Invalid Report against Stocking

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by sephr, Jul 28, 2016.

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  1. sephr

    sephr Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    idk he's a mod
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    @Stocking has been bullying me on west 2 with some kind of 'unofficial ban' by putting a slay on me and not banning me for leaving. An hour and a half ago I killed someone named "crippling depression" for taking a shot at someone named "Cocoa". crippling depression claims that they did not try to shoot at Cocoa and were shooting in the air. The mod handling the report claims that crippling depression never fired a shot at all (wtf????????? crippling depression even admits to it -- @Stocking isn't able to read the shot logs properly)

    I believe that crippling depression is telling the truth and was just t baiting as he was shooting upwards at an angle, and the guy the bullet almost hit (Cocoa) was on the 2nd floor of the barn (this all took place in the 67thway barn), which is dark so maybe he didn't see him. I didn't have a gun so I couldn't kill him, so I left the barn to get a gun and marked crippling depression KILL for whenever I saw him next. 20 seconds lalter I found an dkilled him.

    @Stocking keeps telling me crippling depression never shot -- ok, if he didn't please provide evidence here on the forums by screenshotting the relevant round's full shot logs. If normal users had access to this,

    What's really weird is that he won't even ban me for not serving the slay. I keep leaving and rejoining before the next round and asking him for a copy of the shot logs and he keeps refusing to give them to me, so I keep leaving and rejoining. @Stocking first off, this is not how you were trained to moderate. You're supposed to ban me when I leave. It's been 2 hours now and I'm still not banned...

    Here is a pastebin where crippling depression admits to shooting, which contradicts @Stocking's claim that he did not shoot:

    As you can also see in the pastebin, I quit and rejoin at the end of every round for many rounds and @Stocking keeps ignoring me when I ask for the logs. This is proof of @Stocking's bullying.

    Refusing to either remove the slay or ban me (putting me in permanent 'not going to serve this slay' limbo on west 2) is bullying. I'm effectively "banned" until someone removes this slay from me on west 2. Just ban me already and do your job so I can appeal that.

    @Stocking tl;dr this is the forum post I was referring to. You must provide the shot logs and explain why you refused to provide evidence to me for multiple rounds (while also refusing to ban me those same rounds -- wtf?).​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    SmileyOfChaos, Winchester Novice​
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  2. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

  3. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    I was a witness to this and have screen shots of Sephr asking Stocking and getting no known answer. If needed I can supply them.
  4. sephr

    sephr Member

    Since the first post @Stocking has finally banned me.

    Winchester observed crippling talking more and crippling says that Stocking is now saying that he slayed me for a new reason (I wasn't aware that you can change slay reasons). This is his new reason:

    Paraphrasing info from winchester and crippling, @Stocking is now claiming "crippling was shooting in the air (according to himself), so I slayed you for killing him for shooting in the air. In this word versus word situation, I have randomly chosen to believe to word of crippling over you, because that is how I am supposed to handle wvw situations. Please disregard the fact that I am retroactively attempting to change the reason that I used to slay you."

    Usually when people say shooting in the air they mean to the sky, but we were inside the 67thway barn. Crippling shot up at the second floor, near someone who was standing on the second floor.

    For reference, this was his first reason for slaying me (before he changed his mind just now, which I don't think you can do): "The shot logs do not show crippling shooting, so you rdmed him"

    The only situation where you can slay me for this is if my response to the report ALSO affirms crippling's story. i.e. Saying "I saw him shoot straight up in the air and then I killed him". I did not say that, so you have no reason to slay me.

    What I said in my report response was literally "I saw crippling depression shoot at cocoa", which makes this an invalid word vs word slay.

    In order to remedy my situation, post the shot logs, unban me, remove my slay, slay yourself for the same amount of rounds you kept me in slay limbo and apologize. If you're lucky, @Lemon might even let you stay mod.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  5. SmileyOfChaos

    SmileyOfChaos Chaos Begets Order VIP

  6. Stocking ❤

    Stocking ❤ Repent VIP Bronze

    Hey, thanks for making this appeal.
    I didn't get a screenshot of the actual report, but you seem to have a pretty good handle on the situation.

    Now, when I joined West 2 I joined at the last 2 rounds, and had to reconnect due to joining on a fun round. I came back and I dealt with your report, and as I went to check the shotlogs I could not find the shot that you specified. I then checked again in the DamageInfo, and did not find crippling depression shooting his gun at all. I do not have a screenshot of this either, sadly. But then you went on to say that he admitted to shooting, but that doesn't help me at all. His word still contradicts the evidence that I had seen in the logs. I triple checked the shot logs, but as I said to him, there was nothing. I was in fact responding to him, however, I was not ignoring him. I was mostly talking to him in PM's, though, so none of the other players could see that.

    Now, what bothers me here is that even though I spoke to you about this, you asked me to give you a screenshot of the shotlogs, the issue was you were very late in this, and it was only at the start of the next map that I realized that the Old Logs were not working. When I told you about this, you proceed to avoid your slay by leaving the server, multiple times. The first time I waited for you to come back, and then the second time I just banned you outright.

    I was not bullying you in any way, I was trying to be nice and explain this to you, but you kept leaving or shutting me down every time I tried to talk to you.

    This is seen here:

    This has been a really big mess, and I think I'll leave it up to my admin @Lemon to decide what to do here, considering my lack of evidence towards the actual slay.
  7. sephr

    sephr Member

    I'm sorry @Stocking, but you are unqualified to be moderator if you are unable to handle the shot log system. Yes, it's not the easiest to use interface, but as mod you are expected to be able to use it. Crippling's shot is still accessible in the shot logs, and will eventually not be accessible. There are only two outcomes to this report against you.

    Either you give me the shot logs or @Lemon will probably revoke your moderator status for inability to handle shot logs. You have not yet fufilled your duties as mod in this report.

    "I triple checked the shot logs, but as I said to him, there was nothing."

    I don't think you understand. Now you're just making it Word vs Word vs Word. Give me SCREENSHOTS OF THE FULL SHOT LOGS FOR THE RELEVANT ROUND. I don't care about what you think, I care about cold hard evidence.

    Also, a cool thing about Word vs Word vs Word is that you can actually make judgements, so let me do so:

    evidence: [unprovided]
    sephr's word: crippling shot
    crippling's word: crippling shot (why the fuck would he lie about this? it only benefits him to say he didn't shoot)
    YOUR word: crippling did not shoot

    Majority judgement: Crippling shot until evidence can be provided.

    "my lack of evidence towards the actual slay"

    You are admitting right now that you don't have enough evidence to keep my slay. Remove my slay and unban me immediately. Refusing to unban me right now is contempt of the Serious TTT rules, as you literally just said you don't have enough evidence for the ban in the first place.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  8. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    @sephr Thanks for taking the time to report my moderator @Stocking. Given the screenshot the player in question did admit to shooting, but in the air. This is not a traitorous act. Due to old logs being broken currently Stocking could not provide you with screenshots. Going by Stocking's screenshot seems like he banned you soon after you left. Since there is no screenshot of the report itself I will mark this as invalid due to it being word vs word.

    Also I suggest you watch your attitude. Stocking will not be demoted due to this and you are in no position to that decision.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
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