
Discussion in 'Maps' started by sephr, Jan 6, 2016.


Do you want ttt_rooftops_2016 on Serious Gmod?

  1. Yes

    23 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. sephr

    sephr Member

    Please add ttt_rooftops_2016_v1 and remove the old rooftops. ttt_rooftops_2016_v1 is vastly superior to the old rooftops (more buildings, more areas, better lighting, better textures, vastly improved skybox, etc.)

    Screenshots as well as some version of the map (not sure which) can be found at

    Also it has an awesome map flooding mechanic (very hard to activate flooding though). Once the water reaches a certain level it becomes poisonous and you need to hop to islands of safety and stuff. It adds a lot of new opportunities for having fun.

    I don't know where to get ttt_rooftops_2016_v1, but it's out there somewhere (I'll google for it later), since I was playing on it recently. That steam link is to the non-v1 version just so you can check out some screenshots of the map.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Viral☣

    Viral☣ I'm the hero that Deathrun deserves! VIP Silver

    Is this a suggestion for ttt? If so please remember to put this in ttt map suggestions.
  3. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Moved this.
  4. sephr

    sephr Member

    Oh yeah, sorry I didn't notice the map suggestions sub-forum. Thanks Sinz.
  5. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    This map was suggested a little while ago as seen here:

    However it was tested and then deemed not good enough due to FPS issues as you can also see here:
    Unless the map has been optimized since then, I doubt it will be added this time around.
  6. sephr

    sephr Member

    The map has been updated since it initially came out. I was playing on a server recently that had ttt_rooftops_2016_v1 (basically the beta for v2) and it ran very well (constant 110-120fps at 1440p w/1x 680). The server had 24 people online at the time.

    Btw, for someone with 2 980s, CPU PCIE bandwidth is your limiting factor when it comes to Gmod. I get a constant 120fps at 1440p on every single map (except community pool, which is more like 70fps), with just a single 680 and a 3930k. Additionally, 2 980s in SLI can actually run slower than one if you don't have enough PCIE bandwidth. If they don't have an x79 or x99 chipset motherboard (the only non-Skylake motherboards with >32 PCIE 3.0 lanes needed for maximum SLI performance), they should try disabling one of their 980s and trying playing the map again.

    Even if ttt_rooftops_2016 runs absolutely horribly on your PC, that shouldn't prevent others with good PCs from enjoying it on STTT. That's what !hop is for. Some people have performance problems with community pool-should we remove that map? Of course not. People who can't run community pool well will just !hop to a different server.

    Also, as an anecdote, ttt_rooftops_2016 even runs fine (25-40fps) at 720p using Intel integrated graphics (HD Graphics 5500) for me on my shitty laptop. Most of the graphics settings on my laptop are turned all the way down of course, but that's the whole point of performance-scalable games.

    Worst case, you can appease people with worse PCs by keeping the old rooftops in the map lineup. Then players can vote themselves as to which one they want to play.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
    • Informative Informative x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    If this is optimized, then a major +1 I am all for it.

    @Highwon could possibly tell us more through testing.
    • Agree Agree x 1


    Aww come on this map is waaayyy better than the current rooftops! +1
  9. At least you get better fps than me lol, my shittier laptop has HD Graphics 4400 and I'm lucky if I get 30 fps when I'm playing STTT (with 1280x600 resolution)

    Anyways, I agree with Ravin, +1
  10. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    I hope this will give a new life to the current rooftops, which seems to have become one of the least popular maps! +1
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Fivecraft

    Fivecraft 'The sh*ttiest mod since Guilty' VIP

    I would love to have the rooftops map updated having played on the other version prior to this new update definite +1 from me
  12. Sarkastix

    Sarkastix Well-Known Member

    This seems to be a great map.

    +1 We need to have it
  13. Just!n

    Just!n New Member

    Looks good, is good. As long as it doesn't lag,
  14. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Hell. Fucking. No.

    This map is full of lag. No. It's terrible. I go from 40 fps to 15. It's not that fun to play on.

    Now I don't think it was fixed, although if it was +support.
  15. Sarkastix

    Sarkastix Well-Known Member

    I just tested this map

    It seems to be very optimized.

    All my settings were on high and I was getting constant 55-60 FPS

    I used my old laptop
  16. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    On a server with 36 players?

    Results are usually different with more players.
  17. STONEY


    Sinz is right, especially with player models, a lot of lag comes from groups of players all bundled together. So if the map already lowers your fps, well then you can imagine...
  18. Malcom T

    Malcom T Member

    This map should totally replace current rooftops so +1
    for the low fps which is claimed to be fixed could always be tested so I suggest we try it out again with full server?
  19. Bear

    Bear Meow VIP

    I think we should test this out with a full server. It would be a wonderful addition to the rotation.
  20. Saviik

    Saviik VIP

    I agree with Bear here. Maybe add it in temporarily to test it first. +1 from me