Answered Question About Rules

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by meep0795, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. meep0795

    meep0795 New Member

    I couldn’t find this anywhere, so I figured I would ask here. I was on a server, and there was an instance where there was only one innocent left and a few traitors. One of the traitors, without the permission of the other traitors, told the only innocent alive that they were the last innocent. I was wondering if this was against the rules at all? I know on other servers this would be considered “ghosting” because you are giving a player an advantage by telling them this. I’ve also seen it where because this innocent was told this, they ended up winning the round because of this information being given to them.

  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    This is considered to be a KOS on all of the traitor's T-buddies. (Which now that I think of it, violates the kos rule.) You are allowed to do this if all of the traitors agree to allow this to happen, otherwise any kills on the traitor buddies done by the innocent without reason are considered RDM of the traitor who told the inno that they were the last one.
  3. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    The following is directly copied from our extended rules:

    "Ghosting and Common Misconceptions: Every once in a while, a traitor may call out a traitor buddy to seem proven, or by accident. Now, this is not treated as ghosting and simply as a false KoS that can result in a slay if the target is killed. For example, if I said "McMuffin is a traitor!", when he is my traitor buddy and he gets killed, I will be slain. Synonymous to this, if I were to type in global chat who all of my traitor buddies were, this would not be ghosting unless it was said in a third party chat. Instead of punishing for ghosting, assuming it was on global chat, it would be treated as a false KoS and result in the according punishment. Another misconception about ghosting is within Admin Chat, or "@ chat". Now, when messaging staff about RDM, make sure to check if any staff members are alive, so it won't be ghosting."
  4. meep0795

    meep0795 New Member

    Alright, that makes sense. Thank you!