Completed Report against General Tupac Kim Jun Un

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by kingsaib0t, Dec 22, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    General Tupac Kim Jun Un
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    4th, 5th round.
    Time of Occurence:
    about 2:30
    Reason For Report:
    rdm x2 and leave
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    "You to admins: take a screen shot of the two intergalactic logs where general shot me"

    "lost.ouija to You: sorry mate dont have the time, yall are trying backseat mod while i handle the issues, and having me stop to continue to tell you all to stop harassing while the reports get handled, as reponses are required first, logs, more so be patient when it comes to getting your problems handled", so I don't know try to work with that evidence I guess.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Ill go and tag @lost.ouija to handle this since it seems he was on at the time judging by your comment in the evidence section.
  3. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    Apologies for the delay, we had some technical difficulties in which we hope doesn't arise again.

    Anyway, I hope you are having aa good day and I would like to dive right into this. The whole situation here was a very rushed and hurried part among many of the players on the server at the time. I was asked to with haste Slay this individual for delaying, slay him for said reason, how do I change into spectator, and all this is flowing through admin chat along with the remarks of negativity in which many chose to push. There are some cases where the evidence cannot easily be seen. An example being "hey I was shot by the guy beside you" while you were just an innocent that hadn't noticed called him for RDM. While that is certainly unfortunate, the evidence I can see will show which order the firing was made. Aside from any other issues beside handling reports there are many of them that can go invalid because the reported players response was along with the logs or because the reason they give makes it a Word vs Word report, and we only Slay for a confirmed reason. I, not being in your shoes during gameplay, could not confirm for a certainty that the reported player required a slay.

    With that being said, lets get into your logs you desired with this case. I want to remind that the reports are not here because they were found Invalid. Beings as the players story lined up with what happen here I was unable to determine that the case was RDM. While it is suspicious I agree, I cannot say he did so.
    The next round he has spawned as a Detective in which you will in a later screenshot show your question and own punishing plans. For now I show the damage log that came with this. While again we see our reported player firing, his response was due to you being GBA with a player. While observing the logs I come to find that he fired his weapon right after an exchange of gun fire. With this as the case again I had no choice but to feel it was Word vs Word report, and that it was not enough evidence to slay for.

    Now, you begin to press the issue and I ask if you had any kind of Video proof that you could provide for me to confirm this case with you. You say you don't, and from here you start injecting some toxicity into the server because your justice was not had. The following are some of the screenshots of the comments you were making that were a bit harassing in nature while inciting others to join into this behavior.



    After these events over many rounds the RDM and Mic Spam became an increasing difficulty to maintain while handling the reports and trivial other things going on. It was at this time on a couple maps later you asked for the screenshots of the old log reports. I told you that there was not much time to handle this as the server was very busy at full 36 players with me being the only handling everything, there simply wasn't the time to sit and gather what I have had to gather just for this case of what I am saying will go as Denial. While the case is of high suspicion even now I cannot say there is enough proof to deal with the reported player to any real degree. I asked the video of you, you said you did not, and then started saying how you cannot wait for my name to be purple and I am unable to do my job effectively. I felt the salty attitude was in an offensive nature which appears clear in the pictures here. You spammed my Admin chat over doing it again, he needs slayed, you can't do your job and so forth. I continued to ask your patience in handling events you would continue to report and you continued to make it an issue that got many others into a rowdy mood as well.

    Once more I am sorry you were within the possibility of RDM here, but with how things happened and what they appear I will be staying with the Denial on this case. And request you be more understanding in the decisions made as you don't RDM in response, you well know this @kingsaib0t and the toxic mood within chat did no help at all to handling issues any faster.

    I will leave a little more time for a response before closing this case and locking. Good day to you Saibot.
  4. I'm not actually going to revenge rdm him, I was just angry because I thought the evidence I had (Your screenshots) was not going to be posted because you "didn't have the time". You can cancel this report. General got lucky, I guess. I really made myself look like a dumbass back there.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  5. Captain Teemo

    Captain Teemo Member

    Good job Lost, justice has been served!
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Apologies on how long this took. After reevaluating my former moderator's evidence and checking the logs of this situation, it appears you were RDMed along with several other players at Round 4. The logs and provided you didn't come come from round 4 at all. The player in question has been punished. Thank you for your report and your efforts to support the servers. I hope the delay on this report hasn't changed your opinion of the servers.

    Until then, cheers!
    Sincerely, Guilty
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
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