Denied Sleezy's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Sleezy, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. Sleezy

    Sleezy VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I hadnt had a rdm in the longest time and I only planted the C4 cause the round was being dragged on and everyone was bored :/ Cant say much other then that.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Sleezy

    Sleezy VIP

    Just trying to find my Steam ID here. Give me one sec
  3. Sleezy

    Sleezy VIP


    Also i belive my ban was for Mass RDM 4+
  4. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    @Happy banned you for Mass RDM 4+, he will respond at his earliest convience with his evidence as to why you were banned aswell as his verdict on this appeal.
  5. Happy

    Happy Laughter is the best medicine. VIP

    Hello Sleezy,

    I banned you yesterday for Mass RDM (4+). You had killed many innocent teammates with a C4 you planted. As seen in the picture below.


    Later on, on another server you admitted doing it "for kicks". As such I do not believe you deserve to be unbanned so I will deny your appeal.


    As an innocent please refrain for planting the C4 you find. As it can ruin the round for many people and will most likely get you banned.

    Appeal: Denied
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