Hai :3

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by sdsd ^_^, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. sdsd ^_^

    sdsd ^_^ New Member

    I'm not really new to the server but then I always come and go soo...


    I'm sdsd ^_^ a.k.a. Anima Christi. I've been playing Serious TTT for a long time especially Vanilla TTT though I don't remember when I first started playing. I only remember that there was only one or two maps before. Anyways I'm 15 and from the Philippines. I mostly play Dota 2 and Gmod. I also like Roman history.

    I'm planning to stay more often now in the servers if I have time. Hope to get to know all of you guys!

    kthxbai :3
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  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Welcome to the community! :)
  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy your stay here ^_^ I saw you on nilla the other night though we didnt get to play much together. I hope that changes!
  4. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    Welcome to the SGMod community!
    I sincerely hope you like it here.

    Have a nice day!
  5. Welcome to the forums. Whatever you do, don't talk to copilot. Have a fishy stick. [​IMG]
  6. Rek

    Rek Ø

    Welcome. Let's us know if you have any questions. You'll have a great time here.
  7. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    Welcome to SGM! Hope I get a chance to see you on the servers once I get my internet situation fixed, and that you come to enjoy all aspects of the community!
  8. Marth

    Marth You'll definitely forget Rozboon. Supporter

    Welcome, enjoy your stay? :)

    P.S. Never trust @DrkSephy
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
  9. sdsd ^_^

    sdsd ^_^ New Member

    Thx guys! Hope to play with all of you more :3
  10. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hey sdsd! I'm super glad to hear that you're planning to stay and play on the servers here if you have the time! I hope you enjoy all your time here and I hope to see you on the servers soon; particularly on Vanilla!
    • Like Like x 1
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  11. TheDogeGap

    TheDogeGap Much Doge. Very Gap. Wow VIP

    Welcome (back?) to the community! I play on Vanilla all the time as well! Hope to see you on there soon!
  12. DrkSephy

    DrkSephy VIP Bronze

    You Should Play League Of Legends <3
    Pssss I Also PLay Dota 2 <3 Just a little.