Invalid Report against Marth

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Herr Fuchs | Mr. Fluffeh, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Innocent Motel and 67th Way
    Which Round:
    Dont remember the round on Innocent Motel, 5 rounds to map change on 67th
    Time of Occurence:
    About 7:50 was when I was slayed.
    Reason For Report:
    On Innocent Motel, on one of the early rounds, I as an innocent was in the detective room, Marth and Kameron were both in the D room as Ds, Kameron unloaded into Marth's back, D on D damage, I shot to defend Marth and headshotted the Kameron, Marth then kills me on the spot and says "Innos can never shoot at Ds", but does no further that round, or that map about that, but does report me for killing him after he t-baited me, though he didn't end up slaying me for it, as I (correctly) explained how the report was loophole trolling me.

    The next map, 67th Way, 5 rounds til map change, Marth reports me for this damage, and I asked for an admin review of this, Marth refused by ignoring me then repeating that as an inno I'm not allowed to shoot detectives, at which point I told him, if he did not get an admin review I would post this as a report against him on the forums, my slay went through, and I started collecting the information for this post.

    I have nothing against Marth, but over the course of the time I spent on the server with him, his actions, INACTIONS, greatly delayed actions, as well as his loophole report against me show to me he simply does not have the experience to be an effective moderator.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Rek

    Rek Ø

    @Marth will provide his evidence against this accusation and @Rozboon his admin will give the verdict!

    Please be patient while this gets handled and as Marth gathers his defense!
    Thanks Herr :)
  3. Marth

    Marth You'll definitely forget Rozboon. Supporter

    Hello @Herr Fuchs | Mr. Fluffeh,

    Thank you for coming to the forum and setting up this report against me, I would also like to thank you for clearly describing the situation as it went down. I will now provide the evidence of why I decided to kill and slay you, as well as the proof of the slay I put on Kameron.
    As you said, and as this screenshot shows, the Detective clearly shot me. However, since I was the one who was shot, and not you, it only gave me the right to shoot him back in self defense, which ended in your death as you clearly shot and killed a detective. This is never allowed unless you are the one being shot.

    I also noticed that Kameron did not report his death and that is why I made one as you can see in the screenshot below.

    You also claim that I did not slay the Detective, but this screenshot shows something a little different.

    Thank you again for coming to the forums, while I await my admin's final verdict I suggest you to look at both the MOTD as well as the Extended rules to give your memory a refresher.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2015
  4. Right, I assumed that I was doing the right thing protecting a detective from a blatant RDM, I assumed that you would have been grateful for me protecting you, and I assumed I was in the right for protecting a detective. So I guess it really is my fault for trying to do the right thing.

    I also brought this report because, multiple times during Innocent Motel you made comments about the rules that were blatantly false, AND you tried to loophole report me on that same map, either you were trolling (which wouldn't make sense from a mod), or you didn't know the rules correctly, in which case you should not be a mod. Regardless I'm looking forward to seeing what Roz has to say about this, in the worst case I'm wrong and I learned more about the rules. In the best case, maybe the rules about killing players for shooting at detectives will be properly clarified by an admin.

    Edit as I missed part of Marth's previous post: Also, I never claimed you did not slay Kameron, I believe you read my post wrong, as I was speaking purely of the matter between us, and made no claims about what you did or did not do with Kameron.
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Can you provide the evidence of what @Marth said to you along with the loopholing?
  6. If I could I would, I don't perpetually record demos expecting to see it, funny though, if Marth provided evidence about why he slayed me, I find it odd he wouldn't provide screenshots of when he reported me, for killing him after he t-baited me.

    Actually, how did someone who was previously banned for hacking become a mod in the first place? Not my place to ask but a valid question...
  7. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    This is rude, demeaning, and irrelevant. Any comments such as this one made further will result in forum related punishments.

    We understand your frustration that may linger, but this is no way to deal with it.
  8. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    @Herr Fuchs | Mr. Fluffeh, Thank you for reporting my moderator @Marth,

    First let's quickly get through the scenario of what happened as this is a very small part of the overall report. You clearly outlined the situation in your first post as you killed a detective who shot another person;
    straight out of the extended rules that Marth has provided you, so this "I guess it really is my fault for trying to do the right thing." is infact your fault and you were not doing anything right.

    I've also spoke to Marth about his "loopholing troll" report when you killed him after he was "t-baiting" and he determined it was not slayable as it was word vs word, so I'm not quite sure why you're mentioning this as you weren't slayed and you even said so "though he didn't end up slaying me for it". The rest of your original report is answered throughout Marth's reply with screenshots provided to give you an idea how and why he came to his conclusion, so that is that for the situation at hand.

    Now, onto what seems to be the real reason you reported him. You;
    and when you're asked to provide the evidence of this you say you did not record any demos yet in your original post you claim you started to gather information for the report;
    So I can clearly see that this report has gone off topic or has turned into an attempt to cause defamation towards my moderator, so lets pick this apart even more.

    I was the one to pick Marth up as a trial mod, the one who determined that he was worthy of the full Moderator title and capable of being solo, dealing with all situations on his own with little to no input from me. So this sentence is quite a big jab at me and my knowledge of knowing good mods from bad mods. You have no proof of his "Poor performance" even with the time you have spent with him on the server (In most cases, if someone sees a moderator performing badly, they would start to gain evidence needed to demote, or reprimand said moderator).

    Again I want to point out the fact that he DID NOT slay you for his "T-baiting" (which he told me he was shooting at the ground) as it turned into a WvW, this is not loophole reporting and it happens several times throughout the day, now if he had actually slayed you, I would be sitting him down and giving him a nice long talk.

    As @CDriscoll has pointed out to you, bringing up Marths past has no weight on this report or his moderating skills as it has been dealt with several times, and again, more of a direct jab at my abilities of being an admin and choosing my moderators, which I do not appreciate at all.

    Finally I would like to end this report as I've typed long enough, the initial report against Marth is Invalid. As for your emotions towards him, I suggest you take a few steps back and try to either stay away from him, or gather information behind the claims you have made before trying to publicly shame him anymore.

    This post is now locked, PM me at anytime on the forums if you would like to add anything else.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2015
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