Denied huntress_gwen's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by huntress_gwen, Jul 23, 2016.

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  1. huntress_gwen

    huntress_gwen New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    huntress gwen
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I love playing on this server was playing a few hours ago and now i was trying to join again but it said im banned for 56 days without telling me why so i have no idea what i did
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Like i said i have no idea what i did.
    But im almost sure i dident do anything against the rules and i would like to know what i have done or was said what i have done that is against the rules
  2. Stocking ❤

    Stocking ❤ Repent VIP Bronze

    You appear to have been banned by @Mr. Rogers for "Hacking - 2nd." He will respond at his earliest convenience.
  3. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    I'll be sure to respond to this with all my collected evidence shortly.

    However, first I want to mention a previous report handled by @hello my friend where you, and another player I banned today Pro_Haxor were reported for hacking, and were banned for it. Both of you are now banned for your second offense of Hacking by myself, and I would like an explanation from why you and this player were banned for Hacking on the same exact day twice now, if you two were in fact not Hacking.
  4. huntress_gwen

    huntress_gwen New Member

    The first persone i dont know his name anymore was in a fight with pro_haxor and he was being really mean to him so i asked him to stop and then he kept going and then he got angry at me then i killed him while he was a traiter (i knew he was a traiter)
    and he got angry and said me and pro_haxor were hacking and that he would report it and he got many hackers banned and we should believe him.
    the second time i got reported i really dont know why i was just playing a normal game and then left when i decided to return i was banned
  5. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Your response doesn't necessarily answer my question as to why the both of you have been banned on the same day for Hacking twice now, however now that I've reviewed and collected my evidence I can give a verdict on this appeal.

    This demo shows you on the map 67th way hiding in a room with a tripwire, baiting two innocents to try to come to you. After you destroy the tripwire, you kill one of the innocents. The kill you made on this player shows you clearly did not fire directly at the player's head, however you had gotten a head shot anyway. This proves that you were using some sort of aim assist.

    This demo shows something very similar to the first. You are using a dragonov, and at the end of the demo you get a kill on a player where again, you pre-fire but somehow you miraculously get a head shot. This evidence further proves my claim that you were using some sort of aim assist.

    If you would like to view these recordings for yourself, it is shown here where you should place the .dem files the above links will download (in the /Garrysmod/garrysmod folder.)

    Now that my evidence has been provided, your ban Appeal is officially Denied and Locked. In addition, you and pro_haxor's bans have been Globalized across all of our 7 servers.

    When the both of you return, I urge that you cease all scripting on our servers as you have been caught twice now, and a Third Offense will lead to an even longer ban.

    Any further questions should be directed to myself and/or @C.A.Anna in a forum conversation. Have a nice day.
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