Finished Tiny 24hr Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by ArcticFox29, Mar 14, 2016.


Do you really want Poop In My Soup?

  1. Yes!

  2. Uhm, no thanks.

  3. I'm unsure how to feel about this game.

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  1. ArcticFox29

    ArcticFox29 Creator of lag. Silver

    Just hours ago, the most interesting game ever created was released... Kidding!
    So, I have an extra copy of There's Poop In My Soup. It's only $0.89 on Steam, but I thought I'd find a more fun way to get it out of my inventory.

    As it's a silly little game, anyone can enter, the winner will be chosen randomly from the comments, and I'll draw in about 24hrs-ish.

    To enter, comment your most embarrassing moment.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Sarkastix

    Sarkastix Well-Known Member

    When I peed my pants in first grade in front of the whole class
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Entering to win a game called There's Poop In My Soup is my most embarrassing moment
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Ruby

    Ruby Turn your wounds into wisdom VIP Silver Emerald

    I have seen this game played by gain and Micheal of rooster teeth and there is no shame id love this game
  5. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    I like chicken nuggets
  6. Chewie

    Chewie deadrun mod VIP Bronze

    Putting a booger on my T-Shirt and everyone noticed.
  7. In kindergarten a kid tickled me till I shit myself

    Very embarrassing
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Fox

    Fox VIP

    I want There's Poop In My Soup GOTY Edition ok ty
  9. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    I was really tired coming back from my trip to America, and when I was transferring from airports I needed to go and use the bathroom (makes sense as the flight was 16 and a half hours). After coming out I needed to wait for my next flight which was still nearly an hour out. I sat down to wait, and only when I got up to board the flight and pull out my Passport did I realise that I had toilet paper coming out of my pants. It wasn't huge so I don't think too many people actually noticed it but embarrassing nonetheless!

    Thanks for the Giveaway :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Solid Anunoby

    Solid Anunoby VIP Silver

    Having to take a dump in the middle of class, with the teacher not letting me go to the bathroom, I took the garbage can and took a huge, rancid dump in the trash, and put the garbage can back. Everybody Noticed and were complaining about the smell. For the record, I was in 7th grade at the time this happened.
  11. GRYPHN

    GRYPHN ♫ Thanks for the Memories ♫ VIP

    I've never been too shy to go through with it. That is why, I think this game could master my strategies when facing the situation at hand.

    This one time at band camp, I really had to go but there was no time, so I just took my tuba out in front of everyone and you know...
  12. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    I got in the car with the wrong person (the cars were the exact same down to detail) and they didnt say anything. they just started drving. my mother called me asking me where i was like 3 minutes later and i screamed and pissed myself.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. SavannahBanana

    SavannahBanana I Love Bananas :D VIP Emerald Bronze


    >>That moment you have too take a shit in a public toilet and you dont want to just let it out cus everyone will know its you <<
  14. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    I left my house when I was like 5 for juicy fruit. Police and shit came to find me.
  15. ArcticFox29

    ArcticFox29 Creator of lag. Silver

    @Sarkastix , congratulations on getting poop in your soup. I hope it makes you happy. Don't worry, it's really fun.


    Don't see your name entered? Next time, make sure your entry is valid by following the rule:
    If you didn't share an embarrassing moment, your entry was not counted.
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