Life Problems?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Mr.Slayed4Days™, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Hey all it's Mr.Slayed4Days. I've been hitting rocky road recently in life and I thought it would be the perfect idea to open up a thread where people discuss common problems they have in their daily lives. It's not easy getting through life, why not have a community of people to help out. If you have questions, post them here and lets get some problems solved. I ask that negativity and rude comments toward other people be avoided here, i'd like to keep this a judge-free zone. Thank you!
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  2. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    Recently I haven't really enjoyed anything I do at all, life just kinda feels like I'm eating something that's completely tasteless so I'm just sitting there chewing and going through the motions.

    Any sage advice you want to drop on me?
    • Friendly Friendly x 4
  3. gunerz.117

    gunerz.117 Spartans never die. VIP

    I know I'm only 16 like you, but some advice I would give is to always keep yourself occupied. I collect football cards, play video games (I'm training to be a mod on these servers too), run a youtube channel, and I'm trying to get a job. It is important to keep yourself occupied so if you get bored of something, you always have more.

    Also, be as positive and appreciative of everything you DO have. Your life may seem boring or whatever but just take a second to gauge all the things that could be so much worse. You could be a homeless orphan in Africa... things can always be worse.

    "Accept what has been given to you, and move forward" is a quote that I like to keep close to me. My Mom divorced my Dad when I was 4, but I don't dwell on it because my Dad's a piece of shit and it's much better with just my Mom and the rest of my family.

    The main thing I would tell you is to enjoy the little things in life, never get overwhelmed by the big picture... look at the finer details of the picture that way you appreciate more in your life which in turn will help you enjoy things more.

    I just wanted do give you some advice that has helped me enjoy my life more, hope this helped!
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  4. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    Ask yourself what you are "going through the motions" for. Where do you see yourself in a year? how about 5? how about 10? Have goals, make plans, and find what you need to do to make yourself happy. Good luck.
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  5. I understand where you are coming from, Mason. When people tend to go through the same routine everyday in life, everything begins to displease us. We loose interest and become bored with what we are doing. But life is all about change. Doing things such as Gunerz and Rebel suggested really tends to break that streak of boredom you are feeling. One of the best things to help what you are feeling is to hang out with friends more often. Go play Pokemon Go, go on walks, go to the movies, or go swimming. There is nothing wrong with feeling empty at times, it's just our natural response to tell us we need to make a change. Good luck Mason, follow this advice and I think you will feel better soon :D
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    If it's hard for anyone to come forward with their problems on this thread, check out this amazing post

    Or feel free to add me to talk about whatever

    (Don't mean to undermine the idea of the thread, it's just hard for people who need help to publicly share it)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  7. As Python has stated above, if anyone is having trouble and would like to discuss it privately, You can add me at my steam account. Just search for Mr.Slayed4Days and you will most likely find me! :D
  8. Makuzi

    Makuzi Now we all pray blood stains wash away VIP Silver

    For me, it's just trying to speak properly and using proper grammar.. Dunno why but I seem to make the structure of a sentence seem quite strange.

    Little off topic but really, I enjoy working
  9. Talon

    Talon VIP

    Finally a thread perfect for me!
  10. Do you need help with grammar at all? I can help you with that :D
  11. Do you have any problems that need to be addressed?
  12. Grace

    Grace 真夜中 VIP Silver

    I don't usually do this sorta thing, and I'm not the type to talk about my stuff openly, but heeyy hopefully someone out there can help;

    - I genuinely cant feel significant emotion anymore, I don't feel sad or particularly angry anymore at anything (as much as I make it seem like it, lol.) I don't feel happy or excited or anything like that. It's been like for a few months now and It's kinda shit. A lot of the time I feel like a dick because I can't be particularly friendly anymore to anyone, and I've just become a genuine asshole.

    I'd appreciate any advice honestly, just wanna get past this phase already.
  13. Hilow, So you seem to be in a depressed state as from what I can tell. I'm assuming that you have gone through something traumatic or scarring recently before this all occurred. Otherwise I have no idea why you would feel this way. But anyways, the past isn't the problem, the future is. Being emotionless is a hard topic to deal with and I don't think I can help over the forums because it would provide me to ask you questions and get answers in real time. Otherwise I can't get to the root of your problem and get rid of it. So I advise that you message me in your free time so we can fix this problem. I know that probably wasn't the answer you were looking for, but I do believe I can help you. I won't be available untill late tonight (12am) due to work. But Message me as soon as you can and I'll get on it!