Denied Gygamesh's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Gygamesh, Nov 6, 2015.

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  1. Gygamesh

    Gygamesh New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    First I would like the logs or something so I know about what moment it goes and I can provide evidence that matters.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    @Guilty banned you for RDM without Staff ( x4 ) on EU. He will respond as soon as he is able.
  3. Gygamesh

    Gygamesh New Member

    Need logs. I also normally write a respond on every report with clarification of the situation
  4. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    The admin who banned you will be the one with the logs as he is the one who knows what time, map, and round(s) that pertain to the ban. Please be patient for his response.
  5. Gygamesh

    Gygamesh New Member

    Oh yea I missed server btw. It's EU
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Hello Gygamesh, thank you for making this appeal. I will be gathering the logs from the events before fully commenting on this appeal.
  7. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Alright, so got my evidence through logs. So earlier today as I joined EU on ttt_mc_frozen, I noticed something odd about the logs on you (and the reports). Someone had reported you for killing them with a discombobulator, to which you never responded to. So looking through the logs of the event, I found that you had RDMed quite a few people with a discombobulator (or as it appeared during the time). I wanted to question you about it, but by the time I had entered the server, you had already left. As a result, I had to go off of RDM without Staff, which was the respective ban I gave you for the amount of RDM you had committed without explanation. So below are the screenshots.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Can you explain what happened in here? @Gygamesh
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
  8. Gygamesh

    Gygamesh New Member

    I'll be honest. The first case with me,shrapnel and lucos was more or less an accident towards lucos. Me and shrapnel became a bit of friends and had fun, but didn't really like the map. So we went to the top and I asked shrapnel if he wanted to suicide with me with my discombombulator. We did it and i laughed a lot because he said he was traitor after. Shortly after tho, I got a report from lucos for killing him. This was 100% not intended because I didn't even see him. It's weird that you say that I never responded to the report, which I did. I put in the report that it was an accident towards him and I didn't mean to kill him.

    The second case with shepsky and Somacruz: I don't even know that I threw a discobombulator there. It's actually confusing to see that, because I can't remember any of that. All I can remember of that round is that I was going to leave and I climbed to the top and jumped of to kill myself. After that I left.

    Feel free to ask any questions if the situation isn't clear yet.
  9. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    That discombobulator incident was on the exact same round. The logs I showed highlighted are the incidents that occurred within that instance in the round. As per the MOTD, even if a player asks you to kill them, you cannot kill them unless they committed a traitorous act. So by the fact that you killed shrapnel and lucos along with damaging 2 other players resulted in 4 acts of RDM. This is a ban-worthy offense. However, since you were not on the server by the time I joined, I could only give you the appropriate RDM without Staff ban, which is still 5 days.

    Your situation is clear, however, your acts of RDM are still there. Unfortunately, I see no reason to let you off of this ban due to your explanation and what is shown on the logs. As a result, I will be denying your appeal due to your actions. In the future, I suggest that you control your habits as far as throwing the discombobulator and suiciding goes.

    Your appeal will be locked at your acknowledgement or within 12 hours.

    Until then, cheers!
    Sincerely, Guilty
  10. Gygamesh

    Gygamesh New Member

    No the situation is not really clear. So you're saying because I wasn't there anymore you just ban me for RDM and if I was there this wouldn't have happened or what? That's some very weird logic.

    Also you deny my request when it happens by accident, but an appeal by someone named bestiraqigamer who kills people on purpose a lot of times has been approved? Care explaining that logic aswell? Do I also need to pay to approve or something. Cuz this is going way into the wrong direction.
  11. Gygamesh

    Gygamesh New Member

    I also didn't hear shepsky and somacruz complain or anything. And you still didn't explain why you said I didn't respond to my report, while I did.
  12. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Accidental RDM is still an equivalent of RDM. Paying/donating to the server does nothing as far as how appeals work. That won't cause appeals to get approved. The situation that you are describing is something that my lead admin and I decided to give the approval for after some reinvestigation/discussion.

    Unfortunately, even if you were present when I joined and that situation occurred, you would unfortunately have been banned for 5 days regardless for the reason, RDM 4+ (or Mass RDM).

    As for shepsky and somacruz, they weren't killed by your discombobulator, but you still had damaged them without a legitimate reason. As for your reports, by the time I checked, there wasn't a response as far as I've seen.

    With this stated, I will be denying and locking your appeal. However, if you wish to discuss this further, then feel free to make a message for me on the forums and I will be happy to discuss things with you.

    Note: your ban is only local to the Serious GMod EU server. You still have access to the other servers besides EU Vanilla.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
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