AMA On Combat, On Killing.

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Evil Homer, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. To get this out of the way, and so that I don't have to go forward into TS repeating anything from my history that isn't a funny story... Ask Me Anything about what it is like in Combat, and what is like to be in a kill/be killed environment.

    One rule, Don't ask me how many people I have killed.... I despise that question.

    Background: Rifleman, USMC for the past 6 years
    1 x deployed to Afghan
    1 x deployed in support of Embassy Security Europe/Africa, responded to 2012 Bengazi attack in Libya.

    Here goes nothing....
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  2. reverse_flash

    reverse_flash New Member

    How many burritos did you eat?
  3. None, unless shit MRE beans and tortillas count. lol
  4. reverse_flash

    reverse_flash New Member

    How many steaks did you eat?
  5. None.
  6. reverse_flash

    reverse_flash New Member

    Did you get to fire two guns whilst jumping in the air?
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHA, Nah mayne.
  8. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    What's it like where you're staying currently?
  9. Oahu is okay, The base is pretty run down, and the units are unorganized. But life isn't terrible. 49 days left doesn't hurt.
  10. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    First I'd like to say you are very brave to put this type of thing up. It must be hard to bring something like this up and relive parts of it.
    My question is in those types of scenarios did you ever have to pause to question morals or consider if what you are doing is right or wrong? Or is there no time for those types of things to cross your mind and its purely survival instinct and keeping you and your allies alive?
    If the 2nd one is true then have there been any times after the events that you have looked back and thought that there could have been another way to have dealt with it? Or do you know and feel that there was no other way and that it had to be done.

    Ps. I also live on Oahu
  11. 1) In the moment, not really, it's an adrenaline fueled shitstorm.

    2) There isn't a day goes by that I don't think about some of the things I saw and did, and yes there are bad kills, I will say, that of all the iffy and messed up things that happened the Taliban and some of the Libyan Militia were worse.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    What are some of the ways you are able to cope with these types of thoughts and memories?
  13. I am a drunk, so I drank. I recently got on the wagon, so mostly I lean on my fiance to support me.
  14. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    Congratulations to you and your fiancé.

    My last question is has it ever been easy to pull the trigger? Any scenarios or amount of time that goes by to make it an easier thing to do? Is it and will it always be a difficult thing to do? Or in that point in time there's no time to feel, just to act.
  15. Depending on the situation, it's instinct. Like I said, feeling is secondary in the moment. Not implying that the weight of human life is less, just that the motivations to keep yourself and your friends alive is stronger.

    It's never easy however, hell if I hadn't known for certain the first time I shot at anyone that they were trying to kill me at that moment, I may not have fired...
  16. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    I can see what you mean.
    Thank you for answering my questions and serving the country.
    I wish you and your fiancé the best and hope for you to one day find peace within yourself.
  17. Did you meet the American Sniper before he was killed
  18. hahahaha, nah man, I never met Chris Kyle