Completed Report against Prof. Spy

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Extreme, Apr 13, 2016.

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  1. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Prof. Spy
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    around 09:20-09:45 am.
    Reason For Report:
    Hey again.. i want to report Prof. Spy for Mass rdm and doing false kos'es several rounds in a row... i almost got karma banned because of him.. he even reports me for rdm when i kill him and abuses the reporting system and waisting my time on him... I would rather play and have fun without people like him. i hope i get banned...

    One of the Vids: He makes a false Kos against Ryani who is inno and afk. He alsokills another inno in the same round and reports me for killing him... Another guy says that Ryan is inno when he makes the kos... So i am not the only one who think it looks like that Prof Spy is just making false kos'ses.

    The other one: Get shoots from behind by a guy above the house with a m4, wich he has. I notice that mulitple people are above and since no one did anything against the guy who shoot randomly i kos them all for GBA, but it seems obvious who did it... From my point of view there has been a guy t-baiting above the house and after i kos him him no one does anything, so when i notice that several people are above i kos them all. Maybe i should not have done that but on the other hand, if you are together with someone who is t-baiting and you are passive, then you can be considered GBA, wich i think was the case here, because everyone was already up stairs, when i turned my radar on, which they could not have gone in the few seconds where i was running up towards them.

    There might be other cases where he also clearly has broken the rules but dont want to spend any more time on him.. Hope he gets perma banned for breaking several rules, several times.... He even Revenge rdm me by calling me a traitor at the begining of the round where i was actually a t at the third video... Could not do anything then try to kill people from the begining... what a waist of a t round. So he has basicly made false kos'ses for 3 rounds in a row, if you look away from the fun round there was between, and he has rdm several people... Im not saying it is clear he does not care about the rules and should be banned... but....​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
  2. Scroobs

    Scroobs Milk was a bad choice VIP

    Hello, Extreme. You seem to be reporting Prof. Spy with claims that he Mass RDMed. I have some unforunate news for you, the videos you have provided show nothing of the sort. He did, however, false KOS you on one occasion, that's obvious but, my issue is you seem to have incriminated yourself more than the man you are reporting. If anything YOU are the one RDMing. You KOSed by location in the third video, by stating "KOS everyone on top of the house," then very clearly weeded out Prof. Spy, and RDMed him without full knowledge he shot at you. You claim this is GBA, but however, since you can only see one person at the time, you can't be 100% certain they all saw it in the first place.

    On to my second point, there is no such thing as a false report...well, there is, but it's not punishable by a mod which you seem to think it is. Maybe I'm reading that wrong, but that's how you make it feel.

    And my third and final point, you disrespected consistently throughout the videos, calling him a "fucking idiot" or "fucking stupid," and this certainly does not help your case. If someone is upsetting you, it's best to take a breath, take the high road, and learn to ignore people.

    Thanks again for taking the time to clean up the servers, I'm sure you meant less harm then portrayed, but I will be forced to give you another 24 hours from this point to provide legitimate evidence against Prof. Spy, or else this report will be closed and marked invalid.
  3. Extreme

    Extreme Active Member

    Hey Scroobs, i understand your points.

    I did not kill everyone in the house, just him.

    On the first video, i got dna on him for killing an inno, and killed him instantly whereafter he reported me. That round he also did a false kos on aother inno called Ryan. He has actually kos'ed Ryan for several rounds in a row. I killed Ryan one of the rounds where he was inno and maybe even afk..

    On the second video he makes a kos on me from the begining, which clearly is a false kos.

    Third video. Dont have logs for that, but am quit sure he rdm me there. Even if he where not, there where muliple people up the roof when the shooting happened and no one did anything, even after i kos'ed the guy who was shooting at the roof of the house.

    Have updated my report against him on 2 of the vids. maybe that helps Scroobs?
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
  4. Scroobs

    Scroobs Milk was a bad choice VIP

    Sorry for the late reply, got a little busy yesterday. I'm happy you took the time out of your day to report the guy, after re-reviewing the evidence I do see another occasion where he false KOSes Ryan, but the count is still only at two, not constituting a mass RDM. The player will be dealt with, and you will need to be punished for the reason I stated above, you assumed it was Prof. Spy when you had no definite proof, and revenge RDMed him in the process. You will both be punished.

    Thanks again for your time, feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
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