Finished Elite and Points for golden deagle!

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Rozboon, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    I look forward to quite a lot of things for the Christmas season. I love the Christmas tunes, presents, Christmas spirit, Christmas movies, decorations, snow (I wish I was getting some :( ) , cold weather (wish I was getting that) , clothing like sweaters and hats, and the Christmas break from school. I am mostly looking forward to spending time with my family, opening some presents, and having my 16th birthday on the 30th this month. :>

    This year for me has been very high in improvement in many areas. I have accomplished quite a lot of my goals this year but there are still a few that need addressing and taking care of. For the new year, I am mostly hoping to do well on my first ACT test in February since I am currently studying for it and I want to go to a very prestigious college for statistics or applied math once I graduate high school. I also want to be able to learn how to drive successfully, work out a bit more, get to know more people, finally get to playing games that I haven't had time to do because of staffing, and work on finding some opportunities that can hugely further my academic life as it is a high priority to me.

    If I do win, gift the perks to @CDriscoll
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  2. So I look forward to quite a bit. I love giving my help to other people over the holiday, I like getting presents from friends and family and such, Staying home with my family for 2 weeks while I am off from school, But I think most of all I would like giving out presents to random people on the streets and watching their faces glow because i'm generous.

    This year I have learned quite a bit. I need to set my goals to more reachable areas and not super high above my head. For the new year I want to get more mature and do my school work. I need to get good grades to get a good life, the one that I want and I'm not doing that right now so I hope to accomplish that.
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  3. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    1. I've been looking forward to spending time with my girlfriend this vacation. Only reason I'm here now is because she's taking a nap, hehe.
    2. I've learned to be more proactive, and what hard work can get me in a short amount of time. Will be working twice as hard next year.

    thanks son
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  4. 1. I look forward to celebrating Christmas with the family and eating some tamales

    2. This year I learned that I'm an antisocial lazy fuck who needs to set his priorities straight, so my goals for next year are to get my driver's license, get a job, focus more on college, and start forcing myself to talk to people
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  5. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    I look forward to having my mind completely off of school and on the things I like doing for fun. Although I more so look forward to spending a lot of time with my girlfriend.

    I've learned a lot this year about how much a positive mindset helps you out. I strongly believe that working hard towards something and believing it's possible is the biggest part about achieving any goals you have set for yourself as cliche as that may sound. Next year I hope to apply this mindset to everything that I do, and not get caught up in anger or worry.

    @BmTron gets it if I win.
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  6. Honestly, what i look forward to... is having my family all under the same roof again, and also this coming Christmas my mother will be cancer free!! so no chemo for her :D and well... just seeing the love again in my family. Also, what i have learned is always help others no matter what, not because you think you will be getting anything in return, just because its a great thing to do... this year i saved someones life of comitting suicide. next year, well... just try to be better than i was last year.
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  7. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    I celebrate Christmas. I'm super super excited for fun winter things with my friends and family like:
    • ice skating
    • listening to holiday music
    • going present shopping
    • watching winter movies
    • cuddling with a warm blanket
    • winter scented candles
    • snnnoooooowwwww
    • sleepovers :>
    • game nights
    • cozy days
    • baking cookies
    I don't wanna say like "oh I learned about myself and how to be a better person" blah blah, because I'm still learning constantly from my mistakes and accomplishments. To be honest, it's been a pretty long and tiring year. Just recently I've been feeling and getting better and I think things in 2016 are gonna be okay. I learned that I'll be fine in the end. *tries to have positive thoughts even tho im dying*

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    • Winner Winner x 2
  8. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    I celebrate Christmas but honestly the past few years have been more of a hassle for me. This year especially so for health reasons. Next year though I think will be fantastic so I'm looking forward to that.

    I can't think of a whole lot that I have learned but I have had a lot of new experiences that I think have helped me grow as a person and I can only hope that I will continue learning, even one step at a time.
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  9. shrine50

    shrine50 Member

    1. What do you look forward to most about the holiday season and what do you celebrate? I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the life I've been given and the friends and family that I am so grateful to have.
    2. The new year is right around the corner, what have you learned from this year and do you have any goals for the next? The next year I want to take on my responsibilities and make my parents happy by letting them relax more instead of constantly working.

    Thanks :)
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  10. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    1: I'm looking forward to my dealer's Christmas special (jk)

    1: I'm looking forward to being able to give presents to people, and just having a day where things turn out differently than others, and where everyone around me is unconditionally happy just because it's Christmas. No pain, only happiness.

