Completed Report against MrsSwagDaddy

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Angel-Kun, Jan 28, 2016.

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  1. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    Kept calling KOS on me and promised points for whoever killed me. This kept happening for multiple rounds.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Simon Belmont (Llv15Magikarp)​
  2. Never KOSed you. You just kept saying mildly offensive things, so I simply said, "Whoever can bring me his body, I'll give you points. That isn't a KOS, just bring me the body. I don't care how you get it." I can bring witnesses to my claim, too, if necessary.

    Edit: I just noticed the embellishment there at the end. I only offered the points for one round. A traitor brought me your body and killed me. I gave him the points.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  3. Well he never did call a kos on you, I was the one who killed you and brought the body. I was a traitor that's my job.
  4. Savage-nyan

    Savage-nyan VIP

    Mrs. Swag Daddy never called koses on u, all he said was "bring me his body and I'll give u points" definitely not a kos. He did it to picklefish too, he said if u find pickles body bring it to me and i'll give u 300 points"
  5. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    You did it twice. You said and I quote "whoever kills Angel gets 150 points". I'm pretty sure putting a bounty on someone is KOS
  6. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    I was killed twice in two rounds. One was by a traitor and one was by a detective. Saying "Get me his body for points" is pretty much saying "Hey kill him for points". You got two people to kill me so yeah you were putting a bounty on me
  7. Hey, man. Ask anyone on the server at the time, that was paying attention. I asked for your body. That's it. I literally said, "I don't care how you get it." I never condoned RDM or killing. I just asked for your body. Either way, not to instigate anything, you don't really have any evidence to back this, so the staff will just have to go word for word, and that's honestly a waste of their time.
  8. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    So, you get me killed twice, and then you say trying to fight back this injustice is a "waste of time". If I remember right, Pickle started recording after you kept calling these bounties on me but you didn't do it when he was. You can't just call a bounty on me and try to get away with it. I have witnesses too and they saw what you did. You knew I was going to get killed on sight. It was heavily implied. EPoB | PickleFISH96 was also a witness on what happened. He is the one who told me how to report you.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  9. Lvl 15 Magikarp

    Lvl 15 Magikarp Supporter

    Sick, so this is GTA now? Bounties for days. Got like 15k points to spend!
  10. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    I will state, that while it may have been a T that brought the body, I will warn you now, @Mrs Swag Daddy, that these words can be considered a placement of bounty.

    Now with this phrase, you even condoned RDM. Saying you don't care how they got it, is saying, "I don't care if you are innocent and kill him" means that you didn't care if they commited RDM to get it.

    From an earlier post in a different thread, @Sir Lemoncakes said this:

    You can find this thread here:

    I will ask @TheHorribleJoke this, do you have screenshots or videos of any kind of this matter? If so, I would like to see them so that I can make a proper judgement on the situation. Although, since @Mrs Swag Daddy has blatantly said that they called this, I will issue this warning now: Do not place bounties on player. If you do and if an innocent and/or Detective damages and/or kills the intended target, they will be slain as well as you.
  11. I can say, he was KOSing. He did it to me and angel. So.....
  12. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    I don't have any screenshots since it was a voice chat nor do I have any recordings. All I have are witnesses. The reason I reported him was because it was obvious that he was going to continue putting bounties on me until I left or did something about it. I hope that he can get the propper punishment because this type of behavior is toxic and ruins the fun of playing on this server.
  13. I %100 Agree With you.
  14. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Without proper evidence, I can't do much aside from warn the player, but due to this report, I will now be watching this player more closely. I will consider this report valid, and lock it accordingly in twenty-four hours. In that twenty-four hours, if anyone that is included in this report has evidence to assist with the issue at hand, I will take it into consideration at that point and judge accordingly.


    Thread: Open for twenty-four hours
  15. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    Thank you for taking this report into consideration. I don't know if the logs record voice chat but if it does then the evidence is there. It was around 6:40pm-7:00pm PST. Other than that, I cannot offer anymore evidence since he has stopped for a few maps now. If he does it again, I will try my best to capture evidence. Thanks again for looking into this.
  16. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Sadly they do not. I would suggest using a recording software to get voice chat.
  17. Oh, I said the "don't care how you get it" bit after I saw he died in the top right. Really, I didn't expect it to even go through, as the chat was legit being flooded at the time, and he was annoying me with his "deporting minorities" comments. I can honestly say I was surprised when Donger walked up with his body.
  18. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    @Mrs Swag Daddy, instead of taking it upon yourself, next time take recordings and report it properly to the forums. Taking things upon yourself instead of bringing it to staff is only going to cause more trouble.
  19. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    Okay, don't try to bring up the "deport minorities" without context. There was a player at the time whose name was DonaldTrump and everyone was making jokes about his policies, and someone kept mentioning "minorities" so I said that when if he became president he would "kick them out". Besides, as a Mexican, I don't need you to get offended for me. I am one of those "minorities". You repeated "Bring me his body" multiple times. Besides, that doesn't explain why you called out a bounty for PickleFISH96. Please don't play the "I was offended" card. It is not an excuse to KOS people at random.
  20. Don't be so hostile, sheesh. It's self-centered to think I was getting offended for you. I never even mentioned being offended. Just that you were annoying. Anywayyy! This is already settled. I guess you're right, J.T.Ripper. I should record. It was rather silly of me to attempt to get a sense of "street justice." I can take a slay or two as reparations.
    Oh, and P.S., I'm a Native American, which, last I checked, was a minority as well. Not a deportable one, but still quite the minority. And as for Pickle? I just don't like that guy. He annoys me. I don't see a point in denying it. Although, I am pretty sure no one actually killed him. Or, at least, I didn't get a body.
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