Denied The Law2's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by The Law2, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. The Law2

    The Law2 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    The Law
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because in the video, there was clearly not an aimbot issue, as I did not directly aim at anyone in a "split second" and can observe me shooting outside the hit box several times. This is a false claim of someone that is angry because I killed them.

    Thank you,
    The Law
    Evidence of Innocence:
    The video that included me is my evidence. There was not an aimbot issue and that is clearly shown in the video.

    This video that I found on YouTube shows what aimbot looks like and is not similar to the video of my false hack accusations.

    DISCLAIMER: This is not me!
    I do not own any contents in that video, all rights are reserved to SupaDupaJT.​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

  3. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Hey there The Law.

    As Anna stated, I banned you because of the forum report made by Neon barbarian. She had messaged me on steam that she was very suspicious of your aiming and she believed that you were possibly hacking. I was a bit busy with reports in game so I wasn't able to spectate you but she took the time to watch you for many maps.

    Let's get right into the video.

    So if we go to 0:03-0:05 into the video. You are with the detective and as you are killing him as he jumps up and goes back down. At around 0:04 as the detective falls down from jumping you are shooting straight forward and for a moment your gun snaps quickly into the air where the detective just was and then your gun goes straight to his head killing him. It seems odd how you a moment ago you were just shooting straight and after the detective falls down from his jump your gun quickly moves to the exact spot where he just was and then quickly back to his head. Your movements all seemed smooth except for that moment and it's suspicious at most but not enough for a ban. But wait, there's more

    So between 0:11-0:13 you are walking down the hallway and turning around the corner. Another player leaves the room on the left and you start shooting forward and once again your gun makes a quick snap and starts shooting him in the head. It happens really quickly and it seems quite odd. Your movements before shooting were nice and smooth and as soon as you start to shoot towards the door your gun quickly moves to his head killing him. Once again it looks very suspicious how quickly you were to aim at his head. You could call it fast reflexes but it seems pretty fishy.

    Now the next 2 kills in the bathroom look perfectly fine and just as it seems like maybe you had quick reflexes. From 0:18-0:21 you are shooting the player with your mp7 and you stop shooting to reload your gun. As you shoot out your final bullets you aim towards the couch and you once again just quickly aim exactly where his head is. The next few kills seem fine and in regards to the possible ghosting I don't have exact proof of you ghosting so I can't ban you for that.

    With that being said I will deny your appeal. But since it's a hacking ban and there is a chance that you aren't hacking. I will leave this open for you to reply with anymore evidence and I will tag my admin @Kyogre so that he can also review this before I close the appeal for good. Thanks for taking the time to appeal your ban.
  4. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    I have another question actually before we close up this appeal.

    What made you think that it'd be a good idea to hack once again? This doesn't seem to be your first time doing this on our servers as you've seem to have done so before on an alternate account just about a month ago. You're able to see this below:


    I'll be closing up this appeal once you've given your response.
  5. The Law2

    The Law2 New Member

    Thief is my brother's account, he was banned for hacking but filed a complaint and got the ban removed because he wasn't hacking. I still feel as if it is unfair that my application was denied. I do not know what evidence I can provide to prove my innocence. Everything MachineKiller said could have been done legally and it was, Machine Killer even stated it seemed fishy, but wasn't sure it was hacks.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2016
  6. The Law2

    The Law2 New Member

    Also, The Video that was uploaded for the proof of my "hacking" looks like it was recorded using a low-end recording software, you can clearly see that it lags at some spots. The only reason why I'm arguing this thread since I'm in irate of the reason that I as the older brother KNOW my 12-year-old little brother does not know anything about hacking on Garry's Mod. Out of almost a 3-minute video, there is only 5 seconds worth of evidence of me hacking? Clearly not enough footage for the proof. I have also been banned for the same reason on my other account, Thief, as for my skill, again not for hacks.
  7. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    • This user has been warned for posting in an appeal that they're not involved with.
    So yall have both been falsely banned for hacking, wow skill must run in the family huh?
  8. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Locking the thread until the respective parties can make a final verdict.
  9. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Alright, you have shown me no evidence of you not hacking. All you have said so far is you don't hack and you confirmed that you do have a 2nd account which also got banned for hacking.

    Well your issue with the proof was that the quality wasn't high. While it's true that the quality isn't the highest. You could still see every bit of movement that you made and all those weird snaps you made. Luckily for you I have a bit of my own proof since I did record a little bit before Neon recorded the rest.

    I recorded that first kill on the stairs and after seeing it I knew something wasn't right. So now for your pleasure you can see your hacks in HD.

    With that being said you can still see the exact same movements of the other video just in higher quality. It goes to show that the other video is solid proof of you hacking.

    Thank you for taking the time to appeal and if you would like to speak about this any further then please feel free to start a conversation with me or @Kyogre on the forums.

    Appeal: Denied
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