Invalid Report against Serious Lawyerbot (Deadbeat the Villain In-Game)

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Kenneth, Aug 3, 2016.

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  1. Kenneth

    Kenneth Supporter

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Serious Lawyerbot (Deadbeat the Villain In-Game)
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    I do not know the name.
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    I believe !thetime at the time said 3:10 PM or around that time.
    Reason For Report:
    Mass RDM x2 (Around 7 kills total)​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Here is a screenshot of the round-log, I couldn't get the damage log in time because it was the final round and I didn't have time to screenshot it, I could only save the round-log.

    And here is a video of the round(s):
  2. I was present during this situation, and can testify that lawyerbot did RDM a bunch of people, i watched the event unfold, i was the one that ended up killing him. From what i saw, two people were crowbarring each other on the top of the slide, and lawyerbot was waiting for one of them to damage the other, which inevitibly happened, then when he saw the damage occur,he shot whoever it was the damaged the other. This led to everyone shooting at lawyerbot and him defending himself, he was not killed fast enough and ended up RDMing a ton of innocents before i killed him. At the end of the round he was karma banned.

    This is what happened from my perspective
  3. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    • Please do not comment on Reports / Appeals you are not involved with.
    You guys are aware that if two people are crowbar fighting you have the right to shoot them both.

    @Serious Lawyerbot
  4. Im not taking anyones side, im just stating what happened from my perspective
  5. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    • Please do not comment on Reports / Appeals you are not involved with.
    Never said you did. Was just tagging lawyerbot. Check out the extended rules. Some good stuff there.
  6. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Lets see, saw them hit eachother so i intervened thinking maybe one provoked the other. Also if you read the !motd it states that shooting other players is a traitorous act, crowbars not excluded. What you guys are describing is a deathmatch scenario where its pretty much 1 Rambo vs 100 other people (exaggeration). Based on the video, you can clearly see i saw gunfire, i saw bloodshed, and I took action to prevent any farther bloodshed. If someone shoots at me, it is not RDM if i defend myself. Also, thanks for being the first person to report me after 1300 hours on STTT, with 3 years of experience. If a moderator were to look through the eyes of the killer, he would see that yes i am an aggressive player and yes, I do have legitimate and forthcoming reasons for what I do (most of the time, i admit when i'm wrong). I do not start RDM trains. I end them.

    The logs you sent didn't describe any of the situation other than incredibly vague details.

    Also a recommendation for giving your video more "depth", increase the audio volume, the black screens could be replaced by a visual element such as screenshots of the logs leading up to where I supposidly went wrong, and understanding server rules. I abide by them, however expansive they may be.

    Oh and mods, Word of warning. DO NOT LOOK AT MY BAN HISTORY. Its a bit extensive since i was karma banned soon after such a massacre where multiple people reported me for "mass Rdm" like Beerfish.

    No mod was on at the time however I didn't mind if kenneth recorded the saga to a great action movie involving no law professionals whatsoever.

    In honor of this first experience, have a dancing bear

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  7. Kenneth

    Kenneth Supporter

    You RDM'd in the previous round also. As you can see in the video, we were not Crowbar fighting. I accidently looked too far and I hit him, I immediately apologized in voice-chat and you can hear this. He did not hit me back after this happened, you proceeded to not only shoot me but also the player I crowbarred. After doing this, you proceeded to fire upon everybody in a close by radius.

    If a Moderator or Admin could please hop in game and look at the damage logs (If they go that far?) that'd be great. You can see him firing first. From my point of view, it was very clear that his intention was to start a mass fire-fight. Obviously, it's word for word but he knows what he did.

    Oh and I have had problems with game audio recently, working on a fix. I am not saying you did this on purpose, but the matter of the fact is you did it. Which is still against the rules. I do not have any clips from before/after due to the way that Shadowplay works.

    But eh, you started the gunfight. You didn't 'end' it. Infact, you made it worse by shooting every player you could see.

    And other users, unless you are directly involved with this report, please do not comment. This is against forum rules.
  8. Kenneth

    Kenneth Supporter

    Oh and it seems I edited the clips in the video the wrong order. The second clip happened before the first clip.
  9. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Shouldn't you be slain for RDM then with the crowbar fight? And if I shoot a player in front of a crowd, do you believe the crowd will scream KOS DEADBEAT or will they open fire while doing so? Players often lie in TTT while being traitor in order to convince the innos to let him murder them all, such as Lemoncakes (who was so good, it's a really long running joke). The video only proved that you hit the guy first aka shot first, then i opened fire seeing the blood splatter from such a hit and the change of color in the guys name from damage. The second clip in the video clearly shows shooting going on, I saw said shooting and opened fire myself to clear out any misconceptions and traitors because There is no way I can differentiate between an inno and a traitor when players are shooting eachother.

    That is the nature of TTT. STTT has a wide variety of opportunities for innos and traitors alike while keeping a strict guideline on reducing the amount of white noise that is the screams of RDM.

    also since you kept recording, you did omit any of the other gunfire that would have supported your gunfire @Kenneth

    Also in the second clip, i was running away because i was also being shot so i had taken refuge for a moment to gather my wits and destroy the menace outside or you know... everyone shooting
  10. $crim

    $crim What's New VIP Silver

    I will handle this report.
  11. $crim

    $crim What's New VIP Silver

    After reviewing your evidence, it shows Serious killing you and another play due to you hitting another player with a crowbar, then the other player did the same resulting in both of your deaths. After, if you watch closely, you can see two players shooting each other causing Serious to kill both. He had every single right to kill all the players and Kenneth's video shows, this report is invalid.

    Report: INVALID
    Thread: LOCKED
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