Denied Scy's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Scy, Oct 3, 2015.

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  1. Scy

    Scy Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    This guy is only there to make my life miserable.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I saw his report:ツ.23017/

    He's ban baiting as I said in his report, he is so annoying. Searching me on the server and killing me when I am in a firefight with a Traitor, keep PM'ing me stupid stuff in-game to annoy me. He's a bully and you giving him what the bully wants. Very objective of you C.A.Anna, not know the story behind the story. Forget about leaving a reply on which admin issued the ban. As you can see he only cut out my texts, but not his annoying texts.

    @C.A.Anna banned you for harassment, please wait while she comes with her evidence.

    Anna: "I am so very sorry that you were harassed in this manner and I hope that this doesn't deter you from playing on our servers in the future."
    Believe me, he doesn't feel harassed or deter to play from the server, instead he is a bully and he is laughing his ass of right now.​
  2. Djpigeon12

    Djpigeon12 Member

    i do actually feel harrased , and i dont have a grudge against you , i just dont want to be called an ''RDMng cunt'' . (i am replying since i am involved with this appeal)
  3. Scy

    Scy Member

    Act like the victim now, so adult. And who says "RDMing cunt" is for you? And who says you aren't an RDMing player?
    Nice English by the way.
  4. Djpigeon12

    Djpigeon12 Member

    Im gonna let the mods and admins handle this out , if any of you mods or admins need me to answser some questions , then just do ask me .
  5. Scy

    Scy Member

    Needless second reply, they were sorting it out anyway. Try to act all sincere.
  6. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    Any evidence of this? Your behavior alone is unacceptable, and if he was targeting you, then you should notify staff on or create a report like he did.
  7. Scy

    Scy Member

    No I don't make evidence on such childly stuff, since I am an adult in which we can solve normally. And yes he was targetting me, I will next time notify in the shoutbox, since apparently everything needs to regulized and can't be solved alone.

    As for his reply "i do actually feel harrased , and i dont have a grudge against you , i just dont want to be called an ''RDMng cunt'' . (i am replying since i am involved with this appeal)"

    He is laughing as I said: "Believe me, he doesn't feel harassed or deter to play from the server, instead he is a bully and he is laughing his ass of right now.";

    "that ban appeal from scy is pretty funny i must say"
    As I said, he doesn't feel harassed but is ban baiting like a real teenage bully.
  8. Djpigeon12

    Djpigeon12 Member

    ''Act like the victim now, so adult. And who says "RDMing cunt" is for you? And who says you aren't an RDMing player?
    Nice English by the way.'' okay im trying to stay away , since i see this as being dumb.... But if you are teaming up with your buddy slasher , then i say its plain wrong.... you called me an RDMng cunt , if that is called being an adult then idk what is . (tell your buddy slasher to also take a pic of what i PMd him after that)
  9. Scy

    Scy Member

    Not teaming up, but you disrespecting me while I am gone.

    And you said: "Im gonna let the mods and admins handle this out , if any of you mods or admins need me to answser some questions , then just do ask me ."
    Well apparently you do not let the admins sort this out.

    And why do you call me dumb?
    I feel harassed...
  10. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    While in poor taste to comment about a ban appeal the player remarked on, it is hardly comparable for what you are banned for. If neither party has anything else to add, please wait for @C.A.Anna to reply with her reasoning for the ban.

    Reasonable evidence would be needed from either @Scy or @Djpigeon12 about further harassment claims, but lets not turn this appeal into a "He said She said" nonsense. As you both said, lets handle this like adults.

    So lets handle it like adults and be patient. Thank you.
  11. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Hello there Scy,

    Yes I did just ban you from the EU server due this report here.

    Now to address this appeal.
    You say that @Djpigeon12 annoys you with PM's whilst you are in game. Of course how annoyed a player may feel on a topic like this is subjective, however, it is never ever okay to go about it in the regard that you did. You could have politely asked him to stop, however saying things like "Most pathetic player ever" and "DJPIGEON ANNOYING 12 YEAR OLD" are not only completely inappropriate and rude but when done constantly it is considered harassment.

    Not only that but your comments were clearly targeted towards this specific player so saying things like
    are redundant as it is clearly shown in the evidence provided that you were saying these things in regards to Djpigeon12.


    Because of this evidence and the fact that you clearly do not understand how what you have said is wrong, as shown in your comments above, I will be denying this appeal. Your ban is only 24 hours long and it is only local. I have already discussed this with my admin @Steven | SP and he approves of both the ban and denial of this appeal. In the future please refrain from doing this again towards other players.

    Harassing someone is never okay.

    Ill leave this thread unlocked for 12 hours to give you time to respond as you see fit.

    Thank you for taking the time to appeal and take care,
  12. Scy

    Scy Member

    Djpigeon12: i do actually feel harrased , and i dont have a grudge against you , i just dont want to be called an ''RDMng cunt'' . (i am replying since i am involved with this appeal)

    In-game: "that ban appeal from scy is pretty funny i must say"

    Says enough already. This is my last respond.
  13. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Like @Ravin said prior to my response; commenting on an appeal in public like @Djpigeon12 did was in fact in poor taste. However it does not even begin to compare to what you had said to him before. What you said was blatant harassment. It was distasteful and uncalled for and I hope that you learn from this that harassment in this regard will not be tolerated on our servers.

    I will now go ahead and lock this thread. Your ban will expire in approximately 24 hours from now. If you have any more questions that may arise before the expiration of your ban or even after feel free to message me here on the forums!

    Once again thank you and take care,
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