Completed Report against Noob999 (admin abuse)

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Extreme, May 12, 2016.

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  1. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Noob999 (admin abuse)
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Map:
    Minecraft city
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    around 7 pm
    Reason for Report:
    Hey guys,

    Are playing on the EU vanilla server right now when i got slayed slayed by Noob999... I did not even get a chance to defend myself from the reports before he slayed me... i would call taht abuse since i have a valid reason for the people i have killed...

    The first guy i kill there is a kos on by the second guy i kill.. I ask mulitple times if he is drawing back the kos and does not respond... so i kill the first guy.. Since he is inno i chase the second guy asking why he did it.. He does not give me a good reason and then i kill him... Then a third guy starts shooting towards me and i kill him before he hit me i think.

    This mean that i had a valid reason to kill all 3 people and i still get slayed without getting a chance to explain myself... This i have not tried before so i would call it admin abuse because you cannot just assume that people should be slayed before they have had the chance to defend themselves..

    See the video for yourselves.

    The first kos is through chat.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Emtech2

    Emtech2 The worst ones always live VIP Silver Emerald

    I will tag @Noob999 and their admin @Ravin. Please be patient while they investigate this report.
    (Moved to TTT Reports)
  3. Noob999

    Noob999 The best Noob around. VIP


    @Ravin can you recheck the old logs for me.
    I checked old logs but I could not find shots.
  4. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    The report that the guy made gives no reason to slay me.

    He admits himself that he tried to kill me and failed... When someone tries to kill me, i am allowed to kill them.. and i succeded in that. beside that he said that i rdm another guy but the video proves that he is wrong because the guy i killed did a false kos on chat and he admits it himself and i was SO NICE to give him a chance to explain himself but he did not..

    So if you slay me because another guy try to kill me and fails, and then report me for rdm... that is not valid..
  5. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hello Extreme, Thank you for taking some time today to bring this report against my Moderator, @Noob999 .

    In some cases, logs my not correctly show us how to handle the situation. It is good you record your games and in the future, I would advise if this happens again to PM the Staff member to let them know you have a recording so all evidence can be viewed.

    Now, I cannot say if you had the video to show noob or not beforehand. If you had, then he would have slain himself if you had been slain before he could remove it during this playtime. HOWEVER: My moderator was right to issue the slay because it is not up to him to decide what he can, or cannot decide, slay you in terms of the logs that show.

    For example, if a barrel explodes and you didn't shoot it, but the damages show you had killed someone with an explosion and they reported you, Noob would have to slay you unless evidence is brought forward otherwise. Sometimes, logs may not give us the full picture.

    Your reply to the report also does not help, its vague. You have a large section to type out for the staff member to get an idea or picture of what you saw as this IS your defense. Because your reply, he states "went for". The moderator did check the logs for shooting, but saw none, so he cannot assume the guy meant "Shooting at" like you saw.

    In the end, I will urge Noob to clarify a little more and communicate. The report is valid, but I also share to you to do the same. You go through steps to record and prove yourself innocent, but take another 10 seconds to help staff understand what is going on fully. Moderators do have the grounds to slay you for your reply if you don't take time to defend yourself.

    You are welcome to PM me with any further questions or concerns you may have. Thank you once again for your time.

    Report - Valid
    Topic - Locked
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