So far: "There Were Was When Sinz That Bark Was No Because Sloths Are Cute Or Bricks Might Darktooth Memeing Cutie WA Through Ass Weird Weasels Migrating Measles With Juicy Bootie and long hard moderators stimulate confusion me prefers Rugrats LARGE peaches get rekt with bananas And Hamster wheels that Exploded On Mom's Spaghetti Knees that ate his Hotdog owl what when Barthalemue never eats spaghetti vomit bees then stung your arm. However, she got soggy potatoes from trees that fisted" + aimbot'ing
Due to the forum time travel, some people have not entered. I have time tonight to draw winners so I will close this giveaway and draw winners tonight.
Winners! @Smash wins Killing Floor. You may pass this on to someone else or claim it. Spoiler: #1 @Scoop Life wins Dead Space 3 on Origin. You may pass this on to someone else or claim it. Spoiler: #2 @Christmas4lyfe wins Elite for one month. You may pass this on to someone else or claim it. Delivered. Spoiler: #3 Reply to this thread or message me on Steam about your prize. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who participated in this cluster of words:
@Quantum, @Smash gave his Killing Floor gift to you. You may choose to claim it or pass it on. You have 72 hours to reply.
hey wait a second, where's my word? Desiderium is an actual word. I wasn't entered. Rigged. I demand a rematch. HEY THIS IS NOT FUNNY. THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE. I WASN'T ENTERED!