Finished 40K TTT Points Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by ThePepper, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. andrew-k

    andrew-k VIP

    My Fav book has to be the alex rider series, And in speific, StormBreaker
  2. Jaysu

    Jaysu BAMF VIP

    Probably the Divergent series.
  3. Cake

    Cake I like red VIP

    I cant choose a single book from any of these series but The Maze Runner Series or The Edge Chronicle Series
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  4. mk3upours

    mk3upours VIP

    harry potter
  5. Dean W.

    Dean W. Half-Blood Cringe Kid VIP Silver

    I agree I love the Percy Jackson series
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  6. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    The Crank Series by Ellen Hopkins. Written in stanzas and verses, poetry artistically written across pages, its a series of 6 books that looks at the way crystal meth destroys a family. It's loosely based on how it affected her daughter actually and is so captivatingly written that I always come back to them.

    Probably my favourite novels of all time.

    Thanks for the giveaway (y)
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  7. Captain Obvious

    Captain Obvious Regular Member

    well my favorite book atm is "health by purification" ... i normally dont read books for entertainment .... i read them for knowledge ....
  8. Skulduggery pleasant was my childhood fav and I'd still go for it now.
  9. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    I like the daniel x series and the maximum ride series and both happen to be made by james patterson :)
  10. Ruby

    Ruby Turn your wounds into wisdom VIP Silver Emerald

    The noticer by Andy Andrews
  11. Xaxago

    Xaxago "Goodbye Mike"-Eleven VIP

    My favorite has to be the "Le Chat", its a classic here in Belgium.
  12. Hisoka

    Hisoka VIP Iron

    Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, this book tells a story about a boy who was bullied during his childhood days and grows up to become a person that fights aliens :3
  13. The Fifth Wave. It's got enough science-y and action goodness.
  14. -tyler

    -tyler My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case. VIP Bronze

    Harry Potter series. I've read it at least 4 times. My favorite from the series is the goblet of fire.
  15. Nutty

    Nutty VIP Bronze

    Why you hate Lennon so much? :(
  16. Nutty

    Nutty VIP Bronze

    Harry Potter.
  17. Nutty

    Nutty VIP Bronze

    Harry Potter.
  18. Collinmrcc

    Collinmrcc Brother of MegatroN [Apollo] VIP

    I didn't mean it like that ;(
    I was just saying that it is such a powerful book.
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  19. Ahh Chee

    Ahh Chee New Member

  20. Great Expectation by Charles Dickens