Serious TTT Management Staff Problem

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by =|BGO|= Infinitynull, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Sam

    Sam VIP

    objective and critical thinking are not present for a good number of staff.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
    • Informative Informative x 2
  2. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    Hm... Where do I start..

    Yeah, I'll admit that the standards for staff members have dropped since 2 years ago; however, I don't really see it as such a bad thing. There are definitely traits I'd like to see again in current staff that I used to see 2 years ago, and there are traits I'm glad to see gone. I've seen an era where professionalism is taken very seriously - almost too seriously, and I've seen an era where staff have gotten away with a lot more than they should have gotten away with.

    I think we're at a nice balance between both eras right now; I like where we are. Staff and players are more comfortable sharing their opinions/input thanks to more of a team reliant structure rather than a higher chain of command structure.

    As for the point you're trying to make, I'm very sure you haven't been here long enough to be able to make generalizations on what's wrong with the staff and how they can improve. I think you believe you were treated wrongly, and by that logic, the staff must be broken. You may think that you're simply trying to be the voice of all the players who have been "wronged" by the staff - a virtual "robin-hood" if you will, but the truth is that we've had a lot of players like you come along thinking they need to say what they THINK no one else has the guts to say; a lot of them are now banned due to trying to take drastic and dramatic actions for their corrupted cause.

    I'm not saying staff members don't make mistakes, I'm saying we have a system and protocol to make sure it doesn't happen more than we would like. If you're wrongfully treated or banned, make a report. Moderators are required to follow the protocol right down to every word unless instructed by an admin. Admins are allowed to make discretionary decisions and their reports are overseen by the lead admins.

    I see that this thread is the first one you have ever made on the forums. I suggest that you simply just report your wrongful encounter with whatever staff member you have a problem with instead of making a thread about how you think the staff is broken because things didn't go how you think they should have gone.
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  3. My Dime Is Up

    My Dime Is Up Its my dime to code VIP

    On my phone so sorry if my context looks really bad.

    Being a member for over a year and having over 1,200K hours on both of my accounts. I disagree with you.

    This sever, Serious GMOD, handles things differently and it may seem unfair but it is to keep things under control. If a staff member has suspicion of you; Hacking, Mass RDM, they may look further in the situation. They may do little things like spectate you or ask you questions. What ever it is, it is all in the manner of keeping the sever clean and never in the manner of hurting the community or the playerbase interaction.

    Also, with a bigger playerbase, it is harder for staff members like @Darktooth, @Disruptionz, and @Highwon to keep up. They are looking for moderators since the number has significantly dropped, and Highwon is working on updated stuff for the community to enjoy.

    In conclusion, I believe that you are wrong and it is just your perspective of what rules should be like and how situations should let be handled. Take a break for a little and join back. Hopefully you will have had time to adjust to the rules or maybe new staff members who see things from your perspective.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  4. I can completely understand that in some cases mods and admins in-game might mess up from time to time, but that is expected. No one is perfect and some things will be missed. But overall this community is the best community in Gmod. The rules are very well thought out and well reinforced! And the staff is helpful, and more often than not very honest and good at what they do. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience but I have to take the communities side and say that mistakes will be made but it doesn't mean the community and staff are going downhill.
    • Old Old x 2
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