Denied Trippy Clock's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Trippy Clock, Sep 18, 2015.

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  1. Trippy Clock

    Trippy Clock New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Trippy Clock
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I'm really not sure why I was banned. I had been punished by Brahma that night for rdming, and once for killing someone for what I thought was a legit reason but actually wasn't. After that I played it safe for the rest of the night, I'm fairly certain I didn't kill anyone I wasn't supposed to, and didn't leave with any upcoming slays. I'd like for Brahma to come and tell me his side so I can know why I was banned and possibly get my ban shortened because I really don't think I was in the wrong. I really enjoy playing on these servers, it's how I spend most of my free time. I understand the rules and wouldn't just rdm someone and leave the server (though I have been banned in the past for doing so, but that was usually for leaving with a slay). It sucks to be banned for so long and I'd at least like to know why.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Don't have any. If I knew about the ban the night of I could've gotten a video and had evidence but sadly I didn't.​
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
  2. You were banned by @Brahma for RDM/Leave, 4th, and it was then globalized by @Rozboon they will respond when possible. Thank you for your patience and have a good day.
  3. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Hello @Trippy Clock,

    As you stated yourself, you have left in the past with a slay and were banned for it, in this case you had just done it the day before you were banned by Brahma and globally banned by me.

    Take a moment and look at that screenshot, can you tell me whats wrong with it? Within two weeks, you were banned for RDM and Leave three times. This is the main reason I put it to a global ban.

    I am also curious as to why it took three days for you to figure out you were banned and to write this appeal.

    While we wait for @Brahma to add anything, could you give me any reason I should lift the ban/lower the time of the ban?
  4. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    Hello @Trippy Clock

    I did ban you because you left with a slay on you and I even told you that you were on your second offense of RDM which is 2 slays. Lets see why you were slayed 3 times, one for your first offense and 2 for your second offense.


    When I came onto the server, a report was filed against you which I deemed valid because you killed this person for getting rid of a body with DNA still intact on in. You can not kill someone for disposing bodies with DNA on it so I slayed you for it. Now as we head on to the next report on you, Apparently the person you claimed was harassing you was the one you killed next. I don't know if this was intentional because no matter how many times you said he was harassing you, I didn't hear a thing from him, even when I had everyone muted except him. Keep in mind I cannot hear dead people talk while I'm alive and you kept posting in Admin Chat that he was harassing you and I'm not doing my job. I killed myself and found out he was not harassing you again. In this report for your second offense, you left your response blank after you died and put 2 slays on you.


    All of a sudden you start telling me that you never knew that Second offense of RDM means 2 slays in the demos I was recording and with 168 hours of playtime and with the rule being shown in the loading screen made me think you were trying to act innocent in this part.


    You then left and never came back while serving your second slay. Even after I gave you until map change I guess you wanted no part of this anymore so I banned you. Before I banned you, I checked your admin stats and I saw that you were currently banned for your Second offense of RDM and Leave by @Mr. Rogers and your Third Offense by @Beard Core.

    Just like what @Rozboon said, I'll let you respond to this appeal and state why this ban should be shortened/lifted.
  5. Trippy Clock

    Trippy Clock New Member

    It took three days for me to realize because I've been very busy lately with university and just wasn't playing.

    In response to Brahma's post, I never realized it was 1 kill= add one slay and 2 kill= add 2 more slays. I thought the motd just meant that for each rdm you get a slay and once you reach 3 you get banned. It also helps that I've never seen anyone get punished with 2 slays on their second rdm in addition to 1 slay for their first. I've always just seen a second slay get added. Maybe I'm just not paying that much attention to other peoples' punishments. On the whole harassment issue, don't you think it may have been because whenever he realized you would be able to hear him, he stopped? Not to mention you know he was harassing me cause you eventually did kick him for it.Him and at least 2 people were insulting me non-stop when you weren't around to hear. I guess I did leave with a slay on me, and I can honestly say I didn't mean to. I know that the punishment for leaving with a slay is a ban, I wouldn't do that on purpose because I clearly don't want to be banned. I think I just started doing something in another window to pass the time, then decided to leave not realizing my slays weren't all used up yet.

    As for all the past rdm and leave bans, I can honestly say none of them were for just killing someone randomly and then leaving right away. I wouldn't do that. I've been an admin on a gmod server before, I know how annoying this shit is. One instance of rdm and leave I remember was because I was about to leave the server, started shooting something and didn't realize I had hit someone because their name still had 'Healthy' under it. All the others were from me getting distracted, forgetting about my slay and leaving. I know this is an instance of my word vs yours, but hopefully I can convince you guys that I understand the rules(except for the misunderstanding about the # of slays) and am willing to obey them, but I make mistakes like everyone else. I've had gmod for 6 years and this is honestly one of the best TTT servers I've played on. I hope you guys will at least shorten by ban.
  6. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    @Trippy Clock

    I'm currently at work, When I get home I'll check with the previous bans to see if your story checks through, depending on that, your ban may be shortened, or even lengthened.

    Please sit tight until then.

    *edit I reread the whole thing again and noticed something I want you to comment on,
    Look at your history, if this was truthful, you wouldn't have as many rdm and leaves as you do. So why do you have so many?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
  7. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Alright @Trippy Clock,

    After taking everything from this post and from information of your previous bans into consideration, I will not be lifting this ban or reducing the time.

    It's very simple how I came to this decision, you talk as if you've learned from the mistakes, and that you know the rules and what not, yet your history tells a completely different story, especially the last two in which you got banned a day after for the same offense.

    There is one way to reduce it, and it's entirely up to you, stick around here and show your presence and somehow prove yourself and your global ban may be reduced.

    Ban appeal is Denied, Thread is Locked.

    If you wish to say anything else, send me a message on the forums.
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