Finished Anna's "It's almost the season" giveaway

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Anna, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. DrkSephy

    DrkSephy VIP Bronze

    My Aspiration is To Get My Driver License before Winter Comes :(
    Walking Home Is a Pain </3
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
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  2. Penny

    Penny VIP

    My aspiration is to have as much free time to do nothing as possible.
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  3. My aspirations are to share my love of science to the world!!! Being raised in a religious cult my entire life up to age 19 was complete and udder shit. It wasnt until i got out that i care about science at all, it was very shunned where i was taught growing up and when it was "taught", actual sciences were never present, but instead the ideology from living in such a place was more so forced. It sounds silly being in love with science so much, but a person does not know true purpose and true meaning of life until they really and i mean really dive into science. Recently i got a first interview for a science teaching job involving children so cross your fingers that i might get it!!!!!!
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  4. WxAaRoNxW

    WxAaRoNxW Regular Member

    Either be an Artist/Animator(Youtube that is) or be a Youtuber on games :3
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    GRYPHN ♫ Thanks for the Memories ♫ VIP

    To be a police officer, If that fails, Then a standup comedian. However If both dont work, VOTE TIM GRIFFIN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2040.
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  6. yaqob

    yaqob New Member

    Run a marathon.

    Edit: In less than 4 hours time atleast.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
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  7. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    Heart Rating is for LOVE!

    My aspirations for the future is to first finish my AA then become a Starbucks barista. Then save up and make the money and continue onto a 4yr. Then during my 4yr I hope major in Japanese then minor in Education but, depending on the school I may have to major in Education and major in Japanese. After if all works well I want to work in Japan and teach lil kiddies and then move on to secondary school teaching in japan or come back to America and teach these otaku peeps Japanese.

    If my first path doesn't work out I'll just become a Starbucks Barista and save money then become a flight attendant or translator. Probably work for a airline that gives me free tickets to Japan(trip for my Holiday).

    If the second path doesn't work I'm slightly interested in becoming a police officer then move on to SRO to protect students in need (Note Taking for a Criminal Justice class is very convincing when there are like tons of guest speakers).

    Or if all of these fail then I will travel the world in search for what I can't find. Then I return with candy and everything cute I find.( I may or may not share with you).

    And then @C.A.Anna will give me $20 to buy games!:love:

    ...hehehe... but if all of these fail (not including Anna giving me $20) I will be a Starbucks Barista(coffee benefits) and otaku(YES THE REAL OTAKU + being a Starbucks Barista).

    Disclaimer: I am allowed to change any of these plans in an event of life changing events or new aspirations.
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  8. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do in life, but I would like to have a job that pays well enough to live on my own and feel good about working there.

    I know this sounds stupid but I hope to make a close friend someday, I've never had someone in my life I can call a close friend and I'm horrific with making friends and talking to people.

    I would love to become a musician and join a band or be a solo artist, so I could make an album that people would really enjoy. I don't have high hopes for that though ; I'm 18 and I have no idea how to play anything, so I gotta pick up an instrument and start playing ASAP haha
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
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  9. I would love to go to another country
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  10. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    My aspirations for the future?

    It's to finish school, goto police school, after I Finish police school I wanna go to the NAVY and If I return, I wanna become a police officer in my Country or America.
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  11. Chewie

    Chewie deadrun mod VIP Bronze

    Aspirations: To win this giveaway.
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  12. Teapot

    Teapot BSoD VIP

    Well, currently I'm attending a four year college working up to have a degree in Enginering. My hopes is to become a mechanical engineer as Math and Physics are my thing. :p
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  13. Tourcune

    Tourcune VIP

    Aspirations: To be smart. Cuz I dunno if people know this, but I is dumb.
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  14. Darth West

    Darth West I am Darth West, Dark Lord of the Sith. VIP

    Geez Candy I didn't realize that you started going to Alcoholics Anonymous. I hope you can finish it, so you can finally be autonomous!

    At this point in time I don't know what I exactly want to do. All I do know is that I want to work on some form of computer security. Find the love of my life. Be the best Father I can be. All followed up by spending the rest of my days around friends and family.
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  15. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    After highschool, hopefully I'll end up going to Columbia University to major in business, preferably administration and management (heh, fitting) with finance and economics, gather a minor in computer science/engineering and work my way up through the ranks of a business.

    When the times right, I'd eventually love to found my own business and go from there. It's an insanely competitive and difficult thing to do, but anything can be accomplished with enough effort and determination.

    When it comes down to it, money isn't really what I'd hope to get out of it all, rather the ability to support a family and settle down with the right girl. I'd love to have children, and I hope that my career would allow me to give my children the same childhood I was given, only to build off of it further.

    Je voudrais apprendre beaucoup des langues, et voyager le monde. So far, I've been to England, France, both numerous times, Italy, Germany, Spain, and a few islands here and there.

    I want to meet with the leaders of our world, the Pope, and other powerful people just to talk. Another thing I'd want to accomplish, though near impossible, would be to break the barrier between humanity, and unite everyone. I've had enough of this whole war, violence, killing, terrorism, and overall divide between us all thing. It's pretty lame.

    All in all, I just want to be a successful, meaningful part of this world and give it back something. I want to be a good father and mentor my kids, give them a good faith and education, and make them better off in life than I ever was/will be. I want to be a good, faithful husband and have a long marriage, love my wife until her death, and set an example of what a good, healthy love is for my children.

    I want to have a daughter, walk her down the aisle, teach my son to ride a bike, and just give them the best possible life... If I just did that, nothing else would matter.
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  16. My aspiration is to work at Google.
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  17. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    I want to make a career out of the military or become a police officer for a nice bay area city.
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  18. Jasem

    Jasem New Member

    To finish college and live life as a programmer.
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  19. The PC Gamer

    The PC Gamer Member

    I want to play video games for a living and have a happy life.
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  20. My aspiration is to complete my CA course as quickly and with as good marks I can achieve. My parents are CA as well so I'm motivated and kinda under pressure to prove myself (pressure is from no one else but me). I hope I can succeed like they have and live the life they want me to live by providing me with the necessary education and facilities.
    That's all I think. :)
    Also. this is a good thing, Anna ^_^
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