Approved Mr Indublitably's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Mr Indublitably, Dec 16, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Mr. Indubitably
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I am not sure what I was even banned for. I was playing not 15 minutes ago, left to eat, came back and banned. Please explain.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. CAnt find steam ID, looking for it
  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned by @Christmas4lyfe for "RDM & Leave 1st". She will respond at her earliest convenience so until then, thank you for being patient.
  4. I know this! I was patient with them. They waited 3 rounds (not letting me leave) then the server changed (she/he did not show). Waited a round. Nothing. So I announced that I would kill myself as my slay, everyone agreed and I stayed the whole round. Your staff left, that is on them. I waited 5 whole rounds before I was even ALLOWED to leave.
  5. And by nothing, I mean they were still arguing if I would even get a slay or not. (sorry for the quick reply but I find this ridiculous)
  6. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    Before you turn appeal into where you post every time someone RDM's on a staffless server let me present some points to you.

    We know when a server is staffless, we are aware that it needs staff. There will always be RDM and we can't have a staff member on 24/7 but the best we can do is try to achieve that goal. Staff members are humans too and have lives, finals, and whatever else.

    I would like to ask you to refrain from such things and keep this topic focused on your appeal, if you would like to request a staff member then feel free to ask shoutbox. Do not spam a post just because you are upset with the current state that West is in.

    If it is too bad to play either have someone message a staff member on one of the lower populated servers to hop over, or hop to one of our servers that is currently staffed.

    Have a good day and I hope you continue to play on our game servers regardless, and I apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused by the lack of staff on your current server.
  7. I was informing. I play on this server a lot and though the first 2 were important, these people were getting ready to head on out. (not sure if ID's get saved through reports) On some servers if they leave with no mod on, it is almost impossible to get the ID.

    However, I feel I should be able to talk to someone outside this because, as you said, we are humans too. I deleted the posts from above. BUT I still feel wronged for being neglected by a mod. We have multiple complaints about the Chrystmas moderator, where can I send this to. (being serious, not sure where to put it).
  8. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

  9. Question, would an eye witness to this be acceptable? I waited half an hour waiting for a verdict that when came, the mod left. Therefore I would have no proof other than the witness. Would this be acceptable?
  10. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    Unfortunately if all you have is you and a witness and no definitive proof of what happened then there's not much that can be done.

    However if you were to do so you might be able to receive clarification on what had happened, although you can do so by starting a conversation with said moderator which could be more convenient.
  11. Honestly, that is kind of lame. How would I get proof of event that happened days after and only just realizing I got a banned by trying to join West 2. That is a catch 22. However, this person (my friend) had to wait for me to be ALLOWED to leave..3 rounds waiting..listen to that. Allowed to leave, before they even decided what went on. This is a fact pointing to my case therefore relevant. Ask her. Ask her how many rounds it took before reaching a verdict and how many I WAITED to be slain.

    ~Edited and my side of the story (final post unless need more info)
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  12. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Hi @Mr Indublitably I am at work, I will respond later today when I am able to access my screen shots! I have everything, including our conversations, about the report, and I can say, that I never left, I was loading in (slower than most people)
    (here you can see I remained on W2, as I was banning other people at the time as well) and by the time I loaded into the new map, you were not in the server (which was still during round 1 and I even checked the chat log to see if you had posted and you had not), and we did not finish our conversation as I was getting to the point of you needing a slay after seeking out extensive information from the victim and also looking at the logs and evidence. I'm sorry you feel that you waited "5 whole rounds", but I hadn't cleared it, and it was not 5 whole rounds, you were polite and cool about it up until near the end of the map where you decided to bring your friend whose report was invalid into the mix, which had 0 relevance to your report in the first place. I had actually assumed you were going to appeal this, so again, I will bring my evidence and we can speak about this more later.

