Invalid Report against SpiritWolf

Discussion in 'Deathrun Staff/Player Reports' started by DARKSYD, Aug 7, 2016.

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    DARKSYD New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Pains Facility Beta
    Which Round:
    Round IDK
    Time of Occurence:
    9-10 PM Eastern Time
    Reason For Report:
    I was banned for "Harassment" when I in no way, shape, or form harassed another peer on the server. I was also banned for a whole when I hadn't even gotten a 24 hour ban.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    I will be tagging @SpiritWolf and I will be moving this thread from TTT reports to appeals.

    Edit: Hehe... thanks Lemon.
    Edit 2 (I fail): And @Tinbuster00
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
  3. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    Thread has been moved to Deathrun Report Staff/Player
  4. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    I was here for this. He banned you I think for typing " and under".

    EDIT: Also, there were some screenshots of racism in chat, and you were warned a few times for harassment before, like saying "do it" in response to someone saying they're gonna kill themselves.
  5. SpiritWolf

    SpiritWolf The Ghost Silver

    You were banned like you said for Harassment; also it was made longer due to the fact I banned you on July 17th for Harassment as well. As I wasn't on when you got warned for the first offense of Harassment; I'll be tagging @LadyLag to provide her evidence; but let's get to the reason you were banned.

    You were kicked earlier by LadyLag for saying that; which it's not allowed on the server. It was even the same map, maybe even one round after and yet you still decided it was okay to put in chat/say.

    Saying that or even typing that isn't allowed.

    Those are the reasons I banned you each is Harassment to players, I'll be waiting for LadyLag to provide her evidence of you getting warned and kicked for Harassment.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
  6. ArcticFox29

    ArcticFox29 Creator of lag. Silver


    Sorry for the delay.

    And these were the minor issues I requested you to stop with. You stopped, changed your name to something more appropriate, and we moved onto the next round, when you were my death buddy if you remember.

    Then, you told somebody to kill themselves. To just do it, that you triple-dog-dare them, to "do it, DO IT, JUST DO IT," "I dare you", "Just take a knife and...stab it, through your throat."
    Needless to say none of this is appropriate behavior on our servers, or ANYWHERE for that matter, and it will not be tolerated.

    @SpiritWolf was there for all of these events.
    I left shortly after my death round, and wasn't there for what Spirit banned you for @DARKSYD .
  7. ☼Berserkerpups☼

    ☼Berserkerpups☼ I am a Chicken Silver

    I agree completely with the two mods above with the evidence. "Rape" isn't something you should joke about on the server and you will possibly be banned for it if we asked you to stop with it, it would probably be in your best interest to stop before you get banned. Now I wasn't here for these events, but how you made fake links that were inappropriate and is a valid reason to ban you @DARKSYD.

    Edit: I had to add a little more.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016

    DARKSYD New Member

    Im sorry, but I still don't understand. I can understand being punished for the racial slur by NoHack and the kick I got from Lady, but I still don't agree with the ban. It just doesn't seem like harassment to me if she jokes about killing herself all the time and Im just going along with it. If I offended someone, It wasn't in my interest but it was all just for satire. As for the inappropriate commentary, I've heard people say plenty of inappropriate things more or less on the same level and not get punished. Not to mention, the ban was about 2 months ago. Do I still stay at the same level of heat for that long? Sorry to be a nuisance and waste the mod team's time but I just need some clearance.
  9. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    to be honest, i don't care about any type of "harassment" towards me so long as i know the person and i get they're joking (which is the case here). however..the mods still need to punish for harassment, otherwise randoms/trolls will start to think that they can get away with harassing at their leisure without any consequences. it's just how it works.

    DARKSYD New Member

    I guess that makes sense
  11. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Hey DARKSYD,

    Thanks for taking the time to make a report. Reports are useful as they ensure moderators are indeed following protocol are typically a good learning experience for all involved.

    Telling someone you were going to rape them or telling them to kill themselves both easily fall under the definitions above. You continued on with statements about rape about rape in addition to linking a porn website. As protocol was followed (warn, kick, ban), this report is invalid. While linking inappropriate websites by themselves is a warn/mute then a five day ban, you continued with the same behavior that was making players uncomfortable and I agree with his logic to treat it as harassment.

    If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me on steam or on the forums.
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