Invalid Report against Ravin

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Komodoh, Sep 4, 2015.

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  1. Komodoh

    Komodoh VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    I was falsely slain for RDM. Ravin shot 3 bullets over my head with a 1911* saying "am I a T, am I a T, am I a T?" and then i proceeded to kill him for shooting at me.

    Screenshot shows where the 3 bullets landed.

    No, this is not word vs word. he clearly traitor baited me, i killed him, then was slain because he didn't actually hit me according to logs.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hello Komodoh. Thank you for taking time to file this report.

    As expressed in game. I had not shot with a 1911 at all. You were trying to plead a case a round before, that @Amatsu can attest to, how you know 100% someone is a traitor just for aiming at you. After part of the whole server had told you this was incorrect, the round started and I followed you, asking, "How would you know if I was a T?" You instantly turned and shot me. Which resulted in the report below.


    Here are the shot logs.


    As you can clearly see, it was Thorium, who is known for Traitor baiting, who had done it. You then tried to tell me how it was an abuse of my power and you would be reporting me. Which I informed you that you are welcome to file a report on the forums if you feel like it, but you had RDM'd.

    However, in no way shape or form did I shoot a single shot at you.

    To note as well, as a VIP+ I use a customized loadout. I always have the AK and Degeal, with a Frag.


    I am one of the hardest mods on T-Baiting and doing things like this. Being pretty vocal about my dislike for Traitor baiting, I pretty much shoot anyone who does it until they stop. I don't Traitor Bait.

    I apologize for any inconvince this may have caused. I shall let my admin @BlueCore core finish up here and if @Amatsu wants to provide additional input.

    Have a good day.
  3. Amatsu

    Amatsu Emerald

    Indeed, as a witness I can confirm the discussion that was held in the round prior that led up to the beginning of the next. I was looking over in Ravin's direction at the time as well, and while the logs confirm it beyond any reasonable doubt, I did not see him fire his deagal or other weapon towards you or others. Other then that, my input is minimal here.
  4. Komodoh

    Komodoh VIP

    Well for one, you never told me he was the one T baiting in game, that would've saved a lot of trouble. In stead of being so formal all the time, you can have explained that in the first place and saved all this trouble. I even told you i was going to file a report, and you still didn't even tell me you weren't the one that shot. It really seems like you wanted me to report you.
  5. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I told you I had not RDM'd and I did not have a 1911. You did not let me explain because you were already AFK and reporting here on the forums.

    I expressed it was within your right to report me, but I verbally told you that I did not have the 1911 but you seemed pretty keen on me being the one who caused it. Which I expressed pretty clearly, I did not. I can't make you believe me so when you start sprouting I am abusing my power, which I was not, I can guide you to the forums where you will listen.
  6. Komodoh

    Komodoh VIP

    You didn't explain anything to me. If you have chat of you explaining it, I will happily put all this aside. But I don't have any chat from that, and you didn't say anything in game. Anyways, This report is invalid.

  7. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I did. I would recommend not making false claims. You display this similar behavour in game when showing frustration with our rules. It is advised to not make assumptions so suddenly. These things can be prevented. As the player above had mentioned, we did have a discussion on it. Which is why I asked for a witness because I did not record it, but knew Amatsu had heard me telling you specifically this information.

    Regardless, Bluecore will still have to weigh into this topic and explain it to you. I can request another mod lock this then until the meantime.

    Thank you for your time.
  8. I am going to re-open this as there was no reason to lock it in the first place.

    We will await for the admins' response while allowing the reporter to give any last minute input/concerns.
  9. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hello Komodoh,

    Thank you for taking the time to Report my Moderator Ravin, here on the forums. I take all Reports against my Moderators seriously, no matter what the subject or reasoning of the Report, or the validity of it. I will keep this reply short as it seems from the discussion and evidence provided, you have withdrawn this Report for the time being. However, regardless that it seems you already know the possible verdict, I will still investigate the incident and detail if all aspects of Ravin's actions were correct and appropriate.

    As already discussed over this thread and presented in evidence, Ravin did not fire a single bullet during the Second Round on Community Pool. The Shot Logs detail that only two players fired their weapons before you shot Ravin. These players being Mr. Watermelon and Thorium. Instantly, your claim in your response to the Report was invalid, as you claimed to have killed Ravin for firing a Colt 1911. This I believe is a very understandable mistake, as I myself have also killed players on more than one occasion for thinking they had tried to shoot me, when it was in fact someone else that was beside them.

    It would appear that the actual person to fire a Colt 1911 was Thorium, which is evident by the Shot Logs, and by his confession in the In-game Chat that we offer on our servers. Incidents like these are unfortunate, but they can happen. Sadly though, for accidents like these Ravin must issue you the appropriate punishment, as it is RDM and for cases like these to not Slay you he would need Discretion.

    It's hard to tell from the evidence provided, but I'm sure that Ravin did try and tell you that he did not fire any weapons during the Round before you had killed him; whether was a Colt 1911 or any other weapon. I do understand that it may have seemed like he didn't through the images provided, but he claims that he vocally stated to you that he had not fired nor did he ever have a Colt 1911.

    Given all of this, I believe this Report against my Moderator Ravin to be Invalid. Thank you for writing this Report again. I know it can be tedious to write them but they're always good for Admins to see, regardless if the Report is Valid or not.

    Status: Invalid
    Topic: Closed
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