Denied SlapHappyGrandpappy's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by SlapHappyGrandpappy, Jul 1, 2016.

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  1. SlapHappyGrandpappy

    SlapHappyGrandpappy New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Accidental kills that (IMO not sure if im correct) should've resulted in a slay rather than a ban. I have a good track record on the servers with 148 hours spent on the SeriousTTT network, and have only had one prior ban for rdm and leaving because it was 1:00 in the morning and there were no staff on to slay me. The moderator who had banned me could have just slain me.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I don't have much evidence to go towards my case besides a description. I meant to hit the thumb button on my mouse that I had set to drop the current item in my hand (which in this case was a discombobulator), but instead I accidentally missed and hit another thumb button which was not bound and automatically threw said discombobulator, causing it to explode and kill me as well as three other people. I have no images or video providing proof, and even if I did you wouldn't be able to see my mouse in it. I hope you take my appeal on good faith so I can get back to playing on my favorite servers. However, I understand if you do not unban me because I have no concrete proof. Nevertheless, thank you for considering my appeal.​
  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    You were banned by @J.T.Ripper for RDM x3. Please wait while he respond to this appeal.
  3. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    I am currently away from my computer that contains the evidence. Please be patient.
  4. SlapHappyGrandpappy

    SlapHappyGrandpappy New Member

    As you wish J.T. :D
  5. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Sorry for the delay, lets get down to it, shall we?

    The reason for the ban was not because of one kill, but because you also damaged two other players with that same discombobulator. Below you can see the report for the one you killed, as well as the damages you caused below that.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You see, you damaged Bs_Pac_Man and Cocoa as well as damaged and killed Dolph1n. All damage, accidental or not, is considered RDM, and since you caused that damage, it became RDM x3. Because of this, our rules state that third offense RDM is a one day ban, which I had to place on you. You do have almost 104 hours on our servers, which is plenty of time to know that when removing a grenade or getting rid of it, the best course is to just drop it, not use it. The ban is local, you are allowed to play on the other servers, however I urge you, do be careful when playing as even the slightest mistake can cause unwanted results.

    Appeal: DENIED

    Thread: LOCKED
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