No hyper i was just making a point i dont actually think damage logs are useless i was just making fun of how stupid carned's comment was saying we dont need shooting logs since we have mods
I'm curious as to how this would really help on unstaffed servers. If there are no staff, all it will do is create arguments and whining about who shot where, and that's why it killed them. The outcome would not matter, as there would be no staff to hand out slays. We encourage people not to report single cases of RDM on the forums, so I don't see how it would help there either, unless someone was consistently T baiting, in which case, video proof helps considerably more as we can see exactly where they're shooting.
Its not for whining about who shot first like ive said before without a mod online they cant prove who shot first , if you are reporting someone on the forums the accused can just say that i was shooting at him and without these logs i cant prove that i didnt shoot so this person wont get a ban or anything.
One example of this, my report was invalid because i couldnt prove that i didnt shoot im pretty sure it would be useful if i had access to the shooting logs
Because i really cant be bothered to record every single round incase someone rdms me its would just beeasire to get shooting logs for just that round
Record every round just in case that's what I do because theres no other way keeping shot logs uses a lot of Data.