Completed Report against Shaddoll/MikeOTR/NaCl

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by zomborg, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    STEAM_0:1:58144429(Mike), STEAM_0:1:59463779(NaCl)
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    MikeOTR and NaCl were harassing me on the server as well as being generally toxic, excessively talking about rape and how I'm raping them, etc. They both targetted me because I was defending Shaddoll for banning someone and it spiraled from there. Absolutely nothing was done by Shaddoll and there was plenty of time/plenty of things said to which he could have acted upon and he did not.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Below is my video & full demo of that map. Continuing after the video, MikeOTR tells Booty Fuhrer how happy he is that he killed me, etc, furthering the toxic behavior but still nothing was done. This was for almost 10 minutes, some of which continued onto the next map with NaCl continuing to speak to me in a negative way even after I had told him to stop multiple times. Throughout this demo I told them to stop talking to me and not to PM me(when the PM's started) and they obviously did not stop. I can provide a separate recording of the next map, though I left rather early in the next map and there wasn't much to record other than NaCl attempting to further instigate though it was mild.
    Full unedited demo

    Edit: This isn't new behavior for NaCl towards me, he was harassing me yesterday as well as @Cake. Just continued behavior for no reason.​
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
  2. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

  3. Yeah they were being completely rude in all senses of the word. I had a recording but sadly it was corrupted.

    When I started talking about how they were being rude they started calling me white knight until @Asgore got on and got them to stop.
  4. Cake

    Cake I like red VIP

    I can vouch for her, he was targeting us the entire night and kept saying rude things.
  5. Shaddoll

    Shaddoll Okay doomer. VIP

    I was attempting to deal with the hacker that I banned appealing and attempting to see if I had sufficient evidence. Granted, I probably should have just left the server at that point, but I had no idea that this was happening otherwise I would have done something about it. I'm sorry about my negligence of this and will accept the consequences, whatever they may be.
  6. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    As Wintr stated, when I got on the server wasn't as bad as what is displayed in this demo. A few tasteless remarks and a Verbal Warning was issued when I told them to stop talking to you because you requested them to stop. At that point they directed their attention to me and Mike got himself two gags and a warning for mic spam and continuing the behavior displayed, NaCL got a warning also though he was harassing towards me as when I was on I did not catch him directing comments to you. It was expressed to me by you there would be more. However, I am not well versed in what NaCL sounds like so I can't pick apart the demo to find his voice.

    You also make a claim hes done this in the past to you and cake, however I would need more to pursue NaCL himself for this.

    In terms with Shadoll, he and I spoke on this and he understands what happened and if hes going to go outside the game to handle other things, he should be using the proper AFK tag or leave the game. That against him is Valid. I extend a formal apology on my moderators behalf as well to ensure this won't happen in the future.

    Ill let @MikeOTR defend himself if he desires. I can pick out his voice fairly easily. Please provide anymore evidence or clarify the current evidence for me against NaCL. Timestamps could help me pinpoint names easier.

    Thank you for your time.
  7. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    3:10 "Nobody likes her. They just deal with her. Nobody has the evidence to ban her so we all just have to deal with her."
    4:04 "I'm pretty sure is dead because she normally can't shut her mouth."
    Various other things were said in accordance with MikeOTR, but those are distinctly him.
  8. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Thank you. NaCL added me just earlier today when he was trying to clarify what was going on. I will reach out to him on Steam and have him post here.
  9. Sableye

    Sableye New Member

    I appreciate how civilized you all are being, (I am NACl) MikeOTR was being disrespectful and so was I, but you have failed to realize that I did try to apologize for my actions earlier in the game, I am deeply sorry for what I did but the way you responded to me after I felt the need to apologize, you responded pretty disrespectfully to me and I tried to hold myself together and had left later that map rotation. I am deeply sorry for my actions and it looks like Mike isn't

    4:23 PM - MikeOTR: White Knights everywhere
    4:23 PM - NaCl: idk
    4:25 PM - MikeOTR: You know what really bothers me about it tho?
    4:26 PM - MikeOTR: The fact that if it was a guy, no one would've given a single fuck
    4:26 PM - MikeOTR: But hey it's a girl so everyone suddenly cares
  10. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    So basically what you're saying is "he was doing it, so I decided to do it." You didn't try to apologize to me, you could have said you were sorry. Being disrespectful to me on the next map and then 5 minutes later saying "oh I want to make amends" isn't you apologizing, it's you being an asshole. Regardless of what Mike is or isn't, you participated and I don't believe that you are sorry whatsoever. You have been nothing but toxic every single time you are on that I have witnessed and considering this isn't the first time you have been that way towards me, I'm gonna go ahead and say this is normal behavior for you.

    You fucked up and now you are being held responsible for it.
  11. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    After discussing things with NACL, he understands what he did was wrong. He is going to avoid that kind of behavior in the future. That side of the report against him is Valid.

    I will give @MikeOTR a bit of time to reply.
  12. Sage.

    Sage. VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm here to transfer the message from Mike.
    He is currently having trouble logging into the forums.
  13. MikeOTR

    MikeOTR VIP

    Watching that video cleared a bit of my memory.
    I was asking what aimbot the guy had and what he was doing with the aimbot. While this girl randomly responded in a rude way that it's not my business.
    This better not log me out
    EDIT: Booty told me to do it and he had a hitler picture.
    You can hear him in the begining of the video saying do it
  14. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Regardless of what anyone said, you were the one that did it- you are old enough to make the choice whether or not to harass someone, right? It wasn't funny. I told you to stop multiple times and you didn't care. You were obviously like that intentionally so I don't really see how you think being like that is okay. You were being rude to Shaddoll over the ban, demanding answers and I told you that it wasn't your business. You were spouting off nonsense and trying to troll people before the thing with Shaddoll, so I really wouldn't put it behind you to not be a dick about someone getting banned.

    I don't really see why Booty matters unless you're an unconsenting party in this whole ordeal, which by admission you are not.
  15. MikeOTR

    MikeOTR VIP

    You told me to stop 2 times and I stopped once you asked me the 2nd time.
    I wasn't demanding answers, nor was I expecting one. I was just curious.
    Shaddoll did nothing to me and I have nothing over him..
    I'm not trying to be funny, I'm trying to entertain myself on a video game. Hell originally I wasn't even being a dick. As I stated before, anyone who has ever played with me knows that I am an annoying person who talks a lot about random stuff. You just got annoyed by me being me, next time just mute me like I'm going to do for you.
    Also I will no longer reply here unless a mod or admin has something to ask/say about this. This is getting annoying and it's a waste of everyone's time
  16. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    With all said and done. I don't know why if Booty Furhur told you to do it would mean anything. This isn't a 90's D.A.R.E. group you have to worry about peer pressure into trolling others. When I got on you kept telling me she triggered you because she was annoying. There is no valid reason for this kind of behavior under any circumstances, even if someone told you to do it or not or if you felt like it.

    In Summary:
    • MikeOTR will have a localized Harassment/Toxic Behavior Ban on West 1 for 5 Days as punishment.
    • NaCl has been spoken to and dealt with, he understands not to do this again.
    • Shaddoll has been spoken to and has apologized.
    If you have any questions about punishments handled to you or concerns about how the report was handled, you may direct any complaints to me via PM's or on Steam.

    Thank you all once again for taking some time to reply here and enjoy the rest of your evenings.

    Report - Valid
    Topic - Locked
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