Denied atozbetterdanu's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by atozbetterdanu, Jun 2, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    No warnings :)
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Either the rules have changed tremendously or this was an unjust ban.
    1. No warnings
    2. Gagged for whole round on 1st offense (that wasn't even spamming)
    3. Banned for 8 hours on 2nd offense (that also wasn't even spamming)


    @Aco Taco

    Staff's Admin

    I have done what Taco qualifies as "spamming" throughout my entire stay at SGmod, even back with STTT servers. Never have I ever, to my knowledge, even once been banned for spamming because it straight up is not spam (at least to every other staff memeber i've ever played with)
    Have a nice day :)
  2. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    You were banned by @Aco Taco for Spam. He will respond at his earliest convenience. I will also tag Aco's admin @Falcor
  3. Cheebus

    Cheebus VIP

    As I witnessed this, I can say that there was no warning given to atoz, just a gag for the entire round.
    When questioned since when there were no warning and a full round gag, Taco claims to have given him a warning already...a warning no one seems to be able to find.
    As atoz has stated, over the years of playing on these servers what he did, repeating a statement (one I cannot remember) 3-4 in a row because there was a lot of talking and to be heard it needed to be repeated has never been considered spam to any other staff member. There is the obvious spam, we all know it, and this was not that.
    As far as the "2nd offense" to be honest, I didn't even hear atoz talking. All I know is I saw he had gotten banned randomly, not even gagged again and warned or anything.

    I hope I did the screenshots and stuff right, or any of this, I don't really know what I'm doing!
  4. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    Hello atoz, thank you for taking the time to appeal.

    Let's get right into this shall we?

    First off, I did warn you for spam, you were spamming in chat. I muted you, warned you not to spam, unmuted you and that was that. Here is proof of the first mute so I can prove that I did in fact give you an initial warning for spam.
    Then a few minutes later, you proceeded to spam via your microphone which would make that your second offense of spam, not first. Therefore, my gag for the entirety of the ensuing round was justified.

    Then, another few minutes later at the end of a fun round you start spamming chat with this:
    So, I proceeded to ban you for spamming since that would make it your third offense of spamming.

    So, with all the evidence provided, this proves that my actions were justified and that I did what I was supposed to. I am going to deny this appeal and lock this thread. Thanks for the appeal, but don't worry the ban is only 8 hours and we have many other servers you can play on in the time being. I will tag my admin @Falcor so she can review this and ensure that my actions were justified even though I already verified this with another admin. Thank you for your time.

    Appeal: Denied
    Topic: Locked
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
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