Denied Storm_FireFox1's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Storm_FireFox1, Aug 28, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Storm_FireFox1 |
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I hate being back here.
    Last year, I was banned for hacking for good reason. I legitimately hacked because I was learning some LUA coding and I have found in general experience that creating hacks for something is the best way to learn that something. I can't even begin to describe how learning to create Reflective DLL injection (nothing to do with Gmod, trust me) helped me through my experience learning C.
    This time, banning me was (probably?) a great exaggeration. I have never hacked ever since I got the first hacking ban, because I didn't want to disappoint anyone again. It's been a whole year, I don't even remember where I put my LUA stuff.
    Now, while saying "I haz pure skillz" sounds very immature, I can't really think otherwise. I have spent over 1300 hours on TF2, 218 on TTT and 215 on Titanfall (no Smart Pistol, screw that shit) so in the end I don't see how I hacked this year. Ever.
    Now what I have said before will never justify my actions from last year. It was foolish to try what I have done. And I still regret what happened then. If this appeal gets denied then that's fine. I will serve it for the mistakes of last year. But I believe this appeal should be here. I at least need to know why I got banned.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Not really any. But I will answer any suspicious behavior with whatever necessary.​
  2. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    You were banned for hacking 3rd offense by @Rose Funera1. The ban was then globalized by @Aco Taco. Please be patient until Rose Funera1 responds. Thanks.
  3. Rose Funera1

    Rose Funera1 The flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. VIP

    So @NONTU sent me a demo saying that he thought you were hacking, so I downloaded the demo and took a look at it. I watched it and concluded that you were using recoil hacks, although you had only shot once in the demo.

    Just to be sure I went ahead and recorded a demo for myself to be sure it was recoil hacks, and sure enough it was, so I banned you for your 3rd offense of hacking.

    Since the ban was globalized and extended by @Aco Taco I will leave this appeal up to him.
  4. Okay...
    So apparently I have no recoil? I have never had no recoil. In fact, check the evidence from last year (my previous appeal). I definitely had recoil there. Even though, in between us, last year's shot used as evidence was on high ping and was. if I recall correctly, actually a non-assisted shot.
    If you want, I can show a video of me shooting a rifle, with the camera recording my hand. I can do that when I get home from the US (no webcams here). But if you do not want to accept any more of my shit, I'd understand.
    Also, for general knowledge for you or anyone else, rifles in Source games have notoriously low recoil, take for instance the Sniper from TF2 or the Hemlok-BF2 from Titanfall. Same engine, same mechanic. Maybe tracer rounds in Titanfall but that's irrelevant.

    EDIT: Grammar issues & some knowledge.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  5. Rose Funera1

    Rose Funera1 The flames will fade, and only Dark will remain. VIP

    For the sake of your argument I went ahead and searched for your previous appeal. I watched the video and in the video you shot with a Colt, which in fact doesn't have recoil in the first place. The sniper rifle however does and in the 2 demos you had no recoil.

    I didn't feel the need to mention this since the recoil hacks is clear as day, but I also saw 2 instances where you snapped to a players head (aimbot).
  6. Isn't that a Deagle?
    Whatever. I know my side of the story, and my conscience is clear. In that case, if the arguments stack up on me, and I have a lack of evidence (also for the sake of you and Aco Taco not to take any of my shit anymore and get back to playing the game), I accept my punishment. I'll come back whenever I can.

    Still get bans like these in all the games. From now on, I'm recording my gameplay constantly. Makes it easier to prove my innocence.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
  7. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    My apologies for the delay, I will review the demos and respond with my final decision as soon as I am able. Thank you for your patience until then!
  8. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    After reviewing the demo(s) and speaking with my fellow administration, I have deduced that in the evidence provided, you were indeed hacking. It is fairly visible in the recordings that you were using no recoil hacks while playing, something that we obviously will not tolerate on any of our servers.

    For the convenience of all parties involved, I recorded over and uploaded the demos to YouTube.

    You have been banned twice already for hacking and clearly haven't changed your ways like you claim to have. Consider this appeal denied; you will have to serve the punishment. Feel free to come back in four months. I hope you will learn your lesson by then and refrain from using any further sort of cheats while playing on the SeriousGMod servers. If you wish to discuss further this appeal, start a forum conversation with myself and I will be glad to dissertate with you there.
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