    2: After completely losing my mind this summer, in what seemed to be an endless eternity, groundhog day-esque loop of horror, I've rediscovered how bad things can get - far worse than what I used to think, which I didn't believe possible. Afterwards, I've learned to enjoy the little things. Appreciate what I have more, be it opportunities or the people around me, and decided that I want to be doing more creative things (music, art, writing, and more recently: game making). I'm both excited and scared for the next year to come, but if I can keep myself dedicated to my goals and the happiness of myself and those around me, I think it will be an amazing year.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Senko

    Senko Euphoria Supporter

    1. What do you look forward to most about the holiday season and what do you celebrate?
    2. The new year is right around the corner, what have you learned from this year and do you have any goals for the next?

    1. During the holidays I usually look forward to spending time with families, I celebrate Christmas, which is usually when I spend time with friends and family and its what I look forward to rather than gifts because to me gifts is just a sugar coating on top of quality time you can't get back.

    2. Oh boy 2016 is coming up, I feel like 2015 flew by too fast, I've learned to draw my own conclusions on every situation. Trust no one but your self.
    My goal for 2016 is to get my life together as a young teenager I want to get my self set for life as early as possible.

    Thank you for providing this give away too everyone and Have a HAPPY HOLIDAY!
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  12. Meeting my family.
    Celebrate Christmas.
    I have learnt that I put too little effort in my work.
    My goal is to be able to stop playing csgo for more than a month
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  13. LeBlonde James

    LeBlonde James Supporter

    This will be my first year actually giving in the Christmas spirit. Despite not having a job, I am buying presents for everyone I love/hate in my family.
    In other words, for the New Year of 20__ something I dont know what year it is but I learned about my first "gut" as a human and I should work it off in 2016. I have also learned to socialize more and the importance of doing outer-school activities that are still dope af. I need money but I do love my school football games.
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  14. Aceslayer

    Aceslayer VIP

    1. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family on Christmas Eve, it's always a blast with them!
    2. This year has been a roller coaster for me with different highs and lows. College has been hard for me this past year, but so far I'm keeping up with it and am pushing forward to get my degree. What my plans are for the future is just continue to succeed in college and ultimately get my degree and then the career I'm wanting to go into.

    Looking forward to another great year with this community!
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  15. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    1. What do you look forward to most about the holiday season and what do you celebrate?
    I'm excited to see my family, and the overall christmas atmosphere. All the lights, the trees, the fireplaces, the smell of pine, everything.
    2. The new year is right around the corner, what have you learned from this year and do you have any goals for the next?
    This year was hectic, and I learned just to cherish the moments you have with people, because they might not be there the next morning. A good friend of mine died, and I miss the time we had together dearly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I'll be doing the randomizer in a few here, so if you haven't posted, do it quickly!
  17. Savage-nyan

    Savage-nyan VIP

    1.celebrate playing in seriousgmod servers with pizza + mcdonalds
    2.seriousgmod servers are sexy as furk
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  18. Void

    Void VIP Bronze

    1. Relaxing,making sure people are happy,and enjoy some quality time with my family.
    2. I learned that mostly every person I met on every server I've been on are the nicest people to be around. :D

    Merry Christmas

    ~ Void
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  19. I look forward to seeing my family and opening all my presents christmas eve.

    And from the past year that no matter how hard I try to get the thing I want most in life right now, I might not ever get it. :(
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  20. Al Capwned

    Al Capwned Supporter

    I look forward spending time with my family since I wasn't suppose to come home for Christmas (What I celebrate :) )
    2015 has been the highest point in my life. I graduated high school and soon thereafter I was shipped off to recruit training. I've wanted to be a Marine since I was about 10 years old! Unfortunately that meant I couldn't play TTT for 3 months. In October I graduated boot camp and got to come home for 10 days (and play lots of TTT). Then I was sent to combat training for a month and then to my school where I am right now to be a helicopter mechanic.
    I've learned a LOT being in the Marines thus far. Patience, discipline, professionalism are the three main traits that have been instilled into me. I went from being a punk 17 year old kid to being able to lead a squad of Marines into combat. I think that says a lot!
    EDIT: Goals - I would like to pick up the rank of Lance Corporal by the end of 2016. But that means excelling in my school by studying and showing I want to learn, prove to my NCOs I am capable of leading other junior Marines, perform well on physical fitness/combat fitness/rifle range.
    Semper Fidelis,

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