Denied Elithrian's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Elithrian, May 28, 2016.

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  1. Elithrian

    Elithrian New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Tobi Нет Обсуждение Заикание
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I am making this appeal because i was online talking to a moderator about me being harassed after i had rdmed someone because i thought they had shot my t buddy and had not noticed they were a fellow t and they started harassing me and i gave him evidence and he went afk or something and stopped responding so i took my slay and i was waiting for my slay round to end and i had to get off as i was at a friends house and his internet shut off and i wasnt able to get back on i would like to know the reason i was banned as i have a 14 day ban when i tried to get back on
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Something weird

    Something weird Who am I? VIP

    As I was the one who banned you, Ill gather my evidence
  3. Something weird

    Something weird Who am I? VIP

    So this was the report that was filed against you
    At the moment I was busy dealing with reports and another situation regarding 2 other players, unfortunately you left before I could tell you not to due to your slay, and regarding the harrasment, I did warn spaceman but the other player left.

    Back to the appeal...It appears you shot your T buddy for aparently shooting an inno, you thought he was inno as well (acording to your ^post^) This was RDM

    Due to the circumstances regarding the RDM im going to be denying this appeal.

    Have a nice day!

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