Invalid Report against Miss Alice

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by gothchild, Dec 29, 2015.

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  1. gothchild

    gothchild New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Miss Alice
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    ttt_forrest_final and teenroom
    Which Round:
    2 till 5
    Time of Occurence:
    1:20 or 1:30 pm gmt +2
    Reason For Report:
    The abuse started in ttt_forrest where I was inno and got damaged by something but in my state of freaking out i killed the player that was in front of me cuz I thought he was the one that shot me. I asked the mods via @ to tell me what happened . I reported then another player who just ran to me and killed me without saying anything (he wasnt a det) . As I said I asked for the logs that specify what damaged me since I heard shooting but this mod didn't respond. After i reported the guy that killed me i got slayed and the guy that killed me and rdmed other people got away. I kept asking for the logs to check what happened but this evasive mod lied to me and said the logs aren't showing anything. The arguments kept on and on till teenroom. I told the mod that I was also a mod for a very long period of time on celerium gaming blablabla . Anyway i got slayed another 2 rounds after i called out the "live check" and killed 2 butthurt t's that reported me. After that i called the mod" my nigga" and muted me for racial slur even tho I may be black. But that's not the point . The answer to my slays was "live check" was never used on the server even tho i see people every day use it and other mods are ok with it. So wtf do we do about this? This is abuse on a whole new level. This mod got something to pick with me after telling me lies and evading my fucking questions regarding the logs. I even told him/her to check for the shooting logs but really quick in about 3-4 seconds she pmed me with a bot msg that the player didn't shoot in 5-10 seconds when i started shooting him even tho i still got damaged by him. Do something about shit like this​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Ill go ahead and tag @Miss Alice to present her evidence and her admin @Salisian to decide the verdict of this report. They will respond at their earliest convenience so until then thank you for being patient.
  3. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Good morning, @gothchild. I will be presenting my evidence regarding the situation shortly.
  4. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    From the top, here is the report that you had initially answered to during forest_final;


    It's a simple case, happens all the time. You shot a person you thought shot you when they hadn't been responsible for the damage that you may have taken, and you were slain. You argued that he had in fact shot you, that you were certain of it. I reviewed the logs one more time to be certain I did not miss anything, but there was no damage by that user against you that round. There weren't any instances of damage against you at all, in fact. You can see the logs from the round up to that point below;


    Throughout the rest of that map, you had a few rather colorful things to say to myself and other players. No one stepped forward about it and I did not mind what was said to me, so you were not reprimanded for it until next map, when you had told me to "fuck off" for muting you for spamming the chat with the "Yes." bind.



    Onto the mutes for racial slurs, you were actually not muted for using them in conversation with me, simply warned, seen below. At the time I had been attempting to explain again why you were originally slain.


    Shortly afterwards, you were muted for use of racial slurs due to this;


    It had been less than two minutes after I initially warned you, and muted another user for the very same thing. As it was your second communication-based offense, the mute was kept in place for a full round.

    Now, lastly, the second report during Teen Room;


    A user reported you for RDM and you responded claiming you killed them for not responding to a livecheck. It should be noted that this is not permitted, and has never been permitted, as it falls under killing on suspicion. It is not definitive evidence against another user and so they cannot be killed for it. I issued two slays for this as it was your second offense of RDM during your visit to the server.

    I have no further evidence to present and will await my Administrator's verdict.
  5. gothchild

    gothchild New Member

    First of all the voice chat was full of people and I was talking to them by binds. Black jesus is a close friend from celerium .And why are you hiding the messages when I asked you about the dmg logs? I talked now to Han solo and said something else about the logs. The damage was there. You never checked the logs to the fullest and also where are the shooting logs? Also talked to Han solo the other mod and he told me that live check if the person does something suspicious and he doesnt respond but he somehow pops in your face or behind you it is a kos on that person. You just don't wait to get killed if you understand wtf I am talking about. If you didn't act like such a b**** claiming false stuff in the beggining i would had turned my head but no. I asked via @ what happened and nobody asnwered. During and after my slay I kept issuing the complaint and finally got some answer which i didnt need. Han solo told me damage logs should be there . He said prop dmg is tricky but the rest of it shows there. I told you to show me either the damage logs or the shootings logs to see if the person i killed was either t baiting or he was actualy trying to kill me.
  6. gothchild

    gothchild New Member

    And as I said before I was a mod for a very long time and know the rules pretty well. What you did was pure abuse with the 2 slays and you were acting salty . There was no reason whatsoever to be slayed after checking the remaining players/calling out the livecheck and the people that didn't answer it popping behind /in front of me
  7. gothchild

    gothchild New Member

    The my nigga thing is a way to talk. If you didnt go to USA or live in a hood its not your thing . But meh...keep acting like a pure princess on the internet. People talk how the fuck they want and you cant remove that from them
  8. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    I recall the users being engaged in conversation about something that had just happened in-game, not involving you. Either way, there would not have been a reason to use the bind as many times as you did, it was deemed to be irrelevant to the current conversation and you were muted/warned for spamming.

    I will tag @Han Solo for his input regarding your other comments. Perhaps he can tell us a little more.
  9. gothchild

    gothchild New Member

    I was talking to a guy named hanabis and tits on fish or something.
  10. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    While that may have been the case, the repeated "Yes." bind did not contribute to the conversation at all. A single "Yes." would've been enough to convey your acknowledgement of the situation.
  11. gothchild

    gothchild New Member

    Multiple questions.
  12. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    The bind was used fifteen times in quick succession. Again, this would not have been necessary, it did not contribute to the conversation.
  13. gothchild

    gothchild New Member

    Multiple questions like :any dead body? any ts? goth are you a t? ok guys can we kill goth?
    sigh :/ can we get this shit over tho? It's getting obnoxious Made a report just to prove my point . You can't deny that you were salty when you slayed me 2 times.
  14. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Two slays were issued, as that is protocol.


    As for myself being "salty", I saw no reason to be upset in that situation. I was simply doing as I was supposed to.
  15. gothchild

    gothchild New Member

    Salty doesn't necessarily mean upset. You were annoyed with me so you decided to slay me on the first report that popped up that's all.
  16. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    You were slain due to killing on suspicion, as I stated before. When you stated you've killed on a livecheck before, you must have meant on the other servers that you frequent. Our ruleset is not the same as many other servers'; The action that you took has never been allowed here.
  17. Han

    Han       VIP

    Sorry for the late response, but I think you must have misunderstood my words.

    Here's what you first sent me:

    I responded with this:

    You asked me another question about it, saying:


    And finally,


    I'm sorry if I was unclear in any way, but killing on suspicion is not allowed on SeriousGmod servers. You can't kill someone for following you, or acting suspicion in overtime, or not responding to a KoS. I hope this clears things up for you.
  18. Due to @Salisian not being around to handle this report, I will take over. With the evidence provided by @Han Solo and @Miss Alice, I will deem this report invalid on the grounds that Miss Alice did not abuse her powers in any way, shape, or form. We do not allow a KOS on livechecks on our servers, and you would find this out by reading our rules. Thanks.

    Report: Invalid
    Topic: Locked
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