Invalid Report against POP STAR

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Warden, Aug 29, 2015.

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  1. Warden

    Warden New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    67th Way
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    So I was playing on 67th way, the round had just started. I went down one of those chutes that lead to the underground area of the map. At the end of this chute was the Admin POP STAR. I fell on him, not on purpose by the way. Killing him instantly. I did not mean for this to happen, I had no idea that this player was at the bottom of the chute. Had I known I wouldn't have gone down there. I apologized and in the !report feature I told him it was an accident. He then proceeds to slay me for 2 rounds. 1 round for him which was unjust and unfair, the second for a slay from an RDM on a previous round I already did, which was only 1 hit with a crowbar, jokingly. I have had no plans to maliciously attack any individuals or ruin their gaming experience.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Ill go ahead and tag @POPSTAR and his admin @Nena . Thank you for your patience as this is investigated.

    Please note - If you fall on someone, they can choose to forgive you. If you had RDM'd before and then fell on Popstar and he choose not to forgive you, that counts as two desperate cases of RDM, leading into three slays. (Two if in the same round)


  3. Warden

    Warden New Member

    I understand the rules but as a staff member he should not only be forgiving but understanding. He was rather cold and ignoring, that's not how you keep members on a game.
  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    We, as Moderators, do not have the discretion to be forgiving unless provided approval by an admin or the specified situation above happens. I cannot speak for him being Cold and Ignoring, but he will provide his reasoning when he can. Who knows, maybe he didn't even slay you for stomping on him and it was for another reason that we may have missed.

    We can speculate a lot here, but its best to let Popstar reply when he can. I do appreciate your patience.

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hello Warden,

    I'm sorry you feel that my slays were invalid and that I was potentially abusing my powers. But above all else, I'm sorry that you feel that I might be lacking in guest services. I did not mean to come off cold, as I was simply typing and remaining poised and professional. When a player is frustrated, I won't talk to them like I would, say, to my bestfriend. Simply because that would not only be disrespectful, but it'd also give the wrong impression. I do not have an emotional bias when it comes to judging and managing reports. I believe that by treating everyone the same and judging everyone equally using the !motd, it is the most effective systematic approach in assisting our players. I'm sorry if that comes off as cold to you.

    *Offenses will be bordered in pink for ease of reference
    Let's get straight to your report. Your first offense was crowbarring the Detective for no reason. When questioned about the offense, you claimed it was a 'Love Tap.'

    Your second offense was goomba-stomping me. Staff will normally ask a player if they'd wish the killer to be slain when it comes to prop/fall damage. However, since I was the victim, I slayed you. Being staff doesn't revoke my right as a player. You took away my round and it was RDM. Since it was your second offense (on a seperate round) you were slain for two.

    Thank you for going through the trouble of screenshoting chat-logs as well, as that is very crucial information needed. My Admin @Nena will respond with her verdict ASAP. Thanks so much for understanding, and I hope you have an absolutely gorgeous day.

    Fond Regards,

  6. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    As POP had shown above, he did the right thing. Moderators are reqired to follow the patrol i hope you can understand that.
    Report invalid.
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