Approved My Mom's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Squanchy, May 29, 2016.

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  1. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    My Mom
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2/ West 2 / Globalized
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I have legitimately no clue why I was banned. I got banned for 70 days because "RDM + LEAVE (4TH OFFENSE). I did not rdm, and certainly did not leave. I was on West 2 server when suddenly I received this ban, and I never left even if I rdm'd. I should be slain, not banned. Second, this is not "4th offense" since my first offense are more than 3 months ago, thus they are expired. Also, my alleged 3rd offense (banned by swagrid) was voided when I appealed a month or so ago (look at notes /ban appeal forum). Therefore, this should be a 3rd offense, if approved, and thus not globalized. I demand some evidence for the accusation as this appears to be either GBA kill (which isn't rdm) or Rdm without staff on.

    Evidence of Innocence:

    Last edited: May 29, 2016
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned by @Change-up for "RDM & Leave 4th" on East 2, which I then globalised. I will wait for him to present his evidence before I decide if I am to localise the ban or keep it globalised.

    Thank you for your patience.
  3. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    Dear @C.A.Anna

    I am sorry for whatever happened that made be get banned for 10 weeks. When I got banned, I was playing on West 2, obeying all rules of serious gmod. That's what made me very surprised and shocked by the 70 days ban. I can't remotely recall what happened on East 2, since I remember playing on East 2, there was no mod (I was actually asking for a mod on Shoutbox, since people were rdming/being racist).

    Serious gmod is the only server I am playing, I play all day, every day. This is the only game I currently enjoy online. Please, I just want to play. And yes, perhaps I am a "clumsy player" (if you see me in real-life you will understand why), but I love this game, and I know most mods, and I have tons of fun playing. Usually, when I leave a server I ask a mod if I can leave, to make sure that I won't be banned for Rdm&Leave (due to previous cases). It's sometimes hard for me to determine when it's safe to leave so I always ask. I recall asking @Shaddoll yesterday if I can leave, and he said that I can. I asked because I was reported by someone 3 rounds before that, and never got slain. I don't remember playing with @Change-up on East 2, so I assume I was banned for something when that mod was not in game, but arrived later. Honestly, if something goes wrong in game, and there's no mod on, I usually stay for 2-3 more rounds to make sure I can report / get reported and reply. I was honestly not looking to rdm&leave, since I play an enormous amount of hours on these servers. Please, please, PLEASE, this is my only pleasure these days - don't take it away. I will frankly be fine with a ban on East 2 (though I believe I did nothing wrong / there has been a misunderstanding) but please don't make this global. 10 weeks is just something I can't take, please understand me.

    Thanks for understanding!

    My Mom
  4. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    @C.A.Anna it seems like it's gonna take a while until @Change-up replies to this appeal. In the meantime, could you please unban me on global? Since I have provided evidence that this is an alleged 3rd offense, not 4th (my "3rd offense" was voided by @swagrid when I appealed, a link is provided in my first message in this thread). This is memorial day, and I was hoping to play my favorite game. So for the time being, I could play other than East 2 servers, while we figure this out with Change-up. Thanks again!
  5. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Please be patient whilst Change-up gathers his evidence. I will not be removing the globalisation just because you request it.
  6. swagrid

    swagrid current status "not okay" VIP

    i did void his last rdm and leave ban
  7. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    I'm sorry, I as flooded with alerts and didn't see this. I will be posting my response tomorrow as I am away from my computer at the moment.
  8. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    Thanks @Change-up. Due to the fact that this is my 3rd offense, and not the 4th, will it be possible in the meantime to shorten the ban length as well as unban me on global so I can play on other Serious ttt servers? I provided a link to my voided "3rd offense", as well as @swagrid approved that this happened. Thanks again.
  9. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    No, and I was not aware of the void because it wasn't notified to other staff members it was voided. As @C.A.Anna has said, the global will not be lifted upon request for sympathy. Seeing that the ban was voided if my evidence proves you're guilty I will reduce the ban length to the corresponding offense.
  10. Squanchy

    Squanchy VIP

    @Change-up it's not a question of sympathy, but a question of FACT, and I think you two, with all due respect, are not realizing that. Since this is my alleged 3rd offense, there is no place for a global ban, since 3rd offense aren't banned globally. It is immaterial what kind of evidence you will provide, since the fact that this is my 3rd offense (not 4th) is not gonna change. In the meantime, I could've been playing other serious ttt servers while we figure the ban on East 2.
  11. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I did not just take into account that this was deemed to be a fourth offense either at the time. There is more to my decision than that and it is why I ask of you to be patient so that I may present it once Change-up has done his. Your ban will be corrected as I see fit once all evidence and reasoning has been presented because, as I stated, there are other things coming into play on my decision here.

    To put it bluntly, you have a history and thus I see it and will continue to see it fit to have you globally banned. As stated in our rules, all punishments are subject to change at an admins discretion so you are in no position to tell me if the ban should or should not be globalised as you do not have all of the evidence as of yet. The length of this ban will be reduced as I see fit. That is fact. Now, as I have asked before, please be patient.
  12. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    I hadn't realized the old damage logs clear every new month. That being said I have no choice but to lift and void your ban. Thank you for appealing.

    Thread: Locked
    Appeal: Accepted
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