Invalid Report against Change-up

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Dextrorphan, May 21, 2016.

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  1. Dextrorphan

    Dextrorphan Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Minecraft Dolls
    Which Round:
    Not Sure
    Time of Occurence:
    About 2pm PST
    Reason For Report:
    I was killed on suspicion. I made the report and told @Change-up that I had video evidence to dispute whatever was claimed (EVIDENCE A). At the time, I was assuming the player in question was going to say that he saw me kill an innocent. I gave changeup some time, as I could see people being slain so there must be a decent amount of reports. After some time, I asked if he could take a second to discuss the report with me. I received no reply until once again (after some more time), I asked him for the outcome of the report. He then informed me that I was killed for killing an innocent and the logs show it. Once again, I inform him of the video evidence and link him to it (EVIDENCE B). He doesn't reply to me, and it's clear he is busy. I waited until a few rounds later (by then the map had changed), and I see that changeup has left (EVIDENCE C).

    I will include the video evidence of the Kill on Suspicion also.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Last edited: May 21, 2016
  2. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    Ill go ahead and tag @Change-up and his admin @Zigles. They will respond when they are able.
  3. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    Dextrophan I have been sick over the past few days. I remember leaving due to the fact that my eyes were watering so much that I could barely see. In this scenario its word v word, as even though you look fairly hidden he could've seen you from the walkway above the posters as he was killed in an open window that could've been seen from anywhere on the top floor of the map.

    I will wait for @Zigles to give his verdict.
  4. Dextrorphan

    Dextrorphan Member


    Slowed it down for you.

    If at all, it was only possible for him to see me IDing the body (not traitorous). As you can clearly see, while i am killing the player, there is a block to my right obstructing all vision from that area. I was not kosed by anybody. Menos cannot assume with 100% certainty that I killed the player, since he did not have ANY visual contact with the inside of the hallway and is unable to determine who was firing what shots. Maybe you could claim GBA, but that's not why he claimed to kill. Changing his reason depending on the evidence presented is loopholing.
    Last edited: May 21, 2016
  5. Something weird

    Something weird Who am I? VIP

    Id just like to add in,

    You can see a blip on top of the door frame, its visible at 0:07 - 0:12 seconds in the video you gave as evidence.

    Maybe it was him, he would have a clear view of the kill and the blocks on top of the shelf are not in the way.

    That is all.
  6. Dextrorphan

    Dextrorphan Member

    Thanks for pointing that out. It is irrelevant though, since in the end, I never actually went through the door way to make the kill, only to ID the body. I feel like you guys aren't actually watching the video (I know you are), but how can you guys not see that the edge to the doorway was blocking his view from me. Look at the gif, the gif starts as soon as the innocent dies, and you can see the edge of the doorway to the right; which means that at the time of death I was not visible. If you think that he was able to see me and identify my name, then you are not looking closely enough.
  7. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Hey Dextrorphan, I apologize for the late response I was away from home the entire day, so I have reviewed all of the evidence you have supplied and I do have to agree this is word vs word and no slay can be issued. You can see the radar ping that could have seen the doorway and while you did shoot him while behind the doorway, he can kill you since you obviously would have witnessed a traitorous act and done nothing about it. The time it took for you to id the body after the player was killed was so short he is able to be 100% certain that you performed a traitorous act. Be it that you shot him or that you witnessed somebody shoot him. He could have been able to see your name as you crossed the doorway which is why he shot you and not your t buddy right next to you. This is why it is word vs word and no slay could be issued.

    If you have any other questions or concerns you can start a private conversation with me on the forums or if you feel I have done my job incorrectly you can report me on the forums instead.

    Report: Invalid
    Thread: Locked
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