    And to be clear, this is my first experience playing with you, the fact that you would have multiple complaints about me is interesting, as I have no negative thoughts about you nor do I feel I did anything wrong in this case. If you'd like to speak with me directly about said complaints that you have built up, please feel free to PM me as i'd be interested to hear what they are.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  13. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Alright so let's get down to this @Mr Indublitably!
    Here is the original report you were reported for:
    I found this report to be valid, after seeking another moderators opinion(which only took 1 whole extra round), that it was infact not T-baiting what the victim had done, in this case, he had asked "If I was traitor..." etc, not stating he was, but he was merely asking a question, and in your response, you admit to him clearing asking and based off that, and the fact that he was following you, you shot him, which was RDM.
    Now as you can see, this was Round 5, which means you only waited 1 whole round before the map changed and you left. This report in particular did take me longer to solve than normal, only because the victim was 100% sure that he was RDMed, and kept pushing me to speak with you. Now you state in your above comment, that I kept arguing about it and not doing anything about it, but here you can see our entire conversation, where you were really nice and calm about waiting until I got more info, but I don't see any tone in my typing that was argumentative, and you clearly see in the last image, me getting to the point of saying you were going to be slain. Now in regards to you killing yourself on the first round of the next map, I have no idea if that was true or not, as I loaded in after you were gone, and saw no evidence of you having left while the round had started.

    I apologize if there was miscommunication, or I didn't blatantly tell you frank that you were going to be slain, and I'm sorry you had to wait. Now having explained my side, and despite the fact that you seem to have many complaints about me, I'm willing to approve and void this ban appeal if you are willing to get onto the server with me today (or we can work out a time) and serve your 1 slay. I will wait for your response before finalizing that decision.
    Hope to hear from you soon.
  14. There was. However, if you notice I post on there "after a full round or waiting" , this is before we moved servers. Meaning that there was 1 more round before the round began on the new server. I remember this because I got killed early on almost directly after that event. Started the new round, still no slay (thinking you would at least have put it on me before we switched servers) Nope.

    Also, you can neither confirm or deny this because I was not expecting to be banned so did not even take a screenshot. I went with what was fair and even Falcon (I believe, so many squeekers) agreed it to be fair. I am sorry that it took you so long to load that level, but honestly I have shitty internet and a shitty computer and still loaded in faster than you? Sorry if this sounds angry but I do not believe waiting any amount more than 2 rounds for a slay (because you even said that you thought I should be a slay and did not apply it).

    A point to show out here is that I even WAITED to get a verification before I left, meaning I was thinking about fairness and rules that entire time. So the fact that my patience and waiting for something that did not happen even though all you had to do was type !slay mr.......baffles me.

    This is a long post, and I am sorry for it, however the point is that this shouldn't of even happened. You should have put a slay on me when you said you would instead of waiting because even after you loaded I would have had to wait ANOTHER round just to get the slay and sit it out. Sorry that I said 4, but it would have been a total of 3. 1. waiting for a conviction, 1. Killed myself next round since no mod, then 1. You finally showed and give me a slay just to wait a full round (which the last one I wouldn't have minded) but it is the fact that I had to wait that long before I was ALLOWED to leave without getting this ban. I feel that you waited too long, I feel that you should have done what you said you would WHEN YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO IT. I work a normal shift of 10 hours just to get home and try to play this game with my friend, now the average length of a game is 4 minutes (average not all rounds that long) I know that does not seem like a long time, but it really does get to me when I have such a short time to game.


    I was angry with your tactics of modding, not you as a person (because I don't know who you are in person, lol). When I said "arguing" I meant that it obviously took you a while to choose to slay me and was unsure whom you were getting the second opinion from (a lot of newer mods are getting on a lot of peoples nerves). It was my goal to eventually try to get trial mod and work my way to mod (not enough time now with the holidays but still wanted to apply) but bans and reports hurt chances so this hurt me deeply seeing as how I have not had any previous offences (that I can recall) and obviously trying to be courteous and patient, but feeling this way tends to shorten the fuse.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  15. Just noticed in that long post that I did not say that I would like that, but the probability of that happening (us being on at the same time) is so ridiculously low....good luck, but as I said I work around 9 to 10 hours a day. Mostly 6 days a week and my days off are random to say the least (no set schedule so I can do a turn arounds multiple days in a row)
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  16. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    This was handled in private.(yesterday which didn't exist lol)
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