Denied Storm_FireFox1's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Storm_FireFox1, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned apparently because I was hacking/cheating/ghosting. I don't know which one I did, but I didn't do anything that would classify under these categories. Honestly, I didn't do anything.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Supposed Ghosting log:
    You to Marth: You stand alone.
    In this situation, I barely joined the server, which was playing ttt_metropolis. Marth was in some hard-to-reach spot crowbar-drawing on a random block. I was looking around as a spectator and just thought it would be funny to tell him that to make him think that he is alone against the traitors. I didn't even know he was Innocent or who was a Traitor.​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned by @Beard Core for "Ghosting 1st." He will respond with his evidence at his earliest convenience so please be patient!
  3. Beard Core

    Beard Core The Great And Powerful Beard VIP

    Hello Storm, I am sorry to see a Vip+ on here and especially for this reason. While playing on west You private messaged the player Marth "You stand alone" while he was the last innocent last in a round. The round had ended 30 seconds after you private messaged him this message so he was unable to act on it, but you still gave him the message. Now you are claiming that you only sent him this message because "you thought it would be funny to make him think hes alone against the traitors". If that is the case then you intentionally tried to have him commit RDM but either way you private messaged him about the round. You are not allowed to give any players information about a match while you dead.


    • Using third party chat to inform player of in-game events they are not yet aware of.
    • This includes using in-game private chat, admin chat, steam chat, Skype, TeamSpeak, etc.
    • This includes giving away information about yourself.
    • Using public chat, team chat and spectator chat will ensure you aren't ghosting. Any other forms of communication could result in inadvertently ghosting and we will enforce it.
    You Informed a player of in-game evens through the in-game private chat. It might have been inadvertently done but still you informed him exactly that he was alone when he was in fact the last innocent.

    I also noticed you were banned for aim-botting by @Ravin and after seeing this looked for your name on the server lists. You joined west 2 after being banned for ghosting and I had @Silent Rebel join me to T-Bait you while I Recorded. After the 1 recording we made you got off of the server, more then likely because I had been killing myself to spectate you. With this in mind and with the questionable shot you will see in the video I'm requesting that you receive a Globalization on your hacking ban if not a 2nd offense.

    Please re-read our rules and come back when you feel you can play while following them.
    Appeal Denied

    I will give you 24 hours to respond then I will close this thread.
  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    If my reasoning for the ban is needed I will provide it. However Mr.beard wrapped this up nicely.
  5. I accept my punishment. Someone close this thread.
  6. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    As it seems BeardCore had locked this. I will leave this on a final note. I would hate to see a devoted player go and just 'accept' punishment. Take this time reflect on the protocol of our bans. I advise against a global ban as you genuinely seem sorry and accept the consequences of your actions. It takes a lot to openly admit fault.

    For that, I will go ahead and remove your hacking ban from Vanilla, but it will be considered your 2nd hacking ban if you are banned again and urge a globalized ban if it happens. which will be documented on your stats.

    My portion of the ban appeal is approved, however BeardCore has denied the Ghosting Ban.

    Please do not squander this kindness I am giving. If you have any concerns, please PM BeardCore or myself.

    My side - Approved but not voided
    Topic - Locked.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
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