Answered Quick little questions for mods/admins

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Extreme, Apr 25, 2016.

  1. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    Hey guys,

    Just have a quick question for you.

    If a persons says the he saw another person with a harpoon or said that the person planted c4 - and does not kos him. Could that be translated to GBA?

    The reason i am asking is that if i see 2 people together where one of them plants c4 and the other sees it and does nothing about it exepct running away, then it would be a GBA situation.

    I know it's a loooooooong shoot, but still! :-D

    Note: No trolling.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  2. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Moved to Q&A
  3. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm neither mod or staff, which means I'm gonna intrude anyway that is if a staff member approves of this post and if not then you'll never see this.

    So, you're asking if someone doesn't KOS someone for having a traitor item?

    As recently described by @Sinz in here:

    The person who has seen this other person having a traitor item is the only person who can KOS them, and therefore no one else can kill that person who was been accused of having a harpoon. Therefore, is it now Guilty by Association to kill someone who says that this person has a traitor item, witnessed the person having this item which is a T-act, and not KOSing them for it? Well... it's a decent question to ask and definitely something a staff member should answer. This was primarily a clarification process I did to clear any ifs or buts.

    My thoughts: Depends on the context, and very situational.

    Innocents could have T-items. If we know someone is innocent and has a T-item and someone says something that this innocent has a T item but doesnt go on about it you wouldn't necessarily KOS them for GBA now would you?

    What if it was the other way around? Some unknown Joe has a T-item, and the player calls him out for it but doesnt KOS him?

    Technically, he witnessed a traitorous act and didn't perform any action on it.

    However, I believe that this line of thinking which is solely based on word and not sight is not proper.

    The link I made to Sinz's post to me is describing the importance of visual evidence required in a KOS and how you cannot take someone's word as evidence to KOS someone.

    Unless you know you saw him witness someone with a T item and he did nothing about it in terms of a KOS even if he said something about someone having a T-item then that's the only time you can kill him for GBA because you now know witnessed him see someone commit a traitorous act and didn't kill that person.

    Therefore it would not be GBA if someone says they saw so and so with a T item because you did not see them see the dude w/ the T-item, which would follow Sinz's post.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
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  4. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Absolutely - if you see someone plant a c4 and the guy with him just let it happen..that is considered GBA and a valid reason to kill. Now if you did not see it with your own eyes that one planted C4 and the other walked away, then you're getting into a whole different category.
  5. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Just because someone doesn't kos them doesn't mean they didn't shoot at them to try to stop them, so I'd say no because you are not witness to the person doing nothing
  6. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    Yes, but is the second situation considered GBA or kos'able?

    When people kos a detective we all know it is bullshit and not true. Still however you can be kos'ed for that. I have seen people get killed for that several times now. So if people can get kos'ed in those situations using words, why not also in the examples given above?
  7. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    C4 yes kill em both if you want, the harpoon, idk cause of the rule about the definition of a kid as ROBO said, I think you can it's like letting someone walk around with a jihad, you would kill them right? So I'm not sure just gonna put some input.
  8. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    If you look at the entire concept of guilt by association, It's very simply not calling out, or attempting to pursue or kill a player who you had seen commit a Traitorous Act. And in order to kill for it, you must witness a player not doing any of these things.

    This is why the second situation you described in your post is Guilt by Association. The first situation, however, is not. The player is just simply calling out to the entire server to let other players know that someone he saw has a Traitor weapon, so that other players take note of it.

    We're encouraging relaxed discussion here, something like this would just completely negate that.
  9. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Was my post like... tl;dr? Because it answers your question.

    If it was, here's the low down with what I think.

    1. It's GBA if you see a person see someone with a T-item and they do nothing about it.

    2. Based on Sinz's post which I linked to, it is not GBA if you did not see the person who said he saw someone with a T-item actually see the person with the T-item. This is because that post says that going solely based off of word for such situations isn't enough, you need to see it too.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    No, there could be multiple different reasons for not KOSing someone, and if someone says they saw someone do that but didn't KOS, then that's reason enough to not worry about it. Feel free to put as much suspicion on someone for that as you want, but if there's no KOS and you did not see anyone do anything, then don't kill for it.

    Also, for your detective example, this is common because the detective is a proven innocent. If you jokingly KOS the only proven innocent, then it's fair to say you're either 1. Not that intelligent or 2. a complete troll so most of us are ok with you being killed. For a random player though, there are other steps to take to avoid RDM and also making sure we are doing this correctly.
  11. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    All right.

    So the conclusion is clear from the statements you have given.

    Saying that someone is t-baiting, is itself not enough to kos that person. This also includes the person saying he saw another guy t-bait, but not doing anything about it.

    All right, but damn.. Have hoped it was otherwise, because i am starting to hear lots of people say "why did you plant that c4" or "I saw your harpoon". I will wait for the kos :-D
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  12. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Even if it was a valid reason for killing, you would acquire karma bans very quickly. A T usually does not call out in voice about his T-buddies doing sus or T-acts but usually is an inno trying to call attention to a potential T or trying to get more information about someone before deciding if it is worth calling a KOS because they are trying to avoid kosing innos