Denied finispro's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by finispro, Sep 18, 2016.

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  1. finispro

    finispro VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Anastasia knew i was p*ssed off by the mic spammers and then had a go at me calling me stupid when i killed her for holding T weapon out and was a T as i was really annoyed at the mic spammers (witch i could not mute for some reason) i called her some horrible things and im very sorry if i upset her it will not happen again being banned for 4 weeks has given me time to mature and realise what i have done wrong and i feel like i should be unbanned as it was a very unique situation and will not happen again. I would also like to add it was Targeted at her if it was someone else at the time i would of acted in the same or similar way. Again im sorry but i feel like i should be unbanned as i've learnt my lesson.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. finispro

    finispro VIP

    also like to add ban is Global not just EU2
    • Please do not comment on Reports / Appeals you are not involved with.
    I support him because i have seen him mature through the time he has been banned for +1
  3. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    I happened to be present at the time when this happened. All throughout the first few games, finis was passive aggresive towards Anastesia Lawes. In the last few matches of the concerned map, he seemed to have gotten mad over something. He then proceeded to let out his anger on her for absolutely no reason. He used her past actions to report people for valid reasons as a way to harass her and also used her gender as a means to make her feel uncomfortable.
    I'd also like to point out something that occurred when I was playing with finispro around 3 weeks ago. He seems to like the "no mods no rules" scenario a bit too much. He kept mentioning that he could "get away" with a lot of stuff when this happened and not when staff was online.
  4. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    @C.A.Anna and @Thistle are involved with this ban and will respond / come to a verdict at their earliest convenience.

    Reminder to any players not involved, commenting on Reports / Appeals you have nothing to do with is not allowed.
  5. finispro

    finispro VIP

    @Acnologia thankyou but this isnt completey true
  6. I am involved with it because i was on the server at the time
  7. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    Hey finis,

    I initially banned you for 5 days for group trolling. I was alerted by a moderator on the server at the time that you and a couple of other players were being toxic and kicking back about another player named raptor being gagged for his actions. When I joined the server, you were chanting and singing with other players. I can provide video evidence of this if you wish but you would have to bare with me until I search through my stack of recordings.

    It seems like @C.A.Anna has then extended the ban due to further toxicity/hostility. You have a history of this sort of behavior and to be frank it isn't acceptable, you know the things you are doing aren't acceptable but still proceed to continue. My initial ban would have now been over but I would be most definitely be denying this appeal.

    Your fate lies in the hands of @C.A.Anna.
    Have a nice day,
  8. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP


    Your behaviour on the servers has always been an issue. Everytime I have staffed with you in the past you get mad at players, get mad at staff and overall, attack a lot of people for no reason. When THIS forum report was filed against you I decided it was best that you took some time off the servers. After approaching you on steam to find out your side of the story you claimed that "this was a unique situation" and that you wouldn't do it again. Even here on this appeal you state the same thing

    However I found it hard to believe and you have a history of doing things like this. Spaming the mic, being racist, harassing other players, trolling are all things you have done in the past and have been banned for. This to top it off, you were banned for Group Trolling before I had the chance to finish the report. It made me realise that you need some time off. And so I extended Thistle's original ban from 5 days to 4 weeks.

    I honestly see no reason why I should unban you and cut this short. You were also banned off the forums at the time this report had been file against you. I think this just goes to show that you do not care much for our rules and considering in our steam messages you even stated that:
    I find it even harder to believe that removing this ban will be anything short of detrimental to the server.

    You broke the rules, you acted the way you always have and now you need to serve the punishment for it. I will not be lifting this ban and thus this appeal is denied. Thistle has explained his side and I mine. In the end, you need to seriously reconsider how you act on our servers because if this is to continue even still, the punishment will be far more severe than a small 4 week ban. We do not appreciate this kind of behaviour at all. Change the way you act Finis, I really don't want to have to ban you again further down the track for the same thing. I want you to reconsider and change.

    Thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
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