My apology.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Carson, Dec 29, 2013.

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  1. Carson

    Carson Member

    About 10 minutes ago I started RDMing. The reason I did this is because I checked the buy traitor option in the point shop and I showed that I had bought it, but I did not equip it (I thought I did). So the round starts and I start spraying bullets and Event Horizon. He calls KOS on me and I respond with no no I am RDMing, ban me. I never kill him because, as some of you might know, I am 2pro. I then run away and kill an innocent and then get killed myself. Not until I saw the "I" on my dead body indicating that I was an innocent did I think anything other than "I'm a traitor I have to kill everyone.". Anyways, I just want to let you all know I am sorry for doing that and I am not really an RDMer, and this incident happened because of confusion mixed with playing at 1AM.
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Is there a reason this is in the report player section?
  3. So pro Carson so pro
  4. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    This just recently happened to me xD.
    I killed two innocents until I realized that I wasn't a T. I too was playing for too long, and clearly was too tired.
    suffice to say, that was my first 2 slays I had to put on myself, also my first slay in over a month; I was heart broken :(

    @ Mango Tango: I suppose he is reporting himself?
  5. Carson

    Carson Member

    Most relevant place to put it.
    Someone may come to here to report me for this.
    Basically reporting myself.
  6. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    wow im amazed alot of people dont tell the truth im proud of you
  7. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    bow to carson
  8. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Hey at least you got stopped only after killing one innocent! It's all good, man. I only had to slay you once for that, thankfully.
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