Denied Fallenangellucia's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Fallenangellucia, Feb 27, 2016.

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  1. Fallenangellucia

    Fallenangellucia Supporter

    Your In Game Nickname:
    (G.S.W.P) S.C.P/B37 Lucia
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Ok so i got banned by guilty. There were a number of times he did not slay rdmers i reported for quote un quote (it was a word v word argument). So he said he could not do anything when i know there is a way in what ever logs you have or something to tell. Because most mods would have slayed the people i reported with what i had said. So i started to get agitated with him on about the 2nd map i played with him. Then a couple maps later i told him in admin chat. "The fact the server does not even have a death scene viewer mod to see rdm or not in word vs word situations is infuriating and you need to do something about this shit". "You have not once slayed the people who have rdmed me and its fucking bull shit". Thats basically what i said. Then he told me to stop being toxic so i finished my speal and said ok i am done. Then he said you know what i think you need a break. A 1 week break. Then i was banned for 14 days. No actual reason to why and only 1 verbal warning that i followed and he banned me any way. I know this next thing i am about to say won't win me any bonus points but. I have had to deal with the staff on your servers way back in the past and back then so so many of them did not do their jobs and were abusive of their power. When i reported them for it it was their word against myn a none ranked none donating player. So they believed the mods. What i am saying is please don't have a biased opinion on this just because guiltys a admin. I am not asking for him to be punished i am just asking for a un ban because i feel he was in the wrong. Ty for taking the time to read this mess :D
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Howdy there Fallen, you were Globally banned by @Guilty for Toxic Behavior, he'll respond at his earliest convenience.
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver


    You were warned to stop with your behavior due to the way you were constantly presenting yourself. I've been pretty lenient with it for some time, but for the good hour and a half I was on the server, you were always presenting yourself as a toxic player and comments like this are clear sign of it.


    However, let's go over what the offending situations were. So with each conversation we've had, I've always informed you of the report verdict as well as the reason onto why. With each report, you would become increasingly hostile to me and become someone who keeps on insulting the staff team as as whole. Of course, I didn't do much and chose to be lenient with some of your comments until you began to type comments like what I typed above. Let's see how some of this conversatio ngoes on the map during the time.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    You say you were done? Unfortunately, this isn't the case.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    So let's talk about some of your claims. Because your claims extend further than the amount you claim. Let's talk about why I chose to make your ban 2 weeks globally. I'll go over your admin stats to continue this further. However, before I show you your adminstats, I've never said 1 week contrary to your claims. I said 2 weeks and gave you the 2 week ban as it is as shown in my screenshots.


    Normally, if you consider your history, your bans would normally not be considered anymore due to the Statute of Limitations. However, considering your history of bans and your in-game behavior showing almost no change clearly shows that you required the longer ban. I've explained the situations on why your claims were incorrect when it pertains to the reports you made as well as trying to correct you. An example includes the report that I showed below where you RDMed the player named Goose and you arguing with me despite informing you on the reasons on why you were punished instead of him. You proceeded to act toxic and constantly saying I was wrong and that most staff members would slay goose. However, you kept on ignoring the reason of self-defense, which Goose enacted to kill you for damaging him first. While it wasn't the best use of the method, he wasn't in the wrong either, but you were due to him not committing a traitorous act and damaging him without a legitimate reason as per our rules.

    You were warned to stop and you chose to disregard my warning and continue forward with voicing your problems in a hostile and toxic manner. Considering your behavior, I chose to enact my discretion to bypass the SoL and considered every harassment ban you managed to acquire during the time. Considering all of that in mind, I saw fit to give you the 2 week global ban.

    Considering the situation now coming down to this appeal, I will be denying this appeal. Use this time to prevent this kind of behavior from recurring in the future and understand that not every situation won't go your way. Yes, we don't have death scene in this community, but this is mainly because we want to prevent as much as lag as possible from forming. So not every situation will go your way, however this doesn't mean you can continue to act as toxic as you did today.

    This appeal will be locked at your acknowledgement.

  4. Fallenangellucia

    Fallenangellucia Supporter

    Well its because nothing with the server has changed at all over the past year. Nothing has been done to help staff figure out reports such as a addon i mentioned that lets you veiw death scenes so you can see if they really rdmed a person or not (a lot of bigger servers have this mod or any form of it). The reason i kept getting more and more frustrated was because every time i would be rdmed by the (idiots who don't follow ttt rules as stated in my chat up above). Almost never would they get slayn because they can just lie their way out of it. Also my past bans were due to a large amount of i was trying to call out a mod who abused his power so he banned me for 50 days. After that i decided i did not want any thing to do with the server for a long while. That tons of rdm ban you see. Was 1 person that i killed because a detective shot at them. He just used it to get me banned for a long time. Almost the entire time i have been on your servers i have had more problems with staff not doing their job correctly and not trying to solve rdm situations harder. Than any other ttt server i have played on. Serious ttt is by far the best server when it comes to game play. But its frustrating as hell when a rdmer gets away with it because he lies. I also totally admit i went over the top with my rage i have anger problems. But i don't think it should be a 2 week ban for it.
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    And this is where we will disagree. If you do have anger problems, then it's better to take some time off so you can work on fixing those problems so you can come back feeling better than before. I believe these 2 weeks will be more beneficial for you especially since your anger problem happened on more than one occasion. RDM sucks and I understand that you want something done if you feel wronged, but again, this doesn't excuse your actions. Toxic behavior is never the answer to anything and as a result, I will be having you serve your current ban length fully for the next 2 weeks.

    Appeal denied.
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