Denied DogeNugget | SF's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by DogeNugget | SF, Dec 6, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Snitch 420
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I should be unbanned because i dont know why i got banned for saying my prayer stuffs which is "allahu akbar".And when derpy asked me to stop and i did.And,i can promise that i would'nt say it again :)
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

  3. and by the way,i dont get how saying allahu akbar is an act of trolling.I hope i would get unbanned because it was the other guy who was trolling.i stopped it when you aked me to :)
  4. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Hey there Doge. Thanks for taking the time to appeal your ban on the forums, I'll be responding to this shortly.
  5. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Hey there once again Doge. Seeing as you were banned just a moments ago let's get to what happened then.

    We were indeed playing on Vanilla and throughout the two maps Minecraft_b5 and Jondome but you then began saying Allahu Akbar through your mic. Normally is this overlooked as it's not a big deal if a player says that from time to time. But the main problem here was that it was constant and I then asked you politely to limit the amount times you said it. As you kept going that's when others chimed in, specifically the players Algro and UnfixedCarp who I also banned for Trolling. I then went ahead and gagged you and Algro warning you that it was becoming MicSpam which you can see below, after that you continued to say it repeatedly over your mic and once again encouraged others to do so through means of voice and text chat. So I once again had to gag you both for it which you can also see that instance below as well as this second gag transpired while we we were on Jondome.


    Now I was following protocol as Moderators cannot exercise discretion for which reason I then asked my Administrator @BmTron for discretion seeing as your full round gag ended all three of you began to claim that you were simply "worshipping Allah" I then began to tell you that was fine but doing it in a manner where it's considered spam. All three of you began to argue with me how the things you were doing had nothing wrong. You then began to explain to me your reasoning for saying such things and where you were coming from but you then proceeded to tell any other players talking about the round at hand to "shut the fuck up" seeing as you were talking. But seeing as your history is full of bans in the past year and that you began the whole process of spam I went ahead and asked for discretion.


    Another thing I'd like to note is the fact that ban evasion is in not tolerated in any way seeing as you proceeded to go on our Vanilla server once again with an Alternate account and you've now been banned globally for said act on both your main account and alternate account as a result. I'm surprised you went even the length to go this far seeing as your ban was initially local and you could've easily hopped to one of our other servers as you waited, as well as spending an entire year playing on our servers would have taught you that ban evasion is heavily looked down upon. As it stands this appeal will be met with a denial but I will let my Admin handle this appeal seeing as she was the one who banned you for ban evasion. I only hope that you learn something from this experience and maybe come back to our servers with a better train of thought on how you plan to enjoy your stay here.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
  6. Why did i get banned for "ban evasion"
    is it because there are 2 users playing with the same ip address?
    Believe it or not,i have my relatives playing in the same server.
    And,I believe that i got banned for no reason.As a VIP in this server i have gained some knowledge about "ban evasion" and i would'nt even dare to do it.
    And you banned my 11 year old cousin for playing in your server wow!
  7. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    Matter discussed in a private conversation. Appeal denied.
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