3 Idiots. Pretty self explanatory, idiotic + humor. It's one of the best movie I have enjoyed so much, it depicts about young generations that study excessively to point where a few of them failed, succeeded, suicide. In a nutshell, it's a movie that regards to your life. Definitely, recommends everyone to check it out. -- Of btw, how are the winners picked?
I don't have a single favourite movie because there's just so many good ones! But one that I like a lot is Little Miss Sunshine. Great cast, work brilliantly with each other, simple but excellent story and progression. I already have CS:GO so I would like to gift it to someone if I won, thanks!
Ok We are done! I would like to thank everyone for entering my giveaway! I used https://www.random.org/lists/ to do this!! Spoiler: And the winner is!!! @BlueCore Congratz!!! And sorry @BioHazard I saw you realy needed CS:GO but blame the randomizer not me! Thanks everyone!