Denied Moist Rigby's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Moist Rigby, May 7, 2016.

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  1. Moist Rigby

    Moist Rigby Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    R O C K E T D O G
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Following a player isn't bannable. I think the word "trolling" is misused. I think Falcor needs a definition of that word. Raiq was getting upset over "GBA" or what ever made up fairy tale rule that is. So I decide to follow him. This isn't a "Troll" attempt. I think that this is a misunderstanding by the moderator. I have told Raiq to move off the server if he is not having a good time. Which he replied negatively. and using weak baby attempts such as " please stop harassing me" when there was no harassment involved.

    Why should I get unbanned? Because R O C K E T D O G did nothing wrong. Where in the rule does following a player is trolling? I constantly followed him in the two last rounds I was in before Falcor was a misunderstood mod and decided to ban me for "troll"
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I can't provide evidence other than biased information from Raiq and Falcor.​
  2. Cafedemocha

    Cafedemocha 2319 VIP

    You were banned by @Falcor they'll respond when they can.
  3. Moist Rigby

    Moist Rigby Member

    I'm aware that Falcor banned me. i mentioned this multiple times.
  4. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    You continued to harass on voice, I asked you multiple times to stop in which multiple admins witnessed you explicitly telling me you'd not leave me alone, ect.

    You were also not directly involved in the issues regarding the GBA, yet continued to add fuel to the fire, and private messaging me telling me to leave the server ,ect. Quit trying to twist it as if you were being helpful by "telling me to move off the server" you were intentionally trying to piss me off more.
  5. Moist Rigby

    Moist Rigby Member

    "Gtfo if you don't like the server" sounds a bit right.

    I'm not going to argue over a server on a game. So I'm just going to have this hopefully resolved in the correct manner which is appealing the ban.
  6. Jakebro2.0

    Jakebro2.0 Moderation PHD Approved VIP

    You were excessively harassing Raiq, even after multiple gags, mutes, and warnings. we can only go so far with that, so action had to be taken. You were targeting him to intentionally anger him, he was showing us multiple demos and screenshots of you harassing him.
  7. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hey Moist aka rocketdog

    When I was informed of your behavior by jake I was currently hopping between in game and demos that needed review.
    Your attitude and instigating nature was in fact trolling. You were targeting a player for seemingly no reason, only because they were an easy target and you were visibly making them frustrated

    Now in this video you admit to targeting raiq and Targeting a player is not only harassment but it is also trolling. This is what made me ban you for 2 weeks. You instigated this player and targeted them. Telling a player they should just go cause no one wants them here can warrant harassment and your tone did not help in your favor. It wasnt banter it wasnt jokes, You knew you were instigating him, adding fuel to the fire. To get a rise out of someone which is trolling. I watched this happen a bit longer then issued the 2 week ban, once you admitted to targeting him.

    As your statements in the appeal shows, you have trollish tendencies and I see no forgiveness coming from you, Therefore I see no need to forgive or lighten my verdict. And believe you should sit out your 2 week ban, in hope you do not target a player in the future.

    Appeal Denied.
    Please add me on steam or inbox me if you'd like to talk about this further.
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
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