Denied TheLonleyUni's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by TheLonleyUni, Apr 13, 2016.

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  1. TheLonleyUni

    TheLonleyUni New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    because i got banned for rdm but i had reasons and i really didnt rdm if it seemed like it sorry.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    i dont really think i have any but u can check the report people made on me on it and i said the reason why i did ti . Imv ery sorry if it cam eoff that way .Plz . If i did i wont do it again. Vanill 24/7 minecraft ttt was the server .Plz i just wanna play with my friends.​
  2. TheLonleyUni

    TheLonleyUni New Member

    noctrious said it doesnt matter if u rdm traitors
  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    1 minute ago - TheLonleyUni: but hewas a traitor
    1 minute ago - TheLonleyUni: and it wasnt rndm
    1 minute ago - Noctorious: You can RDM traitors

    What I meant was, that just because he is a traitor doesn't mean it wasn't rdm. It can still be RDM when you kill a traitor. Killing a traitor can be RDM
  4. Stocking ❤

    Stocking ❤ Repent VIP Bronze

    *RDM applies to traitors
  5. Goose

    Goose Duck, Duck, Goose Motherfucker VIP

    I will be responding with my evidence shortly. I banned you on EUnilla for Mass RDM (4+). Please be patient
  6. TheLonleyUni

    TheLonleyUni New Member

    and the karma kicked me at hte end so i couldnt finish reports
  7. Goose

    Goose Duck, Duck, Goose Motherfucker VIP

    Thanks for taking the time to make an appeal, I want you to know we take every appeal seriously. Now lets get into it.


    In this report you basically admit to killing on suspicion. It is neither traitorous to be wounded or stop and look at someone. This was the first event of RDM that contributed to your ban.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    These all occurred before I had a chance to ask you about these instances due to your aforementioned karma ban, for this I apologize because I didn't ask you about them for a little while because server was quite hectic at the time. You can see in the first screenshot (round 5) that you threw an incen that damaged one player and killed two others, these were your 2nd, 3rd and 4th apparent RDMs. In my second screenshot (round 4) you can see that you both damaged Nilz for 37 damage with a Deagle and killed Guccio with one, these were your 5th and 6th apparent RDMs. Finally, in the last screenshot (round 3) you can see you damaged two players with an incen, this was your 7th and final count of apparent RDM that contributed to your ban.

    In all honesty due to the shear number of RDMs you seemingly committed, especially in the hectic environment that the server was during that time (someone else had just RDMed 12 people in the round before), I was considering requesting an extension on the ban. In addition the arguing about this ban in shoutbox after being requested to stop multiple times by members of our staff was completely unacceptable and did not help your chances with me at all. Unless you can respond with significant evidence or explanation for these instances of damage within 24 hours then I will be denying this appeal.
  8. TheLonleyUni

    TheLonleyUni New Member

    i didnt mean to throw the incin grenade it was a mistake. a couple of them were because they shot me first. 1 was on suspicion 1 was cuz dna scanner 1 was cuz the tester and a couple more i forgot i dont really have Evidence besides my word. I think i just mostly had bad luck with the people i chose to kill i do accept the fact i did rdm but i did not get the 2 round slays i only got punished once and in my opinion its not fair that u go to the biggest punishment. I just think of it as bad luck as sometimes u have to rdm 1 person because of elimination as if thers 3 players including ur self and ur innocent thers 1 traitor and if u kill 1 the other is traitor. I would of server the 1 hour but then it got updated to 5 days which i think isnt fair. If i could atleast get the 2 slays and a 1hour ban i would be fine with that its just that ik it looks bad but most of it was on accident. And have u considered that i was rdmed a couple times and got a bit mad cuz that happened if you havn't realized. Taki Rambo Rdmed me a couple times so did one of my traitor buddies cuz he was new which i had to describe how to play and that(Darklegion) and i did forgive him and i would like the chance to redeem my self as well.If you had a bad day and some bad luck this might of happened to you but i think its unfair that i got punished once then i got upgraded to the highest punishment. Because lots of them wasn't my fault.a couple of them i do accept that i did rdm and i would be happy enough to serve the slays and hours of ban time but not 5 days as it is not fair because its not my fault if someone baits me as in rules and makes me shoot them cuz they shot me. If someone shot u would you shoot them back? thats what happened in a couple of them. I hope you read this and make a clear decision.In my books its not fair but its different for you. Please Could You Downgrade the punishment. I still would take a punishment happily just not a 5 day one as its not my fault for most of the rdms. Thank You For Reading And I Hope You Make The Right Decision ( sorry for the random caps sometimes i just do it).
  9. Goose

    Goose Duck, Duck, Goose Motherfucker VIP

    Sorry but I will have to be denying this appeal, as you have admitted that the incens were thrown on accident this raises your count to 5 confirmed RDMs. Remember accidental RDM is still RDM. I suggest in the future that you refrain from holding incens as you claim you accidentally threw one two rounds in a row. You might have had a chance with a ban reduction if you had not constantly argued with both staff and players in the shoutbox about this ban, but as I mentioned before you not only did that, but continued after being asked to stop multiple times. Finally, I suggest you read our full rules as you seem to have some very big misconceptions about what is allowed i.e. "sometimes u have to rdm 1 person because of elimination as if thers 3 players including ur self and ur innocent thers 1 traitor and if u kill 1 the other is traitor." They can be found here

    Appeal: DENIED

    Thread: LOCKED

    EDIT: Immediately after writing this I came back to see you arguing about the ban in shoutbox again and was forced to give you a warning point to make you stop. This type of behavior will never help you be unbanned, and if repeated again will probably earn you a forum ban.
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