Report: Invalid
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