Invalid Report against Something wierd

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Rad-Amantium Skeleton, Apr 20, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Something wierd
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    2 or 3 (it was contested until the last round)
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    I am blowing up the barrels at the back of the bowling alley. Safely, making sure nobody is around me.

    Meanwhile, BenIMG is over voicechat calling that he's glitched and needs help from a mod/admin.

    Blowing up the last barrel, I realize that BenIMG is glitch spawned inside a bunch of cardboard boxes right next to the barrel. I wouldn't have known he was in there if his "voice chat" icon wasn't barely showing above the boxes.

    I had damaged him for aroudn 70 damage, but he forgives me and ask me to instead help him out, which I do with a magneto-stick. Since the mods at this point have not helped him.

    At the end of the round Ruby questions what happened with the damage and I explained. Something Weird decides from it to slay me.

    Reason for Report:
    My primary issue here is the double standard. The moderators failure to teleport BenIMG when he was glitched is what left him hidden with the path of the barrel explosion.

    It was considered an accidental rdm. But these seem to be extended circumstances of accidental. He was glitched somewhere he shouldn't be. If I shoot at a wall and accident kill someone, because the mods failed to tp a guy who was actually glitched inside that wall that I in no means could have been aware of. How does that fall on me?

    When brought up, Something Weird's excuse is that they can't notice every person who isn't stuck if they call it over voice chat (which I find incredulous since BenIMG was rather loud and consistent about it). None the less I can accept that. BUT when there's a double standard that it's not a moderator's responsibility for noticing the glitched player, yet it's MY responsibility to do so, that's just unfair. It's either we both are responsible for noticing him or we're both not.

    The extended factor is that BenING failed to use the @stuck. Which again I can understand. But then that would put the blame on BenING for not communication properly. In any situation, I don't understand how it falls on me.

    Furthermore, BenING was not AWARE of the @stuck command. As far as I can see it's not in the !motd and it doesn't occur in the chat unless as a global command by a mod or admin. Something that he, being a new player, has very likely never seen before.

    So the case is either Something weird failed to pay attention to BenIMG's cries for help, thus resulting in the situation. Or there was an expectation placed upon BenIMG to use a command that he ultimately wasn't aware of and realistically can't be held responsible for since it's not documented anywhere for new players.

    And as a last bit, Something weird claimed the reason he couldn't let it go is that he couldn't confirm my story. To which I suggested he talk to BenIMG. Because BenIMG was more than willing to say what happened. Again, he held no issue with the situation and was more thankful I got him unstuck then accidently damaging him. But Something weird refused to do this. Making it less he "couldn't confirm my story" and rather he "wouldn't confirm my story." Which I feel is furthmore not proper moderation.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    "BenIMG" STEAM_0:0:88976010
    "Ruby" STEAM_0:1:61965101​
  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

  3. Something weird

    Something weird Who am I? VIP

    So to start off, @Ruby filed this report against you on the unreported damage he found, I proceeded to slay you becuase Accidental RDM is still RDM, then you proceed to tell me he was stuck in a "cardboard box" and you didnt know he was there.
    Just to clarify I CANT give discretion to not slay for an accident like this, you didnt know he was there and yet you still did unecessary damage to a player who hadnt done anything.
    Players are advised to use the @stuck command, because we cant always listen to them over voice with players talking, and no this doesnt fall on you, its just a clarification to why players need to use admin chat.

    I know I didnt ask the stuck player because I was busy speaking to you, its not an excuse, it just didnt pass though my head at the time.

    Ill leave it to @Sinz to give his verdict.

    I hope this can clear any and all problems
  4. Yes I understand this. I'm saying that BenIMG was NOT advised until after the fact. Not having it available to him on the motd or nobody saying it (because from I've observered admins/mods only use the in question global command when or right after someone is stuck. And from BenIMG's entry to the server to the point of him being stuck, no other players were stuck hence he never saw the message).

    But it (in my opinion wrongfully) did since I was slain; and put in the wrong for it.
  5. Something weird

    Something weird Who am I? VIP

    The fact that he didnt warn DOES NOT fall on you, I didnt know he was stuck untill you told me, I slayed you for the damage you did to him.
  6. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    This message can be seen right below the !motd:


    Advising players to type @stuck if they happen to be stuck. Whether or not the victim forgave you for the damage dealt, it is not at the jurisdiction of the moderators to void punishment. They do not have the discretion to do this. All random and unjust damage must be dealt with in an impartial manner. It's best to stay clear of explosives so something like this doesn't happen.
  7. If by didn't warn you mean not telling you he was stuck, then ultimately what that sentence is saying is, "Even though there was no way of you knowing he was there, and it was completely in your right to do what you did, you're punished for it anyway."

    If I am firing and someone jumps into my line of fire, that doesn't fall on me. However in this scenario where similary we all agree it wasn't my fault, it does.

    I now see this. It's below the scroll of the motd (you need to scroll down to see it) and is the only item below the scroll. I'd reccommed adjusting that. Because it's easy to miss.
  8. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Please also be aware that accidental RDM is still RDM and moderators are not allowed to use discretion themselves without asking an admin first. So since there were two moderators online and no admins on the server, they had to slay you for the damage you dealt, even if it was accidental and even if he forgave you since the moderators are not allowed to use discretion to take those factors into account. They can only slay for the damage dealt as it is technically RDM.
  9. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    The slay was justified because you damaged a player [who was stuck, that you had no vision of] with an explosive barrel; it wasn't crossfire, or anything of the sort.

    If there's not much else you'd like to add to this report, I'd like to lock it up.
  10. Yeah I got nothing more other than a request to adjust the motd formatting to fit all the into.
  11. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Alright, thank you for your patience and cooperation.

    This report against Something Weird has been found invalid.

    I'll see what I can do about that formatting. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